Urban Witcher

Chapter 2822 Chapter 2832 One Sword Comes West 1

With Ye Shaoyang's cultivation base, he can activate up to twenty dark gold runes at the same time, which is nothing to him, but the walls of this room are covered with dark gold runes. You don't need to think about it. There are also many "drainage symbols" pasted between the dark gold runes.

The diversion talisman is not used to induce labor and abortion, but a functional magic talisman with no attributes. It must be combined with an offensive talisman. When this drainage talisman touches the spiritual power of any spell, it will attract the spiritual power Go to the offensive charm and activate the charm.

A drainage talisman can be used with three offensive talismans, that is to say, a mage can use the spiritual power of the spell to directly activate the talisman without having to deal with each talisman one by one.

However, the biggest disadvantage of the diversion talisman is the delay of a few seconds. In actual combat, every second is very precious, and the opponent cannot give you enough time to do it. Therefore, the diversion talisman is not practical in actual combat. Arrangement, activated at the critical moment, can exert its power instantly, but in this case, there is still a delay. If the opponent sees the sign, as long as he is not mentally retarded, of course he will run away. As long as he avoids the range of the magic talisman, it will be useless.

So this diversion talisman, except for very few special cases, is basically tasteless.

However, if the drainage talisman is added to the dark-gold rune, and the ground of the glass mirror, it will be fun: the talisman hits the glass mirror, reflects it, falls on the drainage talisman, and then ignites more dark-gold runes, This has created the terrible situation in front of me.

Facing the starlight like a hail of bullets, Yingmei couldn't protect herself, so she could only let go of Ye Shaoyang and accept the illusion of the endless hell. A tool that can claim all forms of evil. Ye Shaoyang fastened the hook, held it firmly, and blinked at Yingmei.

"You rushed in after me, just thinking about killing me, but you didn't expect the floor to be paved with mirrors, did you? Let me tell you what's going on..." Ye Shaoyang took the initiative to talk about it, not to show off, but on purpose This is to distract him, but it can also be regarded as a way to vent his anger.

"You are ever-changing and follow you like a shadow. No magic weapon can do anything to you. Ever since I met you for the first time, I have been thinking about how to deal with you. Last time, it was right here, and I tricked you again. Later I just thought of this trick, mirror, that's right, no matter how powerful you are, invisible and formless, the only thing you can't pass through is the mirror!

So before going to the tomb, I arranged it here! At that time, in order to prevent you from finding out in the dark, I was anxious outside and everyone arranged a formation together to ensure that you would not peep at me nearby... I drew hundreds of dark gold runes, and used a few taels of gold powder, What a cost, just to trap you here for such a day! "

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang also feels very refreshed, with a feeling of elation. He has been holding back in the illusory space recently, accumulating a lot of resentment. He originally vented it on Xingyue slave, but he didn't get into that fight, making him even more depressed That's right, Yingmei just came looking for her.

"The power of five hundred nine-star talismans, Yingmei, is enough for you to drink a whole pot!"

Ying Mei was frightened when she heard Ye Shaoyang tell the truth. Over the years, no matter what kind of opponent he faced, he had never been afraid—even if the opponent was stronger than him, with his invisible and formless special means, he would never be able to escape. Problematic, but at this moment, he was afraid.

But the situation in front of him gave him no time to be afraid. After resisting a round of starlight attacks, the barrier around him was broken. According to his habit, he should escape, but the glass mirror can't penetrate , Yingmei felt ruthless in her heart, and forced her body out of her body, instantly shook Ye Shaoyang's restraint, dragged the hook, and flew towards the nearest wall.

This point was somewhat unexpected to Ye Shaoyang. Although the room was arranged by him like an iron barrel array, the biggest hidden danger was Yingmei's forced escape.

Therefore, he deliberately let Yingmei drive him to a desperate situation step by step, and opened the Infernal Hell, thinking that he would be able to handle himself, at the moment when he was exhausted, he activated the magic talisman, and then took advantage of the moment when Yingmei was most panicked, Trapeze him with the rope.

But in this environment, he was able to forcefully break free and escape, which is indeed surprising.

Yingmei flew in the air, not dodging the raindrops of starlight (too much can't dodge, and it's a waste of time), trying her best to cultivate herself, letting the starlight hit her like a bullet, every ray of starlight Going through it is a hole, and then a puff of black smoke comes out.

Even if it rushes out, it is estimated that it will not be repaired within a year or so.

Thinking of this Yingmei, he felt a bit embarrassed, but after another thought, after all, he saved his life. The moment he was about to touch the wall, he said triumphantly: "Ye Shaoyang, you are a formidable person, but if you count everything, don't worry about it." One thing - my strength is much stronger than you think, I will kill you after I recuperate! Next time, I will see what else you can do."

"You have no chance." Ye Shaoyang looked at him, smiled lightly, showing two canine teeth, feeling harmless to humans and animals.

Before the words fell, a figure, holding a long sword, shot out quickly.

Wu Jiawei, Wu Jiawei who has never done anything directly!

Yingmei thought he was just an ordinary character, and he didn't take it seriously at all. At this moment, he showed extreme speed, and the Zangfeng sword in his hand shot towards him like a ray of light. Just as Ying Mei was about to dodge, the sword edge passed between his eyebrows, but the figure didn't move.

Wu Jiawei stopped and didn't look back.

Ying Mei covered her head and paused for a few seconds, her body suddenly trembled violently, holding her head in her hands, rolling over on the ground——that sword just now had left the sword energy in his body, and it exploded at this moment.

Countless stars continuously hit him, passing through his body, leaving trails of black smoke, his body rapidly swelled up, and the black shadow unfolded on the ground, spreading rapidly...

Ye Shaoyang didn't know what was going on, so he called Wu Jiawei to hide in the corner together, and placed a carpenter's big money in front of him to guard against the approaching shadow. The two looked at this scene in bewilderment. Could it be that he is not dead?

The black shadow spread to the entire room, and then... for less than ten seconds, a puff sound was heard suddenly, as if there was an air leak somewhere, and then a thick black smoke was seen rising in the room, with a kind of Fiery might.

Ye Shaoyang went to open the door, walked outside with Wu Jiawei and stood there.

"Brother Shaoyang!" Zhou Jingru and the others saw them coming out from a distance, and immediately shouted. ()

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