Urban Witcher

Chapter 2690 Chapter 2700 Doubts emerge 1

Both jaws were about to drop. Thinking that the young master's madness has occurred again, he hastily persuaded him to calm down.

"Young master, digging other people's graves casually is absolutely unacceptable. If you are found out, you will die!"

"Okay, I won't let you dig, I'll do it myself, just help me out."

The two refused to listen to their persuasion, and they had no choice but to insist. After discussing it, the younger one stayed to help Ye Shaoyang dig the grave, and the older one went to watch the wind, so that in case someone went up the mountain and bumped into their crazy behavior, But they can't really just let it go, if the young master is beaten, they won't even think about going home.

Ye Shaoyang and the servant dug the grave together. Because it was a new grave and the soil was soft, a hole one and a half meters deep was dug out in less than half an hour. Sure enough, there was still no coffin.

If only the tomb of "my family" is empty, it can barely explain the movement of the mountain or something, but the two tombs are not on the same mountain, and even the most unlikely reason has been ruled out...

The servant was dumbfounded. Although Ye Shaoyang had doubts for a long time, he didn't know the reason behind this weird incident.

"Let's go, let's go back." The two went down the mountain to meet another servant. Ye Shaoyang told them not to tell anyone what happened before, and then the three went to the so-called old house together.

The old house is in a mountain village, and it is also the largest house in the village. Ye Shaoyang wanted to wander around the village before, but he lost his mood after being disturbed by the grave digging, so he hid in the room alone and continued to think.

What kind of world is this?

If I was sent here, and I didn't kill myself, what's the purpose of trapping myself here, and why is it during the Jiajing period?

All these are unexplainable mysteries.

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and it was impossible to expect others to rescue him. Zhang Wusheng and Teng Yongqing, as well as those mages and ordinary people who disappeared before, were probably sent here.

Thinking about it this way, Ye Shaoyang also felt a little comforted, this is a kind of psychology that many people will have: no matter how bad the environment is, he is not alone anyway. Even Ye Shaoyang would inevitably have such thoughts.

Through this incident, Ye Shaoyang deduced a few points: First, this time travel was not aimed at him personally. After all, he was not the first to travel through, and it was not only related to the ancient tomb. , People suspected of the Holy Spirit Society have even arrested people in the street. If there is any purpose for doing so, it must not be related to me alone.

Second, the nine-star stacked qi formation in the ancient tomb should be a place that can only be entered and cannot be entered. Even if Daofeng and the others wanted to save themselves, there was probably nothing they could do.

If you want to go out, you have to rely on yourself.

After thinking about it, Ye Shaoyang felt that he could only do one thing now, and that was to find Zhang Wusheng and the others as much as possible, find those who were trapped here like himself, and then find a way to get out together.

It's just that even Guagua and Biqing don't know her anymore, so how can these people regain their memories? Otherwise, it would be useless even if you find them. If you talk too much, you will only make others think you are crazy.

Ye Shaoyang was thinking hard, when suddenly there was a smell of incense from the next room, he was curious, so he went outside to look, followed the scent, and walked to a room with no light. This room has no windows and no light at all, Ye Shaoyang walked in Look, I was stunned: the two servants were kneeling on the ground, praying to a statue of a god.

The statue was hung in a shrine on the wall, and it was too dark to see clearly. Ye Shaoyang frowned and walked over. At this time, the two servants also finished worshiping, put the incense in their hands into the incense burner, turned around and walked out, Seeing Ye Shaoyang, the old servant said: "Young master, the statue at home is still here, we just cleaned it, young master, please come and offer incense."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, walked over, glanced at the statue, and his whole body was petrified on the spot.

The one enshrined in the shrine turned out to be the Lingma!

After staying there for several seconds, Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, took a deep breath, turned around and asked, "Why is there such a statue in our house?"

The two servants looked at each other and felt that this question was meaningless.

"This statue is worshiped in every household."

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank, and he said, "Every household has them?"

"That's right, our ancestors have enshrined the statue of Grandma Ling for generations. Could it be that the young master has even forgotten this? Be careful when you go out, and don't talk nonsense. If someone reports it to the government, it will be troublesome."

"Okay then, tell me what's going on with this granny spirit."

The two began to talk, and Ye Shaoyang became more and more surprised when he heard it. It turned out that this granny spirit was the state teacher of the current dynasty and the emperor's master in cultivating Taoism. Even if the government doesn't force it, the people will worship it spontaneously. In the hearts of the common people, Grandma Ling is a god, and the only god.

The good weather and the peace of the country depend on the blessing of Grandma Ling. When the two servants talked about Grandma Ling, their faces were full of admiration from the bottom of their hearts. This cannot be faked.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned after listening.

Granny Ling... There is actually her shadow in this world, and her influence is so great that she is even a national teacher. It seems that I guessed that her real body is Xingyue Slave, which is still wrong. But after thinking about it, it is also possible that Xingyuenu tried the nine-star stacking qi array in this era. The only thing that puzzled him was, since Granny Ling had such a great influence in this era, why did she not leave any records in later generations? ?

This is illogical. Could it be that something happened later that annihilated history?

Also, why does the magic world of this era tolerate such behavior without any resistance?

However, I have heard that Emperor Jiajing worshiped Taoism, and he was almost a Taoist priest, burning fire to make alchemy every day. Maybe it was this granny who pretended to be a Taoist disciple and gained the emperor's trust, so she was highly praised among the people?

The situation is getting more and more complicated.

However, there is one thing that is certain: the fact that he can appear here must be caused by the Holy Spirit.

In the evening, he tried to summon the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword again in his room. He could faintly feel that it was far away in the northwest direction, and he couldn't sense the exact location. Ye Shaoyang decided that he had to find the sword and his magic weapon first. Let's talk about other things.

After staying in the old house for a day, the next morning, two servants went to the village to hire horses and sent Ye Shaoyang back to his home in the city.

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