Urban Witcher

Chapter 2589 Chapter 2598 Brother 3

Their original intention was to create an army of zombies in the world and lead them to occupy the world, but they only achieved the first step. When they developed the corpse soldiers, they were attacked by the magic world.

In that battle, their strength in the world was completely disintegrated, and Hou Qing was seriously injured. It was Yinggou and Nuba who desperately took him away and fled the world... In that battle, they faced the most powerful mage and formation in the magic world. , Only then did I realize how powerful these human beings who I looked down upon were actually.

They began to devote themselves to cultivation, and in the process, Houqing and Nuwa secretly fell in love—they didn't think there was anything wrong with siblings getting married. The ancestors of human beings, Fuxi and Nuwa, were originally siblings.

Yinggou also likes women, but he can only put away this affection silently, to help the two of them, to be their big brother, he will rush to the forefront of any difficult battle, and he will be the first in any difficult situation. All he could think of was protecting the siblings.

Walking and stopping in the dense fog, before Yinggou's eyes, scenes from the past appeared, which were the deepest impressions in his mind, fighting together, killing enemies together, and getting injured together.

Finally, the picture came to a mountain. That is, the pattern of the Qingming Realm has been set, and they are trapped in the Zero Realm. Although the three of them have become the masters here, they are not reconciled.

That day, he came out of the cave and saw Hou Qing standing on the top of the mountain alone, overlooking the world. He walked over, and from Hou Qing's eyes, he saw anger and unwillingness.

"Brother, tell me, why do those disciples of Zenjiao and Buddhism look down on us zombies, they all regard us as aliens, even humans look down on us, ghosts, demons, evil spirits, no race looks down on us, they just want to enslave us Us, control us, step us to the bottom of this world, never lift our heads up!"

Yinggou gritted his teeth and said, "It's a pity that we are trapped here, and now we don't have the strength to fight against them."

"Opportunities are created by yourself." Hou Qing turned around, looked at Yinggou, smiled softly, then exhaled forcefully, and said bitterly: "I swear in the name of the corpse king, one day I will lead the corpse clan to rise up, fight back to the sky, let the corpse blood burn the earth, turn life upside down, and let all the gods and Buddhas in the sky disappear in smoke!"

These words were engraved in Yinggou's mind.

After a hundred years, a thousand years, and even today, when Hou Qing thinks back, he still thinks that these are the most inspiring words he has ever heard, and his blood boils when he thinks about them.

In his heart, Hou Qing was a born conspirator and strategist, the smartest creature in the Three Realms, he was the hope of the corpse clan, and also... the pride of his elder brother.

It's a pity... I have been holding him back.

At this moment, Yinggou really understood everything, and a happy smile appeared on his ugly face. He came back to reality. His body has melted, his flesh and blood have dried up, his cultivation has withered, his heart has been broken, and he is about to die.

He saw countless people shouting to kill and rushing towards him, but he no longer had the strength to devour them.


The only eye was also poked blind, and the world fell into darkness.

In the darkness, he saw Hou Qing, holding Nuba's hand, walking towards him.

"It's good to see you."

Ying Gou laughed, and stretched out his hand to Houqing, "I didn't realize until today that it was my existence that blocked the progress of the corpse race... You should have told me earlier, but maybe I have to die, otherwise with my character, I will definitely mess with you, and you can't do anything to me, because I am your brother... Well, you killed me, but I don't hate you, because, you are my brother... No matter what you do to me Nothing, I will not hate you.

Brother, only you can lead the rise of the corpse clan, with our ideals, let's fight, let's kill! Go wreck it! Corpse clan... never be slaves! "


The melting of the six legs could no longer support his body, and he fell heavily into the pit, arousing a wave of earth energy, which spurted out like a wild wave, and everyone dispersed with a whoosh, watching the ball quietly The earth's air gradually dissipated, and the scene was completely silent.

The most tragic battle in the air world for thousands of years has finally come to an end.

This invincible corpse king who crossed the three worlds, who killed without counting, won the hook, and finally died on the battlefield.

A generation of corpse kings died.

"Are you dead?" In the silent battlefield, someone asked, with fear in his voice.

Li Shan's old mother was the first to walk over and glanced into the pit with a solemn expression.

More and more people came to her side.

The four of them, Xiaoqing and Xiaobai, also walked over one after another and looked into the deep pit—this is no longer a pit, but an abyss as deep as ten feet.

The atmosphere has dissipated.

At the bottom of the abyss, Yinggou's body had melted and decomposed, leaving only a head, soaked in a pool of black and greenish liquid.

"Master, my master is still in its stomach!"

Several Lingshan disciples rushed over, and they were about to jump into the pit, but they were held tightly by several people. This liquid is a mixture of corpse blood and corpse water, the concentration is extremely high, and it can cause corrosion to any living being.

Li Shan's old mother walked over, drew a Taoist talisman, and threw it at the bottom of the pit. Flames burst out with a bang, using the liquid itself as fuel, and spread rapidly, forming a raging fire.

The liquid was bubbling in the flames, and individual spirits rose from the bubbles and flew into the air.

More and more spirits, like a falling snow, came out continuously.

These are the souls that the corpse king Yinggou has devoured for thousands of years. After turning into spirits, they are still sealed in his body, unable to regenerate them.

Above the abyss, those soldiers and mages who survived the war all stood silently on the edge of the abyss, looking at the shocking scene of spirit flying into the sky. The atmosphere is full of worry.

Among these spirits, there are their ancestors, elders, and even more comrades-in-arms who fought together not long ago... I don’t know who will be the first to take the lead and bid farewell to these spirits with the highest etiquette in the Taoist sect, and then everyone present Everyone followed suit, and Lin Sansheng also bowed to salute, but only he knew that he was sending off not only the souls who died in Yinggou's mouth, but also Yinggou himself.

During the time that lasted for a stick of incense, spirit spirits continued to rise from the abyss, until the liquid was finally dried up by the fire, and the Lingshan disciples immediately jumped down into the abyss, but at the bottom of the pit, except for the huge head of Yinggou, Nothing.

Lingshan disciples threw themselves at the bottom of the pit and howled.

Pufa Tianzun was the highest-ranked master who died in this battle. He came from the world, founded a sect in space, lived for thousands of years, and finally died in Yinggou's mouth.

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