Urban Witcher

Chapter 2615 Chapter 2624 Daofeng's selfishness 2

"Give her to me and take her away." Daofeng looked at Rui Lengyu and said.

Everyone was shocked, Xiao Jiu got up immediately and said, "What is this?"

"It won't be long before the news of Leng Yu's rescue will spread throughout the Three Realms. At that time, many forces will come to the door, and even the Yin Division will not sit idly by. Shaoyang is seriously injured now, how can we protect him?"

Xiao Jiu was stunned, and said: "Then you can stay with me first."

"It's not safe with you."

"Is it safe to be with you?"

Daofeng didn't answer her, and floated to Leng Yu, stretched out his hand and hugged her in his arms, before everyone could react, he had already carried her outside.

"When Shaoyang recovers, I will send her back." Daofeng left these words, and disappeared outside the demon palace.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"What should I do?" Sibao scratched his head, "Shaoyang must be upset that he can't see Leng Yu when he wakes up."

Xiao Jiu said: "It's nothing. Daofeng is no better than outsiders. If he does this, Shaoyang will definitely understand."

Xiao Jiu sent another group of men to inquire about the whereabouts of Lin Sansheng and Xiao Bai. The main purpose was to tell them the result of the battle so that they would not be in a hurry. The river where the world is going, lest the berserk Hou Qing come to raid the air world.

After waiting for a while, Guagua returned and told them that everything in the world was ready—Zhou Jingru had found several of the most famous surgeons in the provincial capital, and they were all on standby downstairs at Ye Shaoyang's house, and everything like blood plasma was also ready.

Sibao immediately carried Ye Shaoyang on his back, and the group went down the mountain. When they reached the river, Xiao Jiu cast a magic spell, opened the space crack, and then looked at Ye Shaoyang very worriedly. Everyone else was like her, worried about Ye Shaoyang's safety after returning to the human world .

In case, his body couldn't bear the serious injury he received, and he died immediately after returning to the world...

Certainly not!

Xiao Jiu took a deep breath and said to Sibao, "Go in!"

Sibao was the first to get into the crack in the space, and his eyes suddenly brightened. He stepped into Ye Shaoyang's bedroom, and several people surrounded him with a whoosh. It was a group of girls headed by Zhou Jingru and Xie Yuqing.

"Brother Shaoyang!"


"elder brother!"

When Guagua sent Lao Guo here before, he had already told about Ye Shaoyang's situation, and the girls were so worried that they stayed in the room and waited, and finally hoped for Ye Shaoyang to come.


As soon as Ye Shaoyang returned to the human world, he lay on Sibao's body and coughed loudly. Every time he coughed, a puff of blood sprayed out and sprayed directly on the back of Sibao's neck. After coughing, he was still unconscious.

"Where's the ambulance, where's the ambulance?" Sibao shouted loudly.

"Yes, it's downstairs, but I found a few doctors in the living room, do you want to rescue them first?" Zhou Jingru was incoherent in fright.

Sibao kicked open the door and ran out. Sure enough, several people in white coats stood up together, and they were all startled when they saw the two of them.

They were invited by Zhou Jingru, and they didn't say where the patient was before, but they were told to wait here. They thought the patient would be sent from outside, because of the gunshot wound or something, they couldn't see the light, so they couldn't go to the hospital , but each of them took dozens of times the usual outpatient fees, so naturally they didn't talk too much (two of them were experts hired by Zhang Xiaorui, they didn't take a penny, but they didn't dare to say a word), they Unexpectedly, the person was actually sent out from the bedroom.

If the injured had been inside, why hadn't they been sent out earlier, and they hadn't heard any movement in the room... The doctors looked at each other, not understanding what was going on.

"What are you still doing in a daze? Hurry up and save people. In case something happens to my master, you don't want to do it!" Zhang Xiaorui let out a roar that brought the doctors back to their senses. They stepped forward together and put Ye Shaoyang on the prepared bed On the stretcher bed, he cut off his shirt and looked at his back. He was immediately stunned: the back was bloody and bloody, and it had become a big lump. Not only this, Ye Shaoyang had several wounds on his chest, which looked like penetrating injury.

A few doctors didn't dare to neglect, they gave him a hemostatic needle, and tested his blood type at the same time - in order to be prepared, they brought a few copies of plasma of various blood types, and immediately gave him a blood transfusion when the results came out...

When the situation in this area stabilized, the doctors took out various instruments in an orderly manner to examine his body, and then reported to Zhou Jingru and Zhang Xiaorui: Ye Shaoyang was seriously injured, and his lungs were pierced by sharp objects, causing internal organ fragments to block the respiratory tract. Dangerous, in addition, there is a certain degree of bleeding in the abdominal cavity, you must go to the hospital, and use professional equipment for the next step of treatment.

Fortunately, the ambulance was downstairs, and several doctors lifted the stretcher bed together and went downstairs quickly. Zhou Jingru and the others all followed in the car. As for the ghosts of the Ghost Hunting Alliance headed by Xiao Jiu, they all disappeared, lying on the roof of the car, and followed them to the hospital. Ye Shaoyang was sent to the emergency room.

"Where are the family members of the patient? Where are the family members?" A doctor called out from the crowd.


Almost everyone called out together.

The doctor was stunned, looking at so many beauties, he said a little embarrassedly: "Uh, it's fine to be alone."

Everyone looked at each other, and finally Xie Yuqing and Zhou Jingru followed into the office together. The doctor wrote something at his desk and picked it up for them to sign. When the two of them saw the first line of words on this piece of paper, they were immediately stunned: critical illness notice...

Zhou Jingru almost couldn't sit still.

In the operating room, several doctors were busy working together, Zhang Xiaorui and others were blocked outside the door, waiting anxiously. Xiaojiu, Guagua and other evil creatures from the Ghostbusters Alliance all disappeared and entered the operating room, surrounded by several doctors, watching the operation process.

If these doctors knew that there were so many non-human beings standing around them, they would probably be scared to death on the spot.

"Ah Choo!"

A doctor shivered and complained, "There's no wind, why is it so cold!"

The others also agreed.

With so many evil things standing around, it's no wonder it's not cold.

"Get out!" Xiao Jiu secretly shouted, and drove them all out, only staying by herself. Seeing Ye Shaoyang lying motionless on the bed, at the mercy of these doctors, she felt very sad and nervous.

Shaoyang, you must make it through... Xiao Jiu walked up to Ye Shaoyang's head, reached out and stroked his forehead, praying secretly.


Youyou woke up, looked around, and found that she was in the wilderness, lying on a pile of cattail grass, surrounded by... cool air.

A man was lying in front of her, with one hand walking on her body, and there was a hot feeling in her body.

(Come out a chapter, same as yesterday, the next chapter will be published later)

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