Urban Witcher

Chapter 2757 Chapter 2767 Conviction 1

Zen Master Shanshan reacted very quickly. He flipped his wrist and took a pair of rosary beads in his hand. At the moment of lightning, he put them on the magic whip. In front of Chan Master Shan, a huge statue of God was formed, wearing a magic crown and a red and blue robe, with his eyes closed and a vermilion vertical eye in the middle of his eyebrows. His face was peaceful, but not angry.

This is not Erlang Shen. It's Indra!

Chan Master Shanshan, using the technique of visualization of the heavens, visualized the illusion of Di Shitian.

The technique of visualization of the heavens can visualize the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, but the strength of these gods and Buddhas also varies, like the Four Treasures Stealing Art, the Wei Tuotian visualized is at most medium strength. Di Shitian was different, his strength was many times stronger than that of Wei Tuotian.

Di Shitian didn't hold any weapon in his hand, but just held a lotus lamp, facing the "ancient evil god", he rubbed the lamp with both hands, and five-color divine lights flew out, turned into Buddhist mantras, and descended towards Daofeng.

The "Ancient Evil God" held the whip in his hand, and without using any spells, he just smashed it down vertically.

Hard hit.

Pass through each other.

A few seconds later, Di Shitian's image was shattered, Zen Master Shanshan stepped back half a step, his face was flushed, and he looked very painful.

The "Ancient Evil God" was also uncomfortable. He was blown out and landed on the ground. His clothes were all shredded, but his blue robe was exposed. A handsome face that is rare in the world but not at all a girl.

"Tao Feng!"

Qing Changfeng yelled, "It's Daofeng again, how many Daofengs are there!"

Qing Changfeng was about to vomit blood, and those melon-eaters watching in the mountains were also about to vomit blood.

Why is it happening like that?

Daofeng turned around and looked at the "self" who had melted until only his bones remained, with a rare expression of emotion on his face.

"Why don't you go?" Daofeng asked.

The skeleton was almost completely melted, revealing his primordial spirit. At first it still looked like Daofeng, but when it was stimulated by the magic circle, it immediately began to melt, and showed the appearance of the deity:

He was tall and ugly, with a pair of thick fangs protruding from his lips.

Evil spirit?

Qing Changfeng was taken aback for a moment, then suddenly came back to his senses, and cried out: "You are the ancient evil god!"

He is the real ancient evil god.

Qing Changfeng, and those big bosses in the mountains didn't see through his appearance, it was only because he had a face exactly like Daofeng's. Couldn't see it.

His face was bestowed by Dao Feng.

The last time he went to the Zero Realm for the battle, before leaving, Daofeng promised the ancient evil god that if he returned safely, he would give him a face.

So after the matter was over and he returned to the Valley of the Wind, Daofeng removed a ray of energy from his incarnation outside his body, planted it in his primordial spirit, and cultivated his own appearance under the sacrifice of the ancient evil god .

The master bestows one's own appearance, which is a tradition of symbolizing honor in Huangquan since ancient times, just like the ancient emperor bestowing a surname. What's more than this is that after being bestowed with an appearance, it becomes the face of the master. And through this ray of energy, you can practice the master's skills and use the master's magic weapon.

At that time, Daofeng did not expect to have today.

This plan was made by Daofeng before Ye Shaoyang found him.

Even without Ye Shaoyang, he would still attack Xuanyuan Mountain. This was a plan he had thought up before.

Before setting off, he and the ancient evil god changed their identities. He put on the mask of the ancient evil god, and the ancient evil god showed his Daoist face. With his identity, he attracted everyone's attention.

The task of the ancient evil god is to hold back Qing Changfeng. It is precisely because of his restraint that he successfully attracted everyone's attention that Daofeng was able to secretly release the avatar outside his body during the interval of fighting with Zen Master Shanshan in the illusion, killed the fake Ye Shaoyang in the cave, and then escorted Rui all the way Leng Yu went out.

Although he was still discovered by Qing Changfeng, his body was beheaded... the impact on his true self was still great.

He was able to defeat Zen Master Shanshan in the illusion, not only because of his strength - but because Zen Master Shanshan used the Great Tathagata Mantra to lead Daofeng to the Pure Land of Buddha in fantasy, and listen to the Buddha's lecture. Fascination, or fear, or wonder, or fear, as long as there is a little bit of these emotions, they will be used by the demons, occupying his consciousness little by little, and finally changing his beliefs.

In the final analysis, Zen Master Shanshan wanted to transform him into Buddhism, not to kill him. Otherwise, if he let go of the battle and lost the Daofeng of the incarnation outside his body, he might not be his opponent.

It's a pity that his spells that have been tried and tested by ordinary people are useless to Daofeng. Branded with faith, converted to Buddhism.

However, what Zen Master Shanshan didn't expect was that Daofeng's belief would be so firm, and finally he was backlashed by the power of divine consciousness, which made him injured.

The ancient evil gods forcefully cleared Changfeng in order to buy time for Daofeng. After obtaining the ray of energy from Daofeng, he broke through the bottleneck, broke through the realm of evil gods, and was promoted to a junior spirit venerable. Only with Yin's divine power can he have the power to fight against Qing Changfeng, but he is not Qing Changfeng's opponent after all.

After he was injured, Daofeng told him to find a chance to escape quickly in his spiritual consciousness, but the ancient evil god hesitated.

At that time, Daofeng was fighting with Zen Master Shanshan. He showed his real body and had a chance to escape, but in that case, Daofeng would be exposed, and of course Qingchangfeng would not let him go.

Therefore, the ancient evil god refined his own flesh and bones to fight against the magic circle and buy time for Daofeng——Daofeng was on the way to fight with Zen Master Shanshan in the illusion, and his soul came out of his body and went to Beidou Temple... There, he was born. This is the real purpose of his trip.

"Daofeng! What a clever plan to cross the sea!"

Qing Changfeng finally understood and gritted his teeth in hatred.

Before, he mistakenly regarded the ancient evil god as Daofeng, and he controlled the formation and mobilized his subordinates to encircle him. After thinking of all the possibilities, he was sure that Daofeng could not escape with his wings. However, he was fooled from the beginning to the end, even who the opponent was Didn't figure it out!

Now that I see the truth clearly, combined with the situation that the disciple came to report, I finally came to my senses, and suddenly felt a chill in my bones, turned around and looked into the depths of the valley and shouted: "Everyone, please hurry to my Big Dipper Temple to protect Xingyue Slave Physical body, if her physical body is damaged, the Magic Guild's hundreds of years of planning will be destroyed, and no one can afford this responsibility!"

His shout was heard by those big bosses who were eating melons on the nearby mountain, and they were stunned on the spot.

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