Urban Witcher

Chapter 2713 Chapter 2723 More ruthless than you 2


The demonic blood in the bat's body drained out, and the stellar energy invaded into the heart veins, instantly scattered the soul, and instantly softened the body.

Ye Shaoyang withdrew his hand suddenly, because the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword was caught between the zombie's neck and head, and it was difficult to pull it out for a while. Ye Shaoyang quickly pulled out the spirit killing nail from the backpack, and pierced it into the zombie's forehead. Roared: "Let go!"

Xie Yuqing hastily pulled her hands away.

With a puff, the Extinguishing Nail pierced through the thick flesh of the zombie and pierced into his head, causing blood to splatter everywhere.

The zombie shook its head vigorously, trying to break free, but Ye Shaoyang would not give him a chance. He jumped forward, rolled onto his back, rode on his shoulder, pulled out the spirit-killing nail, and frantically stabbed his head repeatedly. Go down, "Grass mud horse, die to me!!"

The zombie's resistance became weaker and weaker, and finally fell to the ground completely, its body twitching uncontrollably. Ye Shaoyang looked down, and saw that the zombie's head had been stabbed like a hornet's nest, and the brain and corpse blood were mixed together, like a bottle of salad dressing smashed to the ground, with red and green dripping all over the ground...

Ye Shaoyang was also exhausted, but it was not time to rest yet, so he glanced at Xie Yuqing, Xie Yuqing stretched out her hands in front of her, staring blankly at her own hands, which became red and swollen due to splashing blood from corpses .

Ye Shaoyang hurriedly took out a bag of glutinous rice from his backpack, opened it, took a handful, grabbed her hands, and rubbed them vigorously to remove the dead air from her hands.

"It's okay, don't be afraid, just wait a minute."

Ye Shaoyang left her, and staggered to the side of the strong man Chi.

This strong man was hit by the light of the sky's eyes, and his consciousness was seriously injured. He lay on the ground with dull eyes, like an idiot.

Ye Shaoyang stepped on his face with one foot, crushed him a few times, screamed in pain, and tried to sit up.

Ye Shaoyang held the Extinguishing Nail in his hand and plunged it into his Heavenly Spirit Cap at once...

Chi fell down softly, and when Ye Shaoyang pulled out the spirit-killing nail, grains of spirits flew out from the holes in the cap of the sky...and died.

Ye Shaoyang held the Exterminator Nail again and walked towards the werewolf. The werewolf recovered his consciousness. The rare thing was that it didn't join the battle blindly when it was seriously injured. Instead, it sat in the corner of the room in a strange posture. He moved, and there was a lingering evil spirit around his body.

He is recovering in pranayama.

When Ye Shaoyang walked over, he had to forcibly end his breath adjustment and tried to get up, but Ye Shaoyang shook his head at him. "It's easy for me to kill you now."

Werewolf hesitated for a moment, then sat down again, turned to look at the corpse of the zombie on the ground, and the strong man, but the bat didn't even have the corpse, leaving only a smear of pus and blood, which was gradually fading away.

Werewolf Charm's heart was full of sadness. Before the three brothers died tragically, he didn't do anything. It wasn't that he wasn't sad enough. On the contrary, he held back his sadness and speeded up his breathing, just to recover and avenge his brothers.

The only thing he can do for his brother is this.

It's just... still not in time.

"Do you want to live, or do you want to die?" Ye Shaoyang squatted in front of him with difficulty, put the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword on his neck, and said.

"If you want to kill me, just do it." Werewolf Mei said calmly, without any timidity.

Ye Shaoyang sneered: "If you don't want to live, why answer me?"

The werewolf charm also sneered: "My brothers are dead, and it's meaningless for me to live alone. If you don't kill me, I will seek revenge from you someday!"

Ye Shaoyang shook his head lightly, and said, "Answer me a few questions, and I'll let you go."

"Aren't you afraid that I will take revenge on you?"

Ye Shaoyang chuckled, "The four of you together are no match for me, just you, what am I afraid of?"

Werewolf Mei lowered her head slightly, and said, "I will only answer your three questions."

"Okay, the first one, did Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva ask you to come?"

"Yes." Werewolf Mei hesitated, and said, trembling with anger, this man killed his three brothers, and he had to answer his question. However, only in this way can there be a chance to survive...

Ye Shaoyang immediately asked: "Why?"

"have no idea."

Ye Shaoyang wanted to ask him why he didn't know, but he thought that if he took it as the third question, he would have nothing to play, so he held back and looked at him questioningly.

Fortunately, Werewolf Mei doesn't know how to play this kind of tricks, and then said: "How do we know what the Bodhisattva thinks, it's nothing more than being ordered to come here to arrest you, but we don't know anything else."

Ye Shaoyang also believed what he said, no matter how bad the four brothers were in hell, they were nothing more than a few dogs in front of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, and the core secrets would definitely not be known to them.

After thinking for a while, Ye Shaoyang asked the last question: "What did the Bodhisattva say, should you kill me or arrest me?"

"To arrest you, but I didn't request to keep your body. Moreover, my brother will never take action without harming his life. The Bodhisattva is also clear about this."

"So, the Bodhisattva is not worried that you will kill me? Oh, you have passed the three questions, so you don't need to answer this question."

"I think so." After answering this question, the werewolf looked up at Ye Shaoyang and said, "What are you going to do with me?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled evilly, and said, "Didn't you think you would be killed by me?"

The werewolf was stunned for a moment, gritted his teeth secretly, and said: "You are indeed powerful, you are more ferocious than those evil spirits in hell, Ye Shaoyang, you are not a mage, you have entered the way of the devil!"

"Demonic way, what is the magical way?"

Ye Shaoyang's eyes were red with a ferocious light.

"I can kill you because I am more ruthless than you, even more ruthless than all the evil spirits and monsters you have dealt with before!"

The werewolf looked at him blankly. The evil and ferocious aura in his eyes was indeed far more than those evil spirits in hell. Such a powerful aura should never appear on human beings.

Although the werewolf charm is puzzled, she also somewhat understands why he has such a big name. He is indeed not an ordinary human being...

"Go back and tell Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva that if you want to kill me, just send someone over. Even if he comes in person, I won't be afraid. Even if he is the master of hell, I won't be afraid of him."

After finishing speaking, Ye Shaoyang stared at him for a while, the hostility in his eyes disappeared, and said coldly: "You can get out."

"I will seek revenge on you!"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged, meaning it doesn't matter.

The werewolf stood up, glanced at the bodies of the brothers, gritted her teeth, turned and walked towards the window, and when she reached the window, she turned around and said, "Even though we are a dog of the Bodhisattva, you Even if he kills his dog, he won't let it go, you should be a snack, I want to take revenge with my own hands, I don't want you to die in the hands of others ahead of time!"

(End of this chapter)——

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