Urban Witcher

Chapter 2733 Chapter 2743 Strong King 3

As for these servants, they are not related to him, so they should not be embarrassed by the government.

It’s just that the servants are all there now, if Chen Yue is taken away (still asleep), they will definitely be scared, so Ye Shaoyang simply took them out first, got into the carriage, said goodbye to the servants, and drove the carriage to the street to drive around After walking around, I came to the backyard of the mansion, climbed over the wall and went in, and found Chen Yue's room. Chen Yue was still sleeping.

Ye Shaoyang simply picked her up, walked out of the room, and sneaked through the corridor. When he passed a room, he suddenly heard a thunderous snoring sound. His first thought was, who is this? Realm, then thought, shit, that pig demon! He fell asleep after breakfast, and he ignored him again.

There is no way, just push the door and go in to wake him up.

The pig demon was sleeping deeply, and couldn't be woken up by normal means. In the end, Ye Shaoyang didn't have to use magic attacks, and slapped him hard on the belly, and the pig demon sat up with a cry, and looked at Ye Shaoyang in a daze. , when he saw a girl in his arms, his eyes lit up immediately, and he drooled and said, "Oh master, why... you even sent a girl over, hehe, I wasn't prepared for this, but... Your kindness It's hard, the master's grace, old pig, I accept it with a smile..."

Two salty pig's hands (real salty pig's hands) came up to hug Chen Yue, but Ye Shaoyang kicked him and ordered him to follow him quickly.

Going back the same way, avoiding several servants, when going around the garden, he bumped into two servants working in the garden, so he had to beat them unconscious and climb over the wall to go out.

Each of the two carriages had a driver, both of whom were servants of the family. Originally, Ye Shaoyang asked them to drive the carriage to the backyard. They were already very surprised, but when they saw Ye Shaoyang get Chen Yue out over the wall, they didn't know what he was doing. , I was too scared to speak.

In order to avoid trouble, at Ye Shaoyang's suggestion, Guagua and Biqing got into the carriage, their souls separated, attached to the bodies of the two coachmen, and borrowed their bodies to drive the carriage. Teng Yongqing did not leave, and still stood there waiting for Ye Shaoyang.

All the way to the city gate, according to the law, horse-drawn carriages were subject to interrogation when entering and leaving the city gate, but after Ye Shaoyang revealed his identity, he was not embarrassed. After all, he was also a lord, and these city guards could not afford to offend.

After leaving the city, Ye Shaoyang got off the car and returned with Guagua all the way to the edge of the official road.

Guagua had just woken up not long ago, and was very curious about everything, asking non-stop along the way.

The two of them didn't go through the city gate anymore, they went directly under the city wall, found a place that was not guarded by anyone, turned over, found Teng Yongqing in the old place, and let him lead the way to the residence of the Taoist priest.

"Are they going to work?" Teng Yongqing said, "If he goes to work and doesn't get off work at night, then we will wait until night?"

"Go and have a look first, then give him a search."

The residence of the Taoist priest was just behind the government office of Yingtian Mansion. There were several horizontal and vertical alleys, all of which were courtyards with red bricks and blue tiles, and there were almost no people on the road.

This place should be full of government staff and family members.

"It's here." Teng Yongqing said in a low voice when passing by the gate of a house, pointing to an inconspicuous white mark on the wall. "This is what I drew on it with stones last night..."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, walked over as if nothing had happened, walked around to the back of the house, and looked around to see if there was no one around—there were very few people in this place, and he didn't meet a few along the way. Ye Shaoyang asked Guagua a few words.

"If you encounter resistance, you will not be able to deal with it, so don't show mercy!"

"Boss, don't worry."

Ye Shaoyang climbed over the wall with Teng Yongqing and went in. Guagua waited for a while, went around to the other side, looked around for a while, and climbed up the tallest poplar tree nearby.

The yard was empty, except for a water well and a seepage well. Several plane trees were planted around the house, and the branches and leaves covered the front and back of the house. There were two windows in the back wall, both closed. The two of them walked around to the front against the base of the wall, only to find that the door on the first floor was locked.

"Should not be at home." Teng Yongqing said.

"Find a way to go in and have a look."

The two circled back to the rear window again.

The windows in ancient times were all opened upwards. Although there were wooden bolts, there were no anti-theft windows. If you really want to go in, it is not difficult.

The two broke a wooden stick from a tree, inserted it through the gap in the window, pried it open for a long time, and went into the house.

It was pitch black inside, Ye Shaoyang opened both windows to let in some light, and at a glance, this should be the living room, but the furniture is pitifully sparse, only a table and a few stools, with a door on each side.

"That's where I saw him last night." Teng Yongqing pointed to a door, the two walked over, pushed the door open, and inside was a living room with horribly simple furniture, only a bamboo bed, There is not even a cabinet, there is a small cabinet next to the bed, and a few clothes are neatly folded on it.

The two walked around the room, but found nothing.

"It's not like living at home at all." Ye Shaoyang complained, "There is nothing that should be there."

"Maybe it's just a dormitory, for temporary living." Teng Yongqing guessed.

The two touched the room on the other side of the main room, and there was a clear lock on it, and locked the door.

The door was made of wood, and Ye Shaoyang knocked on it a few times, feeling that the thickness was average, so he jumped up and kicked the door panel down with a bang.

Teng Yongqing looked around vigilantly, "Be quiet."

"Thieves have done it, I'm afraid of a bird!"

Ye Shaoyang went down with a few bang bang bang bang, and forced a hole in the door panel, barely allowing people to get in.

The room had no windows and was pitch black.

But there was a little red light on the opposite wall. The two walked over and saw that it was a stick of incense sticking in the incense burner, and there was a shrine hanging on the opposite wall.

Then there was a faint light from the incense, and a pile of toilet paper could be seen on the incense table. Ye Shaoyang picked up a few, put them on top of the incense, and blew for a long time before lighting it. On both sides of the statue of Grandma Ling, there is a red candle on each side, and they take it over and light it, one by one in their hands, and the room is immediately lit up.

On the other side of the room, there was a common Taoist futon on the floor, indicating that this was the place where the Taoist priest meditated and practiced. There was a wooden shelf in the corner. Ye Shaoyang walked over, lit a candle on it, and immediately called out excitedly: "Fuck you!" !"


Teng Yongqing also followed, and after seeing it, he was also very happy. The shelves are full of artifacts and medicines. The top layer is a wooden sword, and the middle layer is a talisman, which is still purple, which is suitable for Ye Shaoyang.

(End of this chapter)——

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