Urban Witcher

Chapter 2718 Chapter 2728 World 1

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, stood at the mountain pass, and looked at the city wall of Yingtian Mansion in the distance, with doubts in his heart, piled up very uncomfortable. In the world before them, there are really too many doubtful places. They can find out, but they don't know where to look for the answer.

"By the way, Shaoyang, I floated along the stream for a while, and found a very strange phenomenon," Biqing said suddenly, "In the fields that were about to enter the city, many birds died. A lot of fish died too."

Ye Shaoyang frowned, thinking what kind of strange phenomenon this was, and blurted out, "Maybe it's a natural reason."

"No, you didn't see how many birds and dead fish there are. Everything around, including the environment and temperature, is normal, and these dead birds and fish didn't die all at once. I went along with the water just now. Floating down, I saw a lot of fish bubbling over there, dying, the water is fine, I don’t understand why it happened.”

Biqing shook her head helplessly, "This world is full of weirdness."

The three of them descended the mountain all the way, while discussing the next plan.

Ye Shaoyang has a bold plan:

Go straight to the capital to find Granny Ling. If you can't find it, make a big fuss in the capital and force Granny Ling out.

"Think about it, this world is very orderly. As a ling mother, no matter whether she is the real ruler in this world or not, she definitely does not want the order of this world to be destroyed. If we destroy the order, she will definitely take the initiative Come to the door, what do you think?"

Teng Yongqing pondered: "The method is good, but how can it be called disrupting order?"

"Make a big fuss in the capital, for example, to kidnap the emperor or the prince or something, and force Granny Ling out."

Teng Yongqing showed a look of horror, "This...just how many of us are there?"

"Yes, just us." Ye Shaoyang blinked at him, "Are you scared?"

"No... It's just that there are troops guarding the capital, and there must be many high-level people. With just a few of us, we can't break in at all. We need to think of a proper plan."

Ye Shaoyang smiled at Biqing: "Why don't you come up with a beauty trick, you see you are so beautiful, how about you hook up with the emperor and take the opportunity to arrest him?"

Bi Qing said flatly: "If I were you, I wouldn't be in the mood to joke around at all in this situation."

Ye Shaoyang was bored, stuck out his tongue, thought for a while and said: "There must be a way, we can think about it as we go, but I have to find the magic weapon first."

While discussing, the three of them walked down the hill and returned home. When they passed by the garden, Guagua was catching butterflies in the garden. When he saw Ye Shaoyang and Biqing, he immediately called his uncle and aunt, and flung himself into their arms coquettishly. .

The hearts of the two are broken.

"Uncle and aunt, dinner is ready, let's go eat, oh, and this uncle, come together!" Guagua greeted them like an adult.

"Thank you kid." Teng Yongqing smiled and patted his head.

When Guagua walked away first, he asked Ye Shaoyang: "What are you going to do with him?"

"Find a chance to wake him up."

"In this way we can have one more helper." Teng Yongqing stopped and said to Ye Shaoyang, "I won't go in yet, I'll go home."

"go home?"

"It's...my home in this world. I thought about it. I'll go back first. First, to see if there is anything of mine in that home. Second, I also want to see what my mother and younger brother are. people."

"Do you know where you live?"

"Although I have lost this memory, I still have some vague impressions."

Although Ye Shaoyang felt that it was useless for him to go back, he still let him go, and agreed to come to his house at dawn tomorrow and set off together.

We ate dinner with Guagua and his mother. Ye Shaoyang told his "sister-in-law" about going to the capital, and only said it was a tour, because Biqing would also go with her, and it was impossible for her sister-in-law to stop her, but she just ordered After a while, he called the housekeeper and asked him to fetch some banknotes from the cashier. When the housekeeper delivered it, Ye Shaoyang took a look in his hand and saw that there were tens of thousands of taels.

"Thank you sister-in-law." Ye Shaoyang cupped his hands.

Chen Yue gave him an angry look, "Thank you for what I did, you are the head of the family, and these are all your money, because you have always been unwilling to manage the accounts, so my sister-in-law will do it for you. When you come back from this trip, you can settle down and study well." , although our family is not short of money and food, but you still have to get a good reputation, don't let the neighbors say that you have relied on the blessings of your ancestors..."

Ye Shaoyang listened quietly. Although he thought it was funny, he also felt a trace of warmth from the words, and lamented that she cared about the wrong person. Her real brother-in-law is somewhere. Perhaps, there is no such person at all.

After dinner, Chen Yue was going to take Guagua into the house to study her homework, when suddenly a maid came in and said that someone from the government came to find Ye Shaoyang.

Chen Yue looked unhappy, and scolded: "What's wrong these days, even our family dares to bully? Throw me out!"

The servant girl retreated, and came back to report after a while, "Master Liang, the prefect of Ying Tianfu, came to visit the young master!"

Chen Yue frowned slightly, and said to Ye Shaoyang: "Since Master Tongzhi came in person, there must be some reason, I will go with you to have a look."

When they came to the hall in the front yard together, they saw a potbellied official wearing a gauze cap, drinking tea in the hall, and a few men dressed as officials standing outside the door.

All the servants of the Hou's Mansion stood on the sidelines, staring at each other. When they saw Chen Yue and Ye Shaoyang coming, they all surrounded them and stood behind them.

Mr. Liang was drinking tea, when he heard footsteps, he turned his head to take a look, got up hastily, bowed his body halfway, and said respectfully: "I have seen Madam, Master Hou."

Chen Yue didn't give him a good face, and said: "Master Tongzhi, you have such a great official authority, you have bullied my family."

Master Liang was startled, and hurriedly apologized, "Don't dare, dare not, even if you borrow Master Liang's three heads, you don't dare to come to the Hou's mansion to provoke, it's just... just now a monk from Qingliang Temple came to report that two people trespassed on the temple, The statue of Grandma Ling was smashed. The case is so serious that I have to investigate it myself... I just learned from the Xuanle Gate guards that at noon, a guard soldier Li Wenzhong went out to the mountain, and he seemed to be the perpetrator... Xiaguan Ask him to testify against the monk, and find out that the person who broke into the flash in the afternoon is Li Wenzhong..."

After listening patiently, Chen Yue said unhappily: "It was he who committed the crime, just go and catch him, what did you come to our house for?"

Lord Liang looked up at Ye Shaoyang timidly, and said, "According to the city gate officer, when Li Wenzhong left the city, he was with the young master..."

Chen Yue was startled, and said, "You are presumptuous!"

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