Urban Witcher

Chapter 2675 Chapter 2685 Goodbye lover 2

Ye Shaoyang also knew that he was teasing himself. Leaving aside the fact that Lord Cui's mana is boundless, even if there is someone more powerful than him, it is impossible to snatch the Book of Life and Death from the Palace of the Son of Heaven. If there is, then unless the entire Fengdu City is captured...

"There is only peeking, and it can only be seen in the Temple of Heaven. Once you take the Book of Life and Death out of the Hall of Heaven, it will be a sin beyond redemption." Daofeng analyzed it for him.

The book of life and death is related to the life and death of the creatures in the three realms. It is the core confidential document of the Yin Division. It is illegal to peek at it. If it is taken secretly, it is really impossible for anyone to protect it.

"Then we have to find oranges." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself, and was also moved by Daofeng's words. "However, even if there is such an opportunity, I'm afraid I'll hurt Cheng Zi."

"You only look at the name and don't look at everyone's verdict. It's not a felony. At least you'll settle the score after you're dead. As for Chengzi, there's his relationship with Xiao Yiyun. Do I need to say it?"

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, this method...you can try it, at least you can find Chengzi first and ask about the possibility of the matter.

"Daofeng, why do I feel that this matter is so strange? Tell me, what do two people who have never met before have anything to do with me? Daofeng, do you think there is some conspiracy hidden in this matter? ?”

"I don't know about the conspiracy, but... it must be of great importance."

Ye Shaoyang sighed, sat down on the bed, and said unhappily: "Do you think it's easy for me? I'm not pretending to say it. I have always thought that I am a small person. Why do so many things come to me? I really don't know." It's kind of weird."

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang lay on his back on the bed, silent for a long time, and said silently: "You know that I have never believed in fate, but sometimes I also wonder if my fate has been arranged, and I live for To accomplish these things, in other words, even if I think about what to do, that is the guidance given to me by fate, and I will never be able to escape from fate... Daofeng, you know, this feeling scares me, feels I am small."

These heartfelt words touched Daofeng's heart strongly. He rarely sat beside Ye Shaoyang, lying down with his upper body like him. The two brothers were lying side by side on the bed with their arms on their pillows, in the same posture.

"Are you afraid?" Daofeng said after a long silence.

"A little bit." Ye Shaoyang sighed, "I read a passage in Taoist scriptures before, saying that the world is like a chessboard, and the world is like chess pieces. Everything is just a game between the two chess players. , cannot escape fate. Daofeng, aren't you afraid?"

"I was afraid too."

Daofeng said silently.

"To tell you the truth, twenty years ago, I asked Master the same question as you."

Ye Shaoyang turned to look at him, and hurriedly asked, "What did Master say?"

"Master doesn't know either, but he asked me to find it myself. First of all, you have to understand who you are and what you came to this world for. That is to say, you have to see your own destiny clearly before you can escape from him. "

Ye Shaoyang savored it carefully, frowned and said: "But, people can't see their own destiny, how do you know that what you do is not arranged by fate for you?"

"The mystery of the womb, the first step is to solve the mystery of the womb, and then you can see the destiny..."

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said: "This is difficult, living people can't do it."

Daofeng also turned his head to look at him, and said: "You don't need to do it, as long as someone else can do it and tell you with certainty that the fate of a person is reversible, that's enough."

Ye Shaoyang thought for a moment, nodded slowly, and said, "That's the truth, but how do I know what he said is true?"

Dao Feng said: "There is an example in front of you."


Daofeng said slowly: "I went down the mountain in the early years, first traveled in the world, and then went to the ghost domain, entered the so-called magic way, I thought I had jumped out of fate, but I didn't, I, you, all of us, have always been Played by that person in applause, all the seemingly rebellious things I did were actually in destiny, or in other words, it was the responsibility entrusted to me by that person. But now, I have jumped out of destiny."

Ye Shaoyang stared at him blankly, behind the dull expression was the extreme shock in his heart.

"You... the one you're talking about is the Great Emperor?"

Daofeng smiled at him, but didn't answer, which was a tacit agreement.

"I started a sect in Huangquan and established the Valley of the Wind. Every time you are in a crisis, I will come to rescue you. Every time you deal with the Yin God, they will help you, and even give you convenience in secret. These are all His arrangements."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, feeling a chill down his spine. "So, those yin god bosses know the truth?"

"No, they are just obeying orders. To put it bluntly, they are also in their own destiny. They can see their destiny, but they will not violate it, because all this is for the underworld, for the order within the Three Realms."

"I don't understand." Ye Shaoyang slowly shook his head, "This is such a big game of chess!"

Daofeng smiled wryly: "It's a huge game of chess. The chessboard is the three worlds, mainly the human world."

Ye Shaoyang squinted his eyes and thought for a while, then said, "If the Emperor is one of the two chess players, who is his opponent?"

Daofeng was silent for a while, and slowly said four words: "Wuji Ghost King."

A name that shocked the three worlds and turned pale.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sneered: "Ghost King Wuji is playing chess with Emperor Fengdu, do you use us as chess pieces?"

He thought of Rui Lengyu, as a reincarnated ghost child, she might just be a pawn of the Wuji Ghost King.

This thought made Ye Shaoyang feel a very strange feeling in his heart, he couldn't tell whether it was fear or anger.

"This kind of feeling is really uncomfortable..." Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sighed, "By the way, chess pieces, I'm afraid we are not the only ones, right?"

"There are more opponents. But the chess pieces are also different. Most people are pawns, but you are the general."


"The most important one, once you die, the whole chess game will be over, and you are the one who is in the deepest position. Although you are the most important, you will always be in that grid, and you will not be able to take a piece. .”

Ye Shaoyang stared at him blankly, thinking about his words.

"Daofeng, I found that you are really talented. How come I didn't realize that you can say such philosophical words before. However, if I am a general, then what are you?"

"I am a 'shi' internally, to protect you and ensure that you will not be killed by others. Externally, I am a car, sweeping all directions and invincible."

Ye Shaoyang's heart moved, and he turned to look at his side face.

Daofeng... is really handsome, even with a side face, there are perfect curves, Ye Shaoyang can't find words to describe this handsomeness, if it is to describe a woman, it is so beautiful.

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