Urban Witcher

2751 Chapter 2761 Reunion 1

The barrier between the human world and the evil spirit space is very smooth, unlike the Qingming Realm or the Ghost Realm, where the cracks in the void can be easily opened. It is very difficult for the creatures on both sides to reach the other's world.

Therefore, throughout the ages, few living beings have traveled to the evil spirit space (spiritual energy is thinner than that of the human world, which is not attractive, which is also a reason). The barriers of space are continuously strengthened to avoid this situation.

Ye Shaoyang in front of me actually came from the evil spirit space!

"You...how did you get out!"

"On my own, of course I can't get out." Ye Shaoyang walked in front of her, tilted his head to look at her, and said, "It's okay to tell you, Xingyue Slave has taken in a total of six closed-door disciples in the present age, and five of them have been banned by Taoism." Feng killed, the last one is said to be very mysterious, no one has seen it, do you know, who is he?"

The meaning of this was already obvious, Rui Lengyu looked at him in surprise, unexpectedly...it was him?

This is really never expected.

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath, turned around and looked in the direction of the cave entrance, stretched out his hand to feel it, and smiled on his face: "It's fighting."

After a pause, he said leisurely: "It was my master who entered the evil spirit space, found me, and led me to this world. I have been practicing in seclusion for several years. I am her most proud disciple, and she is also a dormant one. Chess piece, now is the time for me to repay my favor with actions."

"Your master? Even if you are from the evil spirit space, isn't your master Qing Yunzi? You betrayed the master?"

Ye Shaoyang laughed.

"What kind of teacher, if you have stayed in that world, you will know that all feelings are fake... I used to believe in morality. For her, I fought against the whole world, but in the end, I was defeated by her." Lied to nothing... When I was on the verge of death, my master saved me and brought me into this world, and now I have nothing to hold on to, except myself."

He stared fixedly at Rui Lengyu, the way he gritted his teeth made Rui Lengyu very uncomfortable. An evil breath lingered on his forehead.

"You are possessed." Rui Lengyu said lightly.

"Demon? Haha, what kind of gods and demons, what kind of good and bad people, are just a pawn in the hands of the masters. Only by jumping out of the chessboard can you control your own destiny. In the process, there is nothing that cannot be sacrificed. Leng Yu... you You know, the one who lied to me back then was you! It was you who caused me to lose everything! It was you who made me change from a Taoist god in the world to a monster that everyone shouts and beats!"

Rui Lengyu was shocked, and shook her head for a while, "That's not me."

"Yes, that's not you, so I didn't intend to hurt you."

Rui Lengyu didn't bother her about this, and asked, "What did you bring us here for?"

"It has nothing to do with you, you came here by yourself. I want to lead Daofeng over, and then... kill him."

"He's your senior brother!" Rui Lengyu yelled at him after being stunned for a moment.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, "In this world, I don't have any relatives, and...he must die, if he doesn't die, my plan cannot go ahead."

As Ye Shaoyang said, he glanced outside again. He couldn't see the outside of the cave from here, but he could feel waves of aura, which indicated that the battle outside was going on fiercely.

Although Rui Lengyu's soul was immobilized, her soul couldn't move, and naturally she couldn't control her body, but she still had senses, and she also sensed the changes outside, and said: "Don't waste your time, you can't kill Daofeng .”

"No one can't be killed. Daofeng is very powerful, but don't forget, this is Xuanyuan Mountain! The most important thing here is the strong. Any strong person who goes out can sweep the world. Daofeng, hehe , even if he is covered in iron, how many nails can he be driven into?"

Rui Lengyu's eyes flickered, she thought for a moment, and wanted to call him, but she only said the word "less", then she closed her mouth, and said to herself, "You are not Ye Shaoyang."

"Soon, I will be the real Ye Shaoyang." Ye Shaoyang looked at her and said darkly.

This expression made Rui Lengyu feel alienated from him even more.

The Ye Shaoyang she knew was by no means like this: Needless to say the usual funny Ye Shaoyang, even if Ye Shaoyang broke out in anger and fell into madness, he would definitely not be in such a vicious look.

He is more like a dark version of Ye Shaoyang.

Rui Lengyu Bingxue was smart, after hearing Ye Shaoyang's words, she thought about it carefully, and suddenly understood, took a breath, and said, "You want to replace Ye Shaoyang!"

"You have always been smart. Originally, I didn't want to tell you. I thought that after everything was successful, I would go to see you as Ye Shaoyang and see all of you. No one would doubt it. But since you followed, Then it’s okay to tell you, anyway, we still have a lot of time.” He glanced outside again and said with a smile.

"Ye Shaoyang in this world is trapped in the ancient tomb. He will never come out. I can completely replace him without anyone noticing... Daofeng is the only obstacle. He has lived with Ye Shaoyang for ten years. , only he can discover the truth and falsehood... Therefore, he must die. However, our original plan is to get rid of Ye Shaoyang in the ancient tomb first, and then deal with Daofeng, but we can't wait.

Daofeng has obtained the Shanhai Seal a few days ago, we were worried that he would ruin the whole plan, so I pretended to trick Daofeng to come here, haha, he was really fooled! "

Rui Lengyu's heart became colder the more he listened, and he murmured: "Yeah, thinking about it now, what a clumsy method...you didn't even make up the story." Now that I think about it carefully, Ye Shaoyang's proposal is full of loopholes. How did it get out of the ancient tomb? Who told him that Xingyue slave's body was here?

Why did he trust that person so much and take such a big risk to come to Xuanyuan Mountain?

Ye Shaoyang also understood what she meant, and said with a smile: "Of course all of this is full of loopholes, but because I said it, everything that is unreasonable is also reasonable."

Because he is Ye Shaoyang, and the person listening is Daofeng. Including Rui Lengyu herself, and Yang Gongzi, they all had absolute trust in Ye Shaoyang, and they would never doubt anything he said, let alone his motives.

So when Ye Shaoyang said it, they all believed it, and then came here...

"So, are you proud of it?" Rui Lengyu retorted while feeling sad.

"No, I don't want him to die either..." Ye Shaoyang's eyes dimmed for a moment, and then a look of determination appeared again, "But, I want to live. Besides, I am not from the same world as you, so doing this is not considered a betray."

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