Urban Witcher

2773 Chapter 2783 A close call 2

Seeing Baozi and Wu Jiawei, Ye Shaoyang was very happy, and shouted down: "Don't let everyone come in, these people have been subjected to the soul-drawing technique, once they show up, they will die immediately!"

Xiao Ma and the others were taken aback when they heard this, and hurriedly asked what to do.

"Little Ma, you guys come in, we rushed directly into the palace, first arrested the emperor, ordered him not to resist, and then we will talk!"


Xiao Ma's fat body immediately flew up to the tower, and shouted to the outside: "Brothers, you wait outside first, wait until I catch the emperor, then I will find everyone to go in together, and wait for our good news! "

Wu Jiawei and Baozi also flew up. Baozi immediately jumped onto Ye Shaoyang's shoulder, hugging his neck and acting like a spoiled child.

On the side, Xiao Ma briefly talked about how he found Baozi on the road—just like everyone else, he had his memory modified, disguised as a new identity, and was woken up by Xiao Ma's slapping down with a brick.

Ye Shaoyang pinched Baozi's face, and joked: "You are capsized in the gutter. You usually read other people's memories, but this time your own memories have been changed by others."

Baozi was too ashamed to speak, and then he gnashed his teeth and shouted revenge.

Ye Shaoyang looked at the old turtle who used the pony as a mount before the city gate, wondering, "Who is that?"

"An old turtle spirit, what about my new mount, I plan to take it to Huangquan." The pony said proudly, patting his chest.

"You don't think he runs slowly."

"It runs so fast, faster than a rabbit!"

At this time, Ting Yongqing came over and asked Ye Shaoyang what to do.

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, asked Baozi to follow him, walked along the city wall, extinguished all the oil lamps in the beacon towers, removed the protective circle, and if there was a real fight later, Xiao Ma's troops would also be able to enter the city.

"Little Yezi, little Yezi, let's go now, I can't wait!" Xiao Ma was gearing up.

"Okay, let's go, kill to the palace!"

Xiao Ma was the first to rush down, but suddenly turned around and asked Ye Shaoyang, "Where is the imperial palace?"

One sentence made Ye Shaoyang dumbfounded by the question.

I don't know where the palace is.

Ye Shaoyang caught sight of the general who was still under Biqing's control, and pressed him about the location of the palace.

The general looked at death as if he was at home, and said: "If you want to kill, then kill, I eat the king's salary, how can I betray the king, don't dream!"

Ye Shaoyang was amused when he heard that, this general, who saw himself as righteous, was actually just a poor brainwashed guy.

Xiao Ma became angry when he heard it, rolled up his sleeves, and wanted to go up and give him a brick to help him wake up. Ye Shaoyang pulled him back, came to the general, checked his forehead, and found a gray mark on his forehead, which could not be wiped off with his hands. Ye Shaoyang took out a blank talisman, drew a few strokes with a cinnabar brush, pasted it on his forehead, and then recited the mantra.

The talisman burned, but it made a crackling sound. The general screamed loudly and shook his head. When the talisman was extinguished, Ye Shaoyang wiped it again, and all the marks on his forehead disappeared.

He used a detoxifier. One of the few spells in the Xuanqing Mountain Spell aimed at mages, it is specially used on human beings who are trapped by spells, sorcery, curses, etc. In principle, it can dissolve all man-made spells.

But in the final analysis, it is still a matter of one foot taller than the devil, and it depends on who has the higher magic power, the one who casts the spell or the one who breaks the spell.

"The person who cast the curse is an Earth Immortal."

Ye Shaoyang made a judgment, and then pulled the general to a place below where his subordinates could not see, and slapped him hard on the forehead, the general fell down in response, shrank on the ground and twitched for a while, without changing his form.

Could it be that he is human?

Just as Ye Shaoyang was thinking, this guy slowed down, opened his eyes wide and looked around, and finally his gaze fell on Ye Shaoyang's face. After looking at it for a long time, he hesitated, "Master Ye?"

Ye Shaoyang was taken aback, and hurriedly said, "You know me?"

"How can we not know each other, Master Ye, I am Miao Zheng, a disciple of Longhu Mountain, and the master is my uncle! Master Ye, what kind of place is this?"

Ye Shaoyang briefly explained the situation, helped him recall some memories, and told him that he was one of the second batch of disciples Zhang Wusheng sent to Chengde to investigate. After discovering that there was a problem with the ancient tomb, he notified Zhang Wusheng, and Zhang Wusheng came. Chengde, the two met and asked him to lead the way through the upper crack of the mountain upstream of the ancient tomb. At that time, there were two senior brothers together, but all three of them were sucked into the ancient tomb...

His last memory was that the three of them were locked together in a dark room, drugged into their mouths, and incense burned in front of them. After that, he passed out, and he didn't know what happened after that.

Looking at the armor on his body, Miao Zheng still felt a little unbelievable after hearing Ye Shaoyang's general explanation.

Suddenly, he slapped his head violently, hugged Ye Shaoyang's leg, and said anxiously: "Master Ye, hurry up and save my master, he must still be here too! I don't know what identity he was disguised as!"

Ye Shaoyang was still happy when he finally found a person involved, because according to Miao Zheng, since they were arrested at the time and went through the process of brainwashing, it means that Zhang Wusheng is not dead, otherwise there is no need for them to go through such troubles and wipe them out with a knife. The neck will do. Most likely, like Xiao Ma and the others, he was brainwashed and changed his identity.

But it is really not easy to find him.

Miao Zhengzheng became a general, but he didn't know Zhang Wusheng's identity, so what was it?

With his special status, even if his identity is changed, he is definitely not an ordinary person.

Ye Shaoyang told Miao Zheng about the situation before him, and Miao Zheng knew that his "subordinates" had all suffered from the soul-drawing technique, so he wanted Ye Shaoyang to help them solve it.

Ye Shaoyang asked him to randomly call two soldiers to come up, checked it, and immediately encountered a difficulty: the runes on these two soldiers were the same as Miao Zheng, and they were marked by the strong man of the Earth Immortal Tablet, and it would take some time to untie them. There are so many soldiers on the scene... If you solve it one by one, even if you really use up your mana, it will probably be a week after everyone solves it.

So let Miao Zheng continue to pretend to be a general, and stabilize those subordinates first.

So Miaozheng put on his helmet, went back to the edge of the tower, faced a group of subordinates, told them not to act rashly, and just stood here, waiting for orders.

Miao Zheng also wanted to go to the palace with them, Ye Shaoyang was afraid that he would be the most tired, besides, only if he stayed here and watched over the soldiers downstairs, they would not act rashly.

Miao Zheng agreed, and discussed with everyone how to meet later, Ye Shaoyang led everyone to the palace - they didn't know where the palace was, but they thought it should be in the middle of the capital, so it must not be. hard to find.

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