Urban Witcher

2769 Chapter 2779 Ready to go 2

I was still lying on the bed in the wing room, and it was daytime outside (there is polar day and polar night here, but it is not as regular as day and night in most places in the world). Rui Lengyu felt that her whole body was numb, and it took a long time to recover, leaning on the bed and gasping for air.

"What happened?"

When Daofeng's voice came, Rui Lengyu turned her head to look. The "boy" still kept his back facing her. This is the posture she put on before going to bed. Although there is no need to avoid suspicion, it feels like being stared at while sleeping. It was still a bit awkward, so every time before going to bed, Rui Lengyu forcibly turned the villain to face the wall.

Rui Lengyu sat up, took a few breaths, and said, "I had a nightmare."

Thinking of the absurd dream, he told Daofeng again, but after listening to Daofeng, he remained silent for a long time.

"The more I think about this dream, the weirder it becomes. Daofeng, do you think this dream foretells anything?"

"Don't think too much." Daofeng only said this for a long time.

Rui Lengyu still couldn't help thinking about it, especially in the dream, the words that Houqing said to herself repeatedly, were always vivid in his mind: I am always by your side...

What does this sentence mean?

The more Rui Lengyu thought about it, the more she muttered in her heart, and she talked to Daofeng again. Daofeng was silent for a while, then suddenly said: "How much do you remember about the day you were rescued?"

Rui Lengyu thought for a while, and said: "I don't really remember, I just remember that I walked into the blood of the burning corpse, and then passed out. When I woke up, I was brought back to the world. I can't remember anything about it... Could it be that something happened that I don't know?"

Daofeng didn't answer, so of course he wouldn't tell his guess.

"Daofeng, tell me, what kind of form am I now, is it a human, a ghost, or a zombie?" Rui Lengyu analyzed by herself, "I have a physical body, and I still need to eat and sleep in the human world. Normally I am a human being. But that day I obviously absorbed the blood of the general... I was worried that I would become a zombie."

"You are human." Daofeng replied.

"how do you know?"

"There is someone's yang energy in your blood, so I suck it. What do I suck zombie blood for?"

When Rui Lengyu heard what he said, she felt a little relieved, but she couldn't help but think of the experience in the dream, and a lump formed in her heart.

The capital city of the Ming Dynasty.

There are more people than Nanjing. There is an endless stream of people inside and outside the city gate. Workers, businessmen, and some high-ranking officials and dignitaries come and go from under the city gate.

Ye Shaoyang and his group were watching from a distance. If they hadn't known the truth in their hearts, who would have thought that all these people of all kinds would have their memories rewritten and forced into this false world?

Every creature is forced to play a new role here, but they don't know it.

Looking at them, deep in Ye Shaoyang's heart, a deep fear suddenly surged up, and he told Biqing.

"It's true that everyone is drunk and I'm sober. If I tell them the truth now, they will think I'm crazy." Ye Shaoyang shook his head lightly. He couldn't explain this strange feeling.

Biqing also looked at the passers-by under the city gate, and said, "But, how do you know that you are awake? Maybe you have been implanted with memories, and you live in your world. If someone says that your world is False, you will also call others crazy."

Ye Shaoyang was suddenly dumbfounded, judging the truth of a real situation by himself is nothing more than memory, but what if the memory itself is fake? But conversely, if not memory, what else can it rely on? After thinking about it for a long time, there was really nothing.

This matter is really horrifying.

The interrogation of those who enter the city is much stricter than those who leave the city, especially those who drive a horse-drawn carriage and look like they are from other places. They need to show their household registration certificates. Ye Shaoyang also has this thing, but thinking that he made a fuss in Nanjing For the matter, I estimated that I was probably a wanted criminal, so I reasoned that I didn't bring it, and then reported a fake name.

The soldiers guarding the city did not say that they would not be allowed to enter, but pulled them aside and asked them the purpose of entering the city.

Ye Shaoyang was perfunctory, and then stuffed a few banknotes in the past. The city gate officer saw that Qian was open, and saw that he was bringing two female relatives with him, so they shouldn't be some bad people, so he let them in.

Ye Shaoyang and his group found a decent inn on the street and settled down.

"What's your plan next?" After settling down, Biqing asked.

"When Xiaoma and the others arrive, roll up your sleeves and do it together." Ye Shaoyang also made up his mind, first pulled the emperor off the horse, and then said. As for the location of the nine-star stacking qi array, according to his assumption, it must be somewhere like the imperial palace , and it won't be too hard to find.

Bi Qing said: "You don't even have a magic weapon, if you attract people from the Holy Spirit Society, what will you do to deal with it?"

"I can feel that my magical instruments are somewhere not far away. Go and have a look tomorrow."

"Even if the members of the Holy Spirit Society don't use your magic weapon, they won't keep it for you. Maybe there is some conspiracy."

Ye Shaoyang thought the same way, and said, "Yes, but it must be taken back."

Biqing stared at him and said, "Don't forget to promise me. This time, you will help me get the corpse refining jar no matter what. It's not in vain that I've been with you for so long."

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, "Your words are easy to make people dirty, what do you mean you have been with me for so long..."

Biqing smiled and said: "Isn't it? We talk with you every day, eat and live together..."

The two were joking, when suddenly there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, knocking on the wooden stairs, and the next moment, someone knocked on the door.

Ye Shaoyang went to open the door, and immediately two people rushed up, one on the left and the other on the right, holding his arms.

The other entered the room, took the oil lamp on the table, shone it on Ye Shaoyang's face, and asked, "But Yang Shaoye?"

Ye Shaoyang's heart skipped a beat, and before he could speak, someone next to him shook a piece of paper with a whoosh. It was a wanted warrant, and half of it was his own portrait, not to mention that the painting looked quite similar.

"Dutong, that's him!" one person shouted.

Several people compared it together, and all of them nodded, and looked at Ye Shaoyang with a smirk, "You are a young master, and you are also a relative of the emperor, why did you get out of the White Tiger Hall and kill the special envoy?" What happened..." It was unbelievable, and then he smiled and said: "Now that you are a wanted criminal, stop putting on airs of Lord Marquis, and go to the yamen with your brothers."

After finishing speaking, he pouted at Biqing who was standing in front of the window, and his subordinates scrambled to come out, grinning grinningly and walking towards Biqing, wanting to take advantage of the kidnapping.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head.

Na Dutong said: "I said Young Master, it's too late to shake your head now."

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