Urban Witcher

Chapter 2838 Chapter 2848 Into the urn 1

Xu Wenchang laughed and said, "This old man is worth a fortune."

While talking, let someone arrange the banner, pick up the brush, dip it in the ink, brew it for a while, and finish it on the banner in one go:

Possesses great supernatural powers, with one breath and three cleanses, saving all the common people in the four continents;

Showing boundless magic power, away from dragons and tigers, and cultivate into a golden immortal for thousands of calamities.

The handwriting is neat and round, and it is done in one go.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at it. This font is very elegant, and it is worthy of Xu Wenchang's handwriting.

Xu Wenchang said: "It's not bad, my couplet just matches your plaque of 'Mage in the World'."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Neatness is neatness, and the meaning is good, but the content is a little too old. My Yinyang Division is the Seventy-third Division of Yinyang Division, and it should be a bit new."

After speaking, Xiaobai asked Xiaobai to prepare two banners, took a pen to brew, and wrote:

Respect the law, obey the law, understand the law, understand the law and impermanent law,

Respect the sky, fear the sky, serve the sky, and feel that there is a sky beyond every day.

The fonts are flamboyant and eclectic.

"Good words!" Xu Wenchang praised from the bottom of his heart, but frowned slightly after reading the content, and said, "Where is this right?"

"I have realized something recently, and I think about it myself."

"What about horizontal batch?"

Ye Shaoyang took a banner and quickly wrote four words on it: lawlessness.

Xu Wenchang took a deep breath and scolded with a smile: "Ye Shaoyang, you are so courageous!"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and ignored, and handed over the scrolls to Xiaobai, and asked her to frame them and hang them on both sides of the main entrance of the mansion. As for the one written by Xu Wenchang, it was hung in the middle of the hall together with the "Mage in the World".

"Mr. Xu, let's go." Ye Shaoyang clapped his hands and called Xu Wenchang to go, and asked everyone to wait here.

Xu Wenchang frowned slightly, followed behind him, left the Yin Yang Division, and walked towards the Reincarnation Division together.

Xu Wenchang was silent along the way.

"Xu Gong, are you still thinking about that couplet?"

Xu Wenchang sighed and said, "Little Heavenly Master, you have grown up."

"Growing up is a good thing."

Xu Wenchang was silent for a while, and said: "You are a child, and someone will protect you. When you grow up, some protection will be lost."

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "Protection, sometimes it is also a kind of restraint. It's better to grow up and be free."

Xu Wenchang said nothing more.

All the way to Yin Yang Division.

As an important department of super-reincarnation, the Department of Yin and Yang has strict laws and regulations. There are three steps, one post and five steps and one sentry. Ye Shaoyang curiously asked why it was not like this when he came here before.

"It's because you made trouble here and broke into the well of reincarnation in the way of life and death. Since then, the Holy Emperor has strengthened his troops here. It is impossible for anyone to do it again."

Ye Shaoyang stuck out his tongue.

Seeing the Three Dharma Kings in the middle court, Ye Shaoyang stepped forward to say hello, and the Three Dharma Kings returned the salute in embarrassment. Walking all the way to the front of the Reincarnation Hall, Xu Wenchang did not lead him into the hall, but turned to the back.

Ye Shaoyang looked left and right. Xu Wenchang smiled and said: "Don't look at it, your father has sent a foreign mission recently, and he is not in the office."

Ye Shaoyang was a little disappointed.

Passing through the Great Hall of Reincarnation, I walked into a small courtyard with a very low terrain. There were guards at the gate of the courtyard. Seeing that it was Xu Wenchang, they all bowed to salute.

"Aren't you going to Zhao Prison? What are you doing here?" Ye Shaoyang was curious.

"Xu Fu is not in Zhao Prison right now, but in the dungeon of the Department of Reincarnation." Xu Wenchang said this, and brought Ye Shaoyang to a building.

A small road outside the building door, like an underground garage, extends at a gentle angle. The two black iron gates are locked tightly. The middle part of the bracelet is carved into the shape of a beast head with teeth and claws. Two eyes Inlaid with unknown gemstones, shining green light.

On both sides of the gate, a row of soldiers stood on each side of the gate, with their weapons in their hands, motionless. The leader was two golden armored ghost warriors, one on the left and one on the right, standing on both sides of the gate.

When Ye Shaoyang saw the golden armored ghost warrior, he was startled. The golden armored ghost warrior has a considerable status in the Yin Division. Anyone in the army is a general. Only a few major officials have the equipment, which is a rare talent.

Unexpectedly, outside this warehouse-like dungeon, there are actually two golden armored ghost warriors standing guard, which shows that this is by no means an ordinary place.

"By the order of the emperor, I came here on business." Xu Wenchang took out a token and shook it at them.

The two gold-armored ghost warriors bowed their hands and each grabbed a door knocker and pulled it away.

An eerie aura immediately gushed out from inside.

"Little Heavenly Master, let's go?"

Xu Wenchang made a gesture of invitation.

When entering the door, Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand to touch the iron gate, it was cold to the bone, and he was shocked: it is actually the best hell black iron, you must know that this black iron is not easy to find in the underworld, so much black iron is used to make the iron gate , is simply shocking.

Ye Shaoyang took a closer look. On the inside of the iron gate, runes were engraved from top to bottom. It's no wonder that black iron is the easiest material to guide spiritual power. Carving runes on it will have a better effect than ordinary The material is several times better.

Ye Shaoyang guessed that these runes were probably some kind of sealing barrier, used to protect the dungeon.

"This is the place where the Department of Reincarnation detains special criminals. Naturally, we should be more cautious." Seeing Ye Shaoyang's doubts, Xu Wenchang explained. After entering, he turned and pointed to the iron gate and said, "This dungeon is as solid as gold. Once you enter, anyone can Don't even try to get out of here."

After the two of them entered, the iron gate behind them closed slowly. Ye Shaoyang felt a powerful seal force, rippling on the iron gate, and quietly sensed it with Gang Qi. There are no gaps, and it may not be easy to open this enchantment.

The light in the dungeon was dim, and there were will-o'-the-wisps swaying back and forth. When the two walked forward, there were will-o'-the-wisps flying over and falling on their shoulders, barely able to see the situation a few meters away.

This is a long and narrow passage, with rooms on both sides. There are doors in the rooms, and there are things like astrolabes on the doors. They are also tightly fitted, and you can't see inside at all.

There were ghost soldiers in black robes carrying soul-hunting ropes, floating in the air like ghosts, and when they saw Xu Wenchang, they all stopped and saluted.

Xu Wenchang stopped one person and asked him where Xu Fu was. The ghost soldier led the way, walked along the long passage to the end, and stopped in front of a cell. The cell is smaller than the cells on both sides of the aisle, and its position and direction are also different, showing its specialness.

And there are two astrolabes on this door.

The jailer walked up to one of the astrolabes, and took out a round object from his pocket, which looked similar to the astrolabe on the door. He looked at the arrangement of the astrolabe on the door, adjusted it, and then aligned it with the door. Looking at the astrolabe on the screen, he turned his head and respectfully said to Xu Wenchang: "Thank you, Master!" ()

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