Urban Witcher

Chapter 2646 Chapter 2655 Invincible 1

The general looked at Daofeng and said coldly.

The previous confrontation started with Daofeng's sneak attack, and after he learned about Fan Tianyin, he lost to Daofeng for a moment of timidity - at least he thought so.

Although he was unscathed, he was still brooding about the useless loss in that match, not to mention that Feng used the attack of the magic circle to kill so many of his subordinates, so he naturally wanted to win back his breath.

Either he won the fight, or he was convinced that he would lose. Chong Hezi understood that if he was not allowed to fight again, his Dao heart would be blocked, and his future practice would be greatly affected.

Immediately nodded, told the surrounding soldiers not to step forward, let them single out.

"My surname is Li. I was a deputy under General Qi Jiguang's tent in the human world. After his death, he followed Marshal Zhong and served as a pioneer officer of the Fifth Zhengxi Road under his tent. Later, he guarded the Nanhai Spring and guarded the first road here." According to the rules, Chong Daofeng bowed his hands.

Daofeng made a gesture of invitation to him.

General Li was not polite, he pulled out his saber and dodged, the figure had already flown to Daofeng's side, and a ray of saber slashed down from the sky.

Daofeng dodged sideways, flicked his sleeves, held the magic whip in his hand, and fought back.

After some confrontation, Daofeng frowned slightly and asked, "What is your route?"

"Haha, there is no way, no sect, I created it myself."

"Did it come from human martial arts?"

The two chatted while fighting.

General Li said: "Well, in fact, I have never learned martial arts in the human world. I just went to battle to kill the enemy, and slowly summed up some experience. After I died, I entered the Taoist school by chance, and I only learned the cultivation method. What about spells? I don’t know it at all, I use all the experience in the world, and then I have fought on the battlefield for hundreds of years, this set of methods I created by myself is simple and practical, and it is much stronger than ordinary spells.”

He suddenly swung his saber and attacked fiercely.

From his moves, Daofeng could clearly see the flaws, but he also saw the fierce side, opening and closing, not making detours. After a few rounds, Daofeng figured out his strength: he is probably a third-class ghost leader. If he wants to defeat him, he can be crushed by relying on hard power, but the way he moves makes Daofeng have a strong interest , I can't help but think about a question: If I am in the same realm as him, can I defeat him?

General Li saw that Daofeng was interested in his method, and he hadn't competed with others for too long, so he explained it in detail, "I didn't create this by myself. Many brothers around me are like this. We We don’t have time to learn spells one by one, our methods are all practiced in war, and they are produced by killing people.”

Killed by murder... This sentence made Daofeng's heart move.

General Li chuckled twice, and said, "If it's a stance contest, I'm sure I can't beat the opponent with the same strength, but if it's a battlefield where the two sides are fighting to the death, I'm not afraid of them. If it didn’t come out, it might have been hacked to death by me.”

General Li said a lot, and Daofeng listened carefully, feeling a lot, but it is not about the power of his self-created "spells", but the truth behind it... It was discovered after thousands of trials on the battlefield The most direct way to kill people is martial arts in the human world. After having the basis of mana, it has evolved into a kind of magic.

Although this so-called "spell" doesn't look like a spell at all, it is very simple and effective. If you don't pay attention, you will be hit, and the hit is a killer move. Basically, you will not be given a chance to fight back or escape...

After a little thought, Daofeng realized something.

Suddenly, General Li stopped fighting.

Facing Daofeng's puzzled gaze, General Li smiled and shook his head, "I can't beat you, so I won't fight. This fight is just to prove that I really can't beat you, and it's an explanation for myself."

Daofeng nodded in greeting, and said, "Thank you too, for letting me realize some truths."

Sometimes, it is not necessarily only the strong who have more things to learn.

What Daofeng realized was not that he directly applied the means of fighting on the battlefield to his spells like this general - he also led thousands of troops to gallop on the battlefield in the Valley of the Wind, but all this was based on his mastery of spells. basis. He did not have the experience of General Li and his colleagues, that is, he fought with people on the basis of nothing, and gradually accumulated a set of perfect methods on the battlefield.

This method is used to kill people.

It was the killing intent revealed in this simple method that made Daofeng comprehend. He, who is exquisite in seven orifices, felt enlightened immediately after thinking about it for a while.

Regardless of the outcome of this trip, it is already worthwhile to have this unexpected harvest.

After fighting with General Li, Daofeng found that there was no one soldier around him, only Chong Hezi and General Li were left.

Daofeng looked around hesitantly, and asked Chong Hezi: "Are you going to let me see the princess?"

"No." Chong Hezi shook his head.

"Then why did you withdraw everyone? Do you think you can deal with me by yourself?"

"Haha, no, no, Daofeng benefactor, Pindao has just observed it, your way is incomparable, Pindao is not your opponent, why bother to humiliate yourself, just my senior brother is here, that's enough."

Daofeng frowned slightly.

Chong Hezi waved his sleeves, the thick fog behind him dissipated, and the whole island was gradually revealed: in the middle of the island, there was a square high platform with nine floors in total, on which stood a huge bell, the whole body was green, Should be made of bronze. The tripod itself is round but has four legs with two ears on top.

On the front of the tripod, there were many indistinct handwriting engraved on it, which looked like big seal characters, and Daofeng didn't recognize a few of them.

From this tripod, there is a simple and dignified atmosphere—not a feeling, but a real power, oppressing from all directions.

In front of Ding, stood a man, a monk in cassock, short and fat, holding a rosary in his hand, staring at him benevolently and quietly.

His two eyes gave Ye Shaoyang the feeling of a deep ocean, full of mysterious power.

who is he?

From the information I learned before, there are indeed some strong people on this island in the spring of the South China Sea, and there is also a very powerful magic circle. With my own strength, I can try to break through. I didn't expect there to be such a strong man— ——With his keen intuition, Daofeng has no doubt that the opponent is a strong man. The most frightening thing is that his eyes are so deep that he can't see how deep his strength is.

(End of this chapter)——

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