Urban Witcher

Chapter 2701 Chapter 2711 Catfish 2

(Note: The three leaders in the west are Amitabha Buddha, the leader of the Western Paradise, Shakyamuni Buddha, the leader of the Central Saha World, and Medicine Buddha, the leader of the Eastern Jingliuli World. The largest of them is Amitabha. Tathagata is just a name for Buddha, not Buddhist ruler)

After hearing what they said, Zen Master Bixin was even more shocked than they were.

"You two... this granny is the reincarnation of Amitabha Buddha in the Western Heaven, and she is the current living Buddha, don't you... don't you know?"


Hearing this, Teng Yongqing became even more furious, and said angrily, "Which scripture said that? It's just a lie to confuse people. You should go to the 18th floor of hell!"

Zen Master Bixin looked at him with a frown and said, "My lord, do you believe in Buddhism?"

"I am a disciple of Kasaw Mountain. I have become a monk since I was a child. It is just because I want to travel around the world without losing my hair. Tell me whether I believe in Buddhism or not!"

Zen Master Bixin smiled coldly, "It turns out that you are a member of my Buddhist sect. This master, you can only say this in private. If it is spread, you will be imprisoned. Grandma Ling is the reincarnation of the Buddha. It is well known by everyone, what other scriptures are needed to prove it? How can it be false that the current emperor personally conferred on Granny Ling as the mother of the country?"

"It's nonsense, it's nonsense!" Teng Yong was so angry that he wanted to jump up.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly noticed that there was a wooden tablet at the foot of the statue of Grandmother Ling, on which was written "The Holy Mother of the West, the true body of the Holy Mother Spirit", and asked in his heart, "What does the Holy Mother of Promise mean?"

Zen Master Bixin said: "Naturally it is a Taoist name, Lingma is not only the reincarnation of the Buddha, but also the deity of the supreme Taoist God, the Boundless Virgin Mary..."

This is really amazing. Ye Shaoyang was so angry that he laughed. "This granny spirit is quite powerful. She is not only the supreme god of Buddhism, but also the supreme god of Taoism. She manages two religions by herself, can she be busy?"

Chan Master Bixin said: "In the beginning, we fought and did not recognize Granny Ling's status in each other's sect, but later the emperor ordered that all Taoists and Buddhas in the world should worship Granny Ling. In this way, there is no contradiction. gone."

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath.

All the Taoist and Buddhist families in the world worship the Lingma... What kind of era is this?

"Bewitching words to confuse the crowd!"

Teng Yongqing suddenly got angry and rushed out of the door. Ye Shaoyang chased him outside and saw that he was looking for something on the ground with his head down, so he asked him what he was doing.

Teng Yongqing ignored it, suddenly his eyes lit up, and he saw a stone mortar on the edge of the yard, which looked like tens of kilograms, and went up to move it.

Ye Shaoyang understood what he was going to do in an instant, and wanted to stop him, but his heart moved, but he didn't do anything, watching him rush into the Daxiong Palace with the mortar in his arms, and went straight to the statue of Grandma Ling.

"What are you doing!" Zen master Bixin yelled at him, trying to step forward to stop him, but Teng Yongqing kicked him into the air, hugged the stone mortar, and smashed it hard on the statue.


The stone mortar was smashed on the statue, and Grandma Ling's head was instantly opened, and there were wisps of spiritual energy radiating from it, which took a long time to dissipate.

"Come here!!"

Zen master Bixin came back to his senses and let out a roar like killing a pig.

Ye Shaoyang walked to Teng Yongqing's side and praised: "Brother Qing is mighty."

"What now? Run?"

"Fuck, I've done everything, what are you running for, just fight."

While speaking, a few monks rushed in from outside the Daxiong Palace, in a daze, not knowing what happened.

Chan master Bixin wailed and pointed to the statue for them to see.

When the monks saw it, they were extremely angry and wanted to rush over to arrest Teng Yongqing.

Ye Shaoyang flicked his sleeves, and displayed his Xuanqing Mountain experience. After a few face-to-face encounters, the monks all fell down.

There were a few people outside who arrived later, seeing Ye Shaoyang being so good at fighting, they immediately faltered, standing at the door and yelling.

"Hurry up, go to the back mountain and ask the abbot to come and catch them with magic! Also, hurry up and report to the officials!" Zen Master Bixin ordered quickly.

Several monks ran away immediately.

Ye Shaoyang called Teng Yongqing to go to the courtyard together. Not long after, an old monk came in through the small door of the side hall with some disciples. Zen Master Bixin saw the old monk and immediately called his master, crying and reporting the situation.

"There are such things!!"

The old monk kept a close eye on Ye Shaoyang and the two of them, and sent a disciple into the Daxiong Palace to investigate, and came out to report that it was true. The old monk's beard stood on end in anger, pointed at Ye Shaoyang and the two of them and cursed:

"Buddhist Pure Land, why are you two running wild here and doing such insane things, aren't you afraid of the Buddha's punishment?"

"Are you also worthy of talking about Buddha?"

Teng Yongqing rolled up his sleeves and rushed over.

He is an honest man, and he practiced Buddhism since he was a child. He has a very good temper and can tolerate anything. But what he can't bear the most is that his beliefs are trampled on and idols are smashed, which can't balance his inner anger. But the previous monks were all weaklings, and they couldn't let go of their hatred. This old monk seemed to be a bit cultivated, so he rushed to him, clasping his hands together.


The old monk frowned, took half a step back, formed a mudra with one hand, stretched it out towards Teng Yongqing, and chanted a mantra silently, a gust of wind rose from his body, the cassock on his body bulged without wind, and even his beard flew up.

"Master Realm." Ye Shaoyang muttered to himself, shaking his head. Although Teng Yongqing's strength was not enough in front of him, it was more than enough to deal with this old monk, so he folded his arms and watched.

The hands of the two clapped together.


The old monk spat out a mouthful of blood, and the figure flew upside down and landed on the ground, but he couldn't get up, he lifted one leg, shaking like a yellow croaker caught in a net.

When his disciples saw it, their faces turned pale with fright. Teng Yongqing walked over to them, and originally wanted to fight, but these monks suddenly flocked to the old monk with all kinds of concerns.

Teng Yongqing was also a little speechless. Obviously, this group of monks didn't think they were opponents, so they didn't dare to make a move, and used this incident as an excuse.

"It's hard work." Ye Shaoyang said to Teng Yongqing.

"I didn't expect him to be so weak, and he was so angry for a while." Teng Yongqing also felt a little regretful, and walked over to check, the old monk was bleeding from seven holes, and it seemed that he was dying.

Ye Shaoyang drove a few monks aside and wanted to check on the situation of the old monk, but... a flash of spiritual light suddenly flashed on the old monk's body, and his whole body twitched violently, shrinking rapidly, and turned into... a fish!

A big fish one meter long, a kind of catfish with a big head and a thin body, was lying on the ground, wagging its tail weakly.

Catfish essence?

Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing were stunned for a moment.

At this moment, the catfish spirit suddenly thumped, then lay straight on the ground and died.

Essence flew out of its body.

Ye Shaoyang and Teng Yongqing looked at each other, the abbot of this temple was actually a monster!

(End of this chapter)——

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