Urban Witcher

2669 Chapter 2679 Strength 2

Losing souls is very common. In the case of scattered souls, one or two of the three souls and seven souls are in the wrong order. Under normal circumstances, within a short period of time, the scattered souls will automatically restore their order and return to normal. So the situation of scattered souls is very rare.

Ye Shaoyang used the stellar energy test to discover that the three souls and seven souls in Wang Jinglu's body seemed to be forcibly scattered under the control of a mysterious force.

This mysterious force has a strong repulsion to external forces. If it weren't for Ye Shaoyang's strong energy, there would be no way to get close to his soul.

Could it be the power of the curse?

Although this force prevented Wang Jinglu's soul from recovering, it also protected his soul. Whether it is a mage or an evil thing, it is difficult to enter his body and perceive his soul without a very deep cultivation. .

"Please help him to lie down, I will check him."

Ye Shaoyang's proposal was strongly doubted by the doctor and Liu Qi.

"You're not a doctor, why check him?"

"I have hope of curing him."

"Don't be kidding, this detective, he has been like this for ten years, and he has had countless consultations and treatments during this time, but he has not responded at all..." The doctor was very disapproving.

Ye Shaoyang couldn't explain clearly to him, so he simply went up and carried Wang Jinglu on his back, and went to the emergency room where he stayed before.

Liu Qi and the doctor chased them out quickly, but Ye Shaoyang insisted on going his own way. After breaking into the emergency room, he laid Wang Jinglu on the hospital bed. It was Liu Qi who broke in and angrily said: "Ye Shaoyang, what are you doing? Although he looks like this, But it is also a human life, I warn you, if something happens to him, you will be sued!"

"If you kill him, I'll kill him!" Ye Shaoyang's decisive answer made Liu Qi stunned, not knowing what to say.

At this moment, Ye Shaoyang had already opened the backpack, took out the needle box of the Eighteen God Needles, and opened it.

When the doctor behind him saw the long and short needles in the box, he frowned and said, "You are a Chinese medicine doctor? But Chinese medicine is useless for this kind of disease..."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, first grabbed Wang Jinglu's arm, and used Gang Qi to hit his heart, making him unconscious, then took out a few needles, and pierced them into several ghost holes on his body to protect his body Those souls that are in normal order, and then do something to the other souls...

A curse is like a lock. Once it is implemented, the lock will be locked. Only the real key (the spell to undo the curse) can unlock it. In addition, there is actually another way, which is to force it with external force. unlock.

But the power of the curse is the most powerful mysterious power in the world. If you want to crack it with external force, the person's strength must be several times stronger than the power of the curse. For example, the curse in Wang Jing Road now, Ye Shaoyang sensed it. , unless it is a ** above the Lingxian Tablet, there is no ability to crack it at all. Coincidentally, he is not only a Lingxian, but also a Shangxian.

Ye Shaoyang melted a bowl of talisman water, squeezed Wang Jinglu's nose and poured it down for him, then grabbed his hand with both hands, poured the powerful qi into his body, consuming each other with the power of the curse...

Liu Qi and the doctor glanced at each other, and the doctor smiled helplessly: "If acupuncture can cure this disease, all the medical courses we have attended for so many years will be in vain."

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard a groan in the silent room. Both of them froze for a moment, then looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang's forehead was sweating slightly, his expression was hard, as if he was immersed in something, the moan just now...wasn't he?


The two turned their heads to look at the bed. Wang Jinglu's cloudy eyes had gradually cleared up, staring blankly at Ye Shaoyang, moaning continuously.

Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, let go of his hands, and helped him pull out a few needles on his forehead.

When the last needle was pulled out, Wang Jinglu trembled all over, her eyes became clearer, she looked at Ye Shaoyang, her lips trembled, and she uttered the first normal words in ten years: "**?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded.

Plop. The doctor sat down on the ground, his face turned pale, he looked at Ye Shaoyang with incredible eyes, and said sharply, "How did you do it! Did you use acupuncture?"

Liu Qi was also dumbfounded.

"Finally...waking up." Wang Jinglu said with difficulty, turned her head and looked around, with a confused expression on her face, as if she didn't know where it was.

"This is a mental hospital. After you escaped from the ancient tomb, you went crazy and were sent here for ten years." Ye Shaoyang told him what happened in the most concise words, and then added: "Now It's 2016, the end of the year."

"2016..." Wang Jinglu fell into deep thought. After a while, he sat up on his back. At this time, the doctor came back to his senses, found medical equipment, and came forward to check his heartbeat and pulse. Everything was normal.

The doctor himself is going crazy.

Wang Jinglu tried to get out of bed, because although he had been insane for the past ten years, he hadn't stopped walking, eating or anything, so his physical condition was still normal. He supported the bed and walked a few steps before regaining the ability to walk.

Seeing that the patient who was demented half an hour ago and had to be fed even became a normal person in an instant, everyone present was shocked and speechless.

The first thing Wang Jinglu does is to look in the mirror.

"Ten years, ten years have passed like this, I lost ten years at once..." Wang Jinglu pulled her hair with both hands, shook her head, feeling infinitely emotional.

Ye Shaoyang walked behind him and said: "Don't be so busy feeling emotionally, I rescued you just to get clues from you, what exactly did you go through back then, why everyone died, only you survived, but you have a soul Transposition, have been a madman for ten years?"

Wang Jinglu sighed deeply, turned around, looked up at Ye Shaoyang, and said, "Who are you?"

"Xuanqing Mountain teaches Ye Shaoyang."

Wang Jinglu was taken aback. Since he was a prostitute, he naturally knew that it was Xuanqingshan. He cupped his hands and saluted, and wept emotionally. Then he seemed to realize that there were many people he didn't know standing in the emergency room, and his brows frowned. Said that there were some things, and he only told Ye Shaoyang alone, there was no way, Liu Qi had no choice but to walk out of the room with the doctor and a few nurses with strong curiosity.

Wang Jinglu glanced at Ye Shaoyang's shoulders on both sides, and said, "Master Ye, these two are your disciples?"


"I can see that they are all of extraordinary strength. It is really rare for Zhangjiao Ye to do something like this at such a young age. Thank you for your kindness. If Zhangjiao Ye wants to know anything, it's okay to ask."

(I recommend Wu Jiu's new book, "Urban Onmyoji", it's very good, it's just been released, everyone can go and have a look)


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