Urban Witcher

2753 Chapter 2763 Reunion 3

The water in the deep pool also surged and flowed under the impact of the breath, as if it was responding to this epic battle.

A violent wave knocked Rui Lengyu against the wall, and fell to the ground again, with her face facing the direction where the two were fighting.

boom! ! !

The continuous collisions produced waves of air fluctuations, and then gradually calmed down. Rui Lengyu looked intently, and the purple and black air were gradually dissipating.

The eyes gradually became clear, Rui Lengyu opened her eyes and looked over:

The battle is over.

Ye Shaoyang's clothes were all torn, and he was lying on the ground with his back against the rock wall. Daofeng stood opposite him. Although his hair was loose, he looked better than Ye Shaoyang. The front was on Ye Shaoyang's neck.

Ye Shaoyang remained motionless, looking at Daofeng with a face like the ground, and muttered in his mouth: "This Longquan sword, how could it be like this..."

"Don't forget, I am also a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain, I can use any magic weapon of Xuanqing Mountain."

The battle is over, although I don't know how it will be, but Daofeng won.

Rui Lengyu breathed a sigh of relief, and shouted at Daofeng: "Kill him!"

Daofeng straightened his sword and stabbed down.

"Senior brother..." Ye Shaoyang suddenly called out in a low voice, looking at him with sad eyes, "No matter what, you are always my senior brother."

Daofeng hesitated.

Although he knew that he was not the real Ye Shaoyang, but after all, he looked exactly the same. This kind of visual impact was still difficult to overcome. Even Daofeng, facing such a situation, inevitably hesitated.

"Brother, don't kill me, I..."


The Seven Star Longquan Sword was inserted into his throat, and a stream of hot blood spurted out.

Ye Shaoyang opened his eyes wide, looking at Daofeng in disbelief.

"You are not Ye Shaoyang, for him, I will kill you even more."

From the place where the sword edge pierced, Ye Shaoyang's body began to disintegrate little by little, turned into powder, and melted into the air.

His body corroded little by little like this, and finally his head, a pair of bloodshot eyes still staring at Daofeng, the eyes were full of despair and unwillingness, finally, even these eyes disappeared...

There is no essence.

Most of his spirit has returned to his own world, after all he belongs to that world.

A few seconds later, the seven-star Longquan sword in Daofeng's hand also began to shatter, like Ye Shaoyang's body, pulverized and disappeared...

It is not a thing of this world, and when the owner is gone, it disappears.

Daofeng didn't regret at all, but he was relieved. If the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword remained in this world, it would cause problems. At that time, two identical swords, although one more could be used, felt too weird, or so Well, clean and tidy, when Ye Shaoyang in the evil spirit space died, he took everything away, as if nothing had happened.

"Two ways meet and one dies, I wonder if the verdict refers to me and him?" Daofeng suddenly remembered this motto of Qing Yunzi, and murmured.

He got up and walked in front of Rui Lengyu, and took off the Soul Fixing Talisman on her body.

Rui Lengyu took a deep breath, looked at Daofeng, and said, "Is it Gong Zi and the others standing outside?"

"It's me."


"I am an avatar."

Rui Lengyu was stunned, she transformed herself into...

"How is it possible, if it is an incarnation outside the body, how can it be so full and full, and it needs such powerful magic power, it is impossible." Rui Lengyu stretched out her hand and pinched his face.

Daofeng didn't explain, he opened his mouth and spit out a milky white sphere with white steam rising from it. "Here, hold it for me."


"Dragon crystal!"

Don't wait for her to understand. Daofeng grabbed her hand and walked outside. "I'll take you out!"

Without any explanation, he dragged her to the entrance of the cave in one breath.

The closer you get to the entrance of the cave, the stronger the pressure you can feel, as if the air is frozen, making it difficult to move.

Daofeng dragged her to the entrance of the cave. Rui Lengyu looked up and was stunned:

Outside the water curtain at the entrance of the cave, there is another Daofeng, who is sitting cross-legged on the ground, with a flower falling on the whole body, top of the head, shoulders, knees, and two palms, seven flowers, a total of the colors , releasing seven colors of dark light, connected together to form a powerful seal.

Daofeng didn't move with his legs crossed, black evil energy constantly oozing from his body, and he struggled to resist.

Beside him, the ancient evil god stood still with his hands in seals. Opposite him stood a tall and fat monk with his hands folded and his head bowed. A section of lotus flower was hanging above their heads, flickering on and off.

Rui Lengyu guessed that they probably entered the illusion.

"Go, you take it well, go to Lin Sansheng immediately after you go out, and wait for me there!"

"This... how to get out?"

Rui Lengyu looked around and saw large golden characters hanging in the air, circling like dragons, as if they were about to pounce down at any moment.

"Follow me!"

After Daofeng finished speaking, he flew over. Rui Lengyu had no choice but to use his body skills and followed closely behind.

Flying past Daofeng's deity and the ancient evil god, the dragon shape made of big golden characters immediately spotted them, turned around, and entrenched in the direction they must pass, the "dragon head" bumped towards Daofeng.

Daofeng held the Fantian seal in his hand, and smashed it down hard at the golden dragon.

A burst of extremely strong spiritual fluctuations spread out from the place where they collided.


The powerful counter-shock force knocked Rui Lengyu into a mess. In a daze, someone grabbed her hand and flew out.

Both Fairy Caiyun and Zen Master Shanshan were immersed in the battle and did not notice where Daofeng's avatar was, which gave Daofeng the opportunity to open a gap in the barrier under the defense of Dadong Zhenjing, dragging Let Rui Lengyu escape.


Qing Changfeng, who was standing on a distant mountain watching the battle, looked over with surprise in his eyes, a figure flashed, caught up with Daofeng, swept the dust in his hand, and set off a gust of wind, the tail of the dust was like a giant snake, heading towards Daofeng The wind rolled over madly.

Daofeng sacrificed the Sanqing Ghost Talisman, held Chenwei firmly, hugged Rui Lengyu with one hand, and rushed towards Xuanyuan's Gate.

"Want to leave? If I let you escape again today, I will change my name to Taoist Nandou!"

Qing Changfeng followed closely and kept doing tricks.

Rui Lengyu only felt the strong wind howling around her, the sky was dark, and she couldn't see anything. In this level of battle, she couldn't help at all, so she put her arms around Daofeng's neck, thinking to herself, Daofeng is Shaoyang's senior brother, He can also be regarded as his elder brother, so it's not ambiguous to do so in a hurry.


Rui Lengyu felt Daofeng's body shake violently, as if he had suffered a serious injury,

(End of this chapter)——

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