Urban Witcher

2585 ​​Chapter 2594 Punishment 1

"Let me tell you, he wants you to die! He can't kill you himself, and he can't kill you, so he wants to use our hands. He doesn't want to be equal to you anymore, and he doesn't want to be dragged down by you. He wants One person is in charge of the corpse clan alone. From my point of view, even the female demon doesn’t know the truth. She was attacked by Houqing, and she was separated from you on purpose. We used our troops to hold her back so that you could be trapped to death by us. here without any help!"

Lin Sansheng shook his head, "You have all been betrayed, by your brothers who have been together for thousands of years! Wake up, corpse king!"

Although it is a long speech, every word is serious. After this reasonable and well-founded speculation was uttered, everyone who heard it was shocked, and the first listener Yinggou himself, his eyes were flickering, obviously he was experiencing contradictions and struggles in his heart ...

Houqing, did you really betray yourself?

Yinggou trembled all over, and at one point even gave up resistance.

Lin Sansheng stood in the distance, watching him silently. The performance of winning the hook is completely in line with his speculation.

"Why did you tell me this? Why!" Yinggou asked tremblingly.

"Because, I don't want you to be kept in the dark, to die without regret. Although you and I are enemies, it's just that the camp is different. Everything you do, it doesn't matter whether you are wrong or right. I respect you as the king of corpses, and I don't want you to die with injustice. "

"Haha... don't want me to die with peace in my eyes!" Ying Gou laughed wildly, "Now that you have told me, I will really die with peace in my eyes!"

Lin Sansheng was startled, and suddenly understood what he was thinking. He was right. If he was really going to die and knew the cruel truth, it would be better to know nothing and live in a beautiful illusion...

Lin Sansheng stretched out his hand towards him, and said: "Not only that, even though you must die today, I can help you avenge!"

Facing Yinggou's questioning eyes, Lin Sansheng went on to say: "If you die like this, even if all of us present know the truth, none of you corpse clan will believe it, and they will definitely say that we deliberately spread rumors , if you want to take revenge, give me your corpse heart. With it as a token, I can show it to your corpse clan soldiers. They will believe it, and there will definitely be zombies who are willing to avenge you and overthrow Hou Qing. rule."

Yinggou also knew that the eloquent marshal was right. I and Hou Qing have the same status in the corpse clan, and they are brothers. The corpse clan does not have all kinds of moral constraints like the human world. They can kill any living beings in order to survive, and they don't think it is wrong .

The jungle law of the jungle is the only truth they follow, but they also have an indestructible rule: do not kill the same kind!

No matter how difficult the illusion, no matter what the reason is, as long as the zombies are enlightened, they must not kill the same kind, otherwise no matter what position they are in, they will be cast aside by the same kind.

The three corpse kings are high above them, so they are naturally not bound by this rule. They can kill any zombie at will, but...if one corpse king kills another, it will still cause a violent shock among the corpse clan, even if no one dares to resist—— Just like if a person knows that his father killed his mother, he will hate his father, but most of them dare not kill his biological father himself, and more often choose to avoid and have no contact with his father.

The same is true for zombies. If Houqing's conspiracy is really revealed, the corpse clan will definitely fall apart. Many zombies will leave and leave the clan. Houqing's wholehearted plan to enter the empty world will fail. A kind of revenge, maybe even the best revenge.

As for the "corpse heart" mentioned by Lin Sansheng, it is the heart of the corpse king. According to legend, the corpse king has a heart, just like the inner alchemy cultivated by evil things, which contains endless cultivation. If it really reaches the point of death, the corpse king will definitely explode Heart, never let it be captured by the enemy. And if Lin Sansheng could get the corpse heart, it must be given by Ying Gou willingly, so that it can most directly prove that what he said about the cause of his death is true.

Lin Sansheng had a good plan.

Yinggou looked at him with one eye open, and said slowly: "I heard that you and that Ye Shaoyang are together, how is your relationship?"

Lin Sansheng glanced at Xiaoqing and the others beside him, and answered four words: "Brothers, life and death."

This answer made Yinggou very satisfied, and said: "So, if you were me, what would you do?"

If I were him? If Ye Shaoyang betrayed me, what should I do?

For a moment, even Xiaoqing and the others turned their heads to look at him, quietly waiting for his answer.

Lin Sansheng was stunned for a long time, looked at the corpse king, smiled wryly and said, "You're asking me too much."

Yinggou laughed and didn't force him to ask him, because he already had the answer in his heart, so he changed the question and asked, "Can you really help me?"

Lin Sansheng nodded.

Tianqishan, Wu Jiawei struck hard, and inserted the Zangfeng sword from Houqing's throat. Houqing's body shook violently, and his two absent-minded eyes looked at Wu Jiawei. Then, his body suddenly shattered into pieces like an ice cube. Countless pieces fell to the ground, turned into dirty blood, and penetrated into the ground.

The ancient beast that looked like a child was also caught by Xiao Jiu with its nine tails, strangled to death, and finally gave up its body, went underground and disappeared.

The fight was suspended again, suspended, not terminated. Because during this period of time, everyone worked together to kill Hou Qing once, and the monster twice... and then they were able to be resurrected each time.

How to fight this battle, there is no way to fight.

Ye Shaoyang and the others were panting and looking at each other, not knowing where Qing would emerge from next moment, and every time he emerged, he would change into a different form, and his attack methods would also change, making them Very uncomfortable.

Sure enough, after a short wait, the ground cracked, and Hou Qing got out again, holding the child-like ancient beast in his hand, and both of them looked at the crowd with sly smiles.

"What should I do? Is it really impossible to kill?" Sibao said while clutching his left shoulder. In the previous battle, he was injured to his left shoulder, and the injury was serious. He suspected that when he returned to the human world, he would find himself The scapula has been broken, but fortunately, he is in a spirit body state, so it's nothing serious.

Hearing this, Hou Qing walked over slowly, pulling the ancient beast, and said, "Even if you kill me a thousand times, the result will still be the same, and you will exhaust your strength sooner or later."

Ye Shaoyang and his group looked at each other, wondering in their hearts the truth of this sentence.


After Ye Shaoyang said this word, he rushed forward again. The enemy is right in front of you, no matter what, let's fight first!

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