Urban Witcher

Chapter 2639 Chapter 2648 Invisible people 2

Ye Shaoyang didn't care, and continued to chant the mantra. Suddenly, it seemed as if a ray of divine light passed through his consciousness, and the whole world brightened up. With the disappearance of the divine light, everything in front of him gradually became clear. Ye Shaoyang floated in the air, looking left and right , Nothing has disappeared from the flood and quicksand, the cave in front of me is still in good condition, and I am still standing directly under the manhole cover, nothing has changed.

It was indeed an illusion.

Ye Shaoyang didn't dare to delay, he flew up, this time he didn't get hit by the manhole cover, he flew up directly, and fled back into his body.

"Damn, I almost died!" Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, but was coughed by the strong smell of corpses in the air, so he got up and pulled everyone out of the stone room first, took a breath of fresh air, and relaxed , I recounted my own experience below.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"There is an evil thing that can perceive your primordial spirit and cast spells on it?" Sibao asked in disbelief.

Ye Shaoyang nodded, "It was almost GG."

Wu Jiawei said: "I won't talk about these things, just how he knew your name, from what it means, he seems to know you very well."

Ye Shaoyang was silent for a while, and he couldn't answer this question.

Old Guo said: "Shaoyang, is it possible that this guy is not from the ancient tomb at all, but came with us..."

Ye Shaoyang was startled, and looked at him with a frown.

"It's also possible that they didn't come with us, but stayed here all the time, but they know you." Speaking of this, Lao Guo lowered his voice and said, "The shadow man, the guardian of the Holy Spirit Society, or something, have you forgotten?"

Of course Ye Shaoyang did not forget that he had dealt with him twice, but he failed to take advantage of this Yingmei. After that, Ye Shaoyang also stepped up his precautions, but that Yingmei never appeared again, and he went to Tianqi Mountain to rescue him with all his heart. Leng Yu, on the other hand, forgot about Yingmei.

Sibao took it and said, "If it's that Yingmei, it's also in line with him. He is invisible. Did you pay attention to see if there is any shadow under your feet?"

"I forgot." Ye Shaoyang carefully recalled the process of the battle just now. If it was that Yingmei... this is not his fighting routine. The previous two Yingmei didn't use illusion, and why can he imitate it? My own voice, why do you want to do this?

Suddenly thinking of what the other party said before, Ye Shaoyang judged: "One thing is certain, he is definitely not a human being, otherwise he would not say that kind of mocking human beings. If it is really Yingmei, it is from Xuanyuan Mountain, which is also in line with... ..."

Sibao said: "Yes, this also proves that the old nest of the Holy Spirit Society is in this ancient tomb."

Xiao Ma was confused by what he heard, and kept asking what Ying Mei was, but Sibao and the others ignored him, so they went to pester Wu Jiawei, and Wu Jiawei had no choice but to briefly explain the situation.

After listening to Xiao Ma, he rolled his sleeves and cursed: "Damn, what kind of Yingmei, I will smash him into an idiot with a brick."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him and said: "You can brag, you are a ghost now, can you still pick up bricks?"

Sibao said with a sly smile: "When it's a real fight, I'll let you see it."

Old Guo said: "Let's go first, get the tools later, arrange it again, and then discuss how to go to the tomb."

Everyone got up and walked back together.

"Don't move!"

In the grass tens of meters away on the opposite side, several people suddenly stood up, all of them were detectives wearing big caps, one of them was a woman, and walked over first, with a sneer on her face, looked at Ye Shaoyang and the others, and said: "You guys Who is it, what are you doing here?"

Ye Shaoyang and his party were caught off guard. Where did these agents come from?

"Is it okay to come here to relax after a broken relationship? Is it against the law?" Lao Guo raised his eyebrows and said glibly.


The female detective sneered, walked forward to the door of that house, took a look inside, and said, "Of course you can relax, but you don't need to destroy public property, right?"


"And this is not just a public property. Below this is an ancient tomb, which is a key cultural relic protection unit. You pick the lock to enter without authorization. Do you want to rob the tomb?"

"We didn't do it, we came here and that's it." Lao Guo opened his eyes and said nonsense, "What evidence do you have that we did it?"

The female detective shook the mobile phone in her hand at him, and said with a sneer, "We have been following you all the time, and we have just filmed the whole process of your crime over there. What's the matter, do you still want to deny it now?"

"Misunderstanding. It's all a misunderstanding." Lao Qiu hurried out to smooth things over, "I'm Lao Qiu, and I'm very familiar with your detachment leader, Lao Chen, you all know each other..."

The female detective gave him a sideways glance, and said, "You are talking about Chen Datou of the sub-bureau, sorry, I am from the City Detective Detachment, and I am the captain Liu Qi. I am directly responsible for this case. I want to get involved but it's useless."

Ye Shaoyang asked: "Why are you following us, we are not criminals."

"We've been following you since the hotel. We want to know why, so we'll talk about it when we return to the investigation office." The female detective turned her head and said to several colleagues, "Take it away!"


Several people flashed out the handcuffs together.

Ye Shaoyang's eyes turned cold, he was not afraid of being taken back, since these agents came all the way with him, they must be for the matter of the ancient tomb, they just wanted the Bajiazi first, so as to show him off.

This is their usual method. Ye Shaoyang is not disgusted, but he is still quite resistant to wearing handcuffs. He immediately said to the female detective: "Ming people don't talk dark words. You want to talk about things. I know, but the handcuffs will be exempted." , I'm not used to wearing that."

The female detective tilted her head and looked at him, "Now you are criminal suspects, do you still want to negotiate terms?"

"Little Yezi, do you want me to make a move..."

Xiao Ma whispered next to Ye Shaoyang's ear.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head. He didn't want to make things so big, so he held back his emotions and said to the female detective: "We won't run away. Since we want to cooperate, let's save face."

The female detective took a step forward, her expression became a little dignified, and she said slowly: "If you don't give it, do you still want to attack the detective?"

With his hands behind his back, Ye Shaoyang made a hands-on gesture to the pony.

The pony understood, flew over immediately, and attached to the female detective.

The female detective shuddered and gave Ye Shaoyang a wink.

A detective next to him saw that the captain hadn't moved, so he stepped forward and asked if they should be handcuffed forcibly.

The female detective walked towards Ye Shaoyang twisting and turning, came to Ye Shaoyang, put one hand on Ye Shaoyang's shoulder, pouted, and said with a teasing smile at Ye Shaoyang: "You are so handsome, come to my house at night."

Several agents were stunned on the spot, looking at each other, unable to believe their ears.

(End of this chapter)——

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