Urban Witcher

Chapter 2740 Chapter 2750 Blocking the way 3

"come in!"

The talisman was pasted on his forehead, and Shen Qiang's soul was taken in by him in a whiz.

Ye Shaoyang held the talisman, this small talisman looked plain, but Shen Qiang's soul was suffering inhuman torture inside.

This is good.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, put away the talisman, turned around and walked towards those disciples of Shen Qiang.

The enchantment has been untied, but none of these people dared to escape, and they all waited for their fate in fear.

Seeing that Ye Shaoyang began to pay attention to them, one of the crowd knelt on the ground with a plop, begging Ye Shaoyang to let them go, and when he knelt, many people knelt down.

Ye Shaoyang looked at them and asked, "You are all Shen Qiang's disciples, right?"

Some people quickly said that they were not, but members of the Magic Guild, who were assigned to work under Shen Qiang, and then scrambled to prove that those were Shen Qiang's disciples, as if they had done meritorious service.

Ye Shaoyang looked at those disciples of Shen Qiang and asked, "You all helped him do bad things, right?"

These people's faces were ashen, and they lowered their heads and dared not answer. Those who wanted to commit crimes rushed to testify.

Ye Shaoyang asked these people to come out, formed seals with one hand, and slapped their Yintang points one by one, each of them fell to the ground in response, their souls shattered, and their spirits flew out from the seven orifices.

The rest of the people looked at him in fear, waiting for their fate.

"You all know the bad things that Shen Qiang did, right? You are all standing by and watching. No one thought about saving those girls, and you also helped the Holy Spirit Society to do a lot of bad things, right? Is it a loss?"

When the group of people heard this, they begged Ye Shaoyang to let him go.

Ye Shaoyang's figure suddenly flickered, he used a volley step, flew between them, and slapped down a few times, these people fell to the ground in response, but their souls did not shatter like the previous ones, but their souls were separated from their bodies one by one. He stood up and looked at Ye Shaoyang foolishly.

Ye Shaoyang drew a soul-attracting talisman and took them all in. After thinking for a while, he estimated that the soul-attracting talisman might not be able to pass through the void and reach the Yin Division, so he might as well put it on his body first and send it to the Yin Division in the future.

These people, without a single good thing, are basically going to hell.

After finishing all this, Ye Shaoyang looked at several corpses lying on the ground, and the anger in his heart came out. He looked up at Teng Yongqing, and found that he was looking at himself with a very strange look.

"What's the matter, do you think I'm too cruel?"

"They deserve what they deserve, and there is nothing to say. This kind of punishment is really not too much, otherwise they will continue to do bad things in the future." Teng Yongqing was silent for a while, and said: "It's just... Shaoyang, you are a mage in the world, According to the law, you cannot kill human beings."

"This is not a human world."

"But that's the same, you..."

"It's different. In my eyes, they are not human beings, but evil cultivators. If I just abolish them, I really can't convince myself. I know that you Buddhists pay attention to putting down the butcher knife, but I only believe in killing. Dealing with wicked people should be done in one step, otherwise they will still do evil in the future."

Teng Yongqing shook his head, "I mean, you are not qualified to judge and deal with them. You are just a mage, not a judge of the underworld."

Ye Shaoyang looked at these corpses and murmured, "I'm not qualified, but if I meet them, I can't let them go on doing evil."

"Also, they died at your hands, and this account will be recorded in the book of life and death. You... come to the underworld in the future, how do you divide it?"

"Then let's not talk about it, and the Yin Division will punish you whatever you want. I will only do what I think I should do."

Teng Yongqing still stared at him and said: "But, you were not like this before. You used to obey the most basic precepts. Now..."

"People change."

Ye Shaoyang turned his eyes to the bed where Liu Lili stayed before, and said silently: "Just now, she was killed in front of me... She would rather continue to be a slave to Shen Qiang in order to save me, so she is a good person, you agree ?"

Teng Yongqing froze for a moment, then nodded. "certainly."

"A good person, why did he go through such hardships, and finally lost his soul, tell me, why?"

"Amitabha, the cycle of cause and effect is the way of heaven and earth. If she suffers in this life, she will have blessings in the next life..."

"Blessings, hehe, it will take hundreds of years for her to gather her soul to be reborn, and she has to go through the six reincarnations. How many years will it take to be a human being again. Even if there is a blessing, how do you know that she will not meet someone like Shen Qiang halfway? Her life in this life Encounter, who will be responsible?"

Teng Yongqing was stunned.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Just now, after going through this incident, I realized that I don't want to take the world as my responsibility, and I don't want to be a superhero, but as long as I encounter this kind of thing, I must do it. No matter what the commandments of the Yin Division, I just want to have a clear conscience."

Where the Tao is, although there are tens of thousands of people, I will go there.

Ye Shaoyang didn't really understand the meaning of this sentence until today, and only then did he understand why Daofeng has been decisive and unwilling to reason with others, because there are always some people who won't listen to your reasoning.

Although I can't be as free and easy as Daofeng, and I don't want to be that kind of lone ranger, but at least I don't want to be a virgin whore, and when I meet a villain like Shen Qiang, I will do it one by one, and I have to follow his evil standard. Repay tenfold!

Teng Yongqing looked at him quietly from the side and didn't say anything else. He didn't reject Ye Shaoyang's approach - because anyone who had seen Liu Lili's miserable situation before would feel that Shen Qiang and his gang had no good seeds, and they deserved to die. It's just...according to Buddhism, murder will generate hostility, and the stronger the hostility, the more ferocious and bloodthirsty a person will become, and then fall into the devil's way.

He was very worried that Ye Shaoyang would have such a day.

It's just that he only thought of this level, and even Ye Shaoyang didn't know what his epiphany really meant this time.

"Although I said that, you should kill less people in the future. I'm worried..."

"Worried that I'm used to killing people? That's not true. As I said, this is not the human world, and they have defected to the Magic Guild. They are considered people from Xuanyuan Mountain, not human beings. If they were in the human world, I would not be so casual."

Teng Yongqing nodded and said with a smile: "I'm relieved now. By the way, Shaoyang, didn't you make an oath before, but in the end you still... aren't you afraid that your Dao heart will be damaged?"

"When I made the oath, I thought about it. I don't need to have any credibility with this kind of person. If I don't punish him with the cruelest means, I will be damaged. Now I feel very good."

(End of this chapter)——

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