Urban Witcher

Chapter 2842 Chapter 2852 The Last Journey 3

"It's hard to say."

Ye Shaoyang poured water and returned to the room, but just as he sat down, Biqing followed him in and asked him about Shanhaiyin.

"It's amazing that you gave up watching TV because of this!" Ye Shaoyang couldn't believe it.

"It's an advertisement, I don't have a member, I can't jump over it, can you get me a member?"

"Think beautifully."

Ye Shaoyang drank water and lay down on the bed.

Guagua also came to inquire about Shanhaiyin.

Ye Shaoyang looked up and saw that the talisman paper on the window was fine, then lowered his voice, told Xu Fu's hint to himself, then looked at Guagua triumphantly, and said, "Guess what it means."

Knowing that he was showing off, Guagua tilted his head and thought hard, "Things are different... time travel... what do you mean, what kind of hint is this?"

"However, I guessed what he was going to say."

"Okay, boss, your IQ is finally online once, so stop showing it off, and tell me what you mean."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, and said: "Things are not people, that is to say, things are still that thing, but people are not that person...Combined with the word 'crossing', this gave me a guess... Guagua, if you were Xu Fu, and you wanted to leave something for me, while guarding against being found by others, you also had to make sure that I could find it, and you couldn’t tell me directly, what would you do instead?”

Guagua thought for a long time in a daze, and said, "What secret place is it hiding?"

"He doesn't know me well. Where he can think of, others can definitely find it."

Guagua thought about it again, then shook his head, "There are so many restrictions, it's too much brain work, I can't think of it, I can't think of it."

"Ordinary people would not have thought of it, but Xu Fu thought of it. He put the seal of mountains and seas in a place where no one will ever find it... Even Emperor Fengdu and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva would not be able to find it."

"Come on, don't be a fool!"

Ye Shaoyang looked at him, and said slowly: "He has hidden the seal of mountains and seas in the future."

"The future? Where is that?" Guagua didn't react for a while.

"It's the future." Seeing that he still didn't understand, Ye Shaoyang took out his phone and looked at the date, "For example, today is the 18th of January, Friday, but this is my time, Xu Fu has Shanhaiyin, let's assume Before he was caught, he traveled to the nineteenth day of the first month and put the Shanhaiyin in my room...then tomorrow, the Shanhaiyin will appear in my room. Do you understand what I mean?"

Guagua stared at the boss, and nodded slowly, "I understand, but... you traveled once before, and then came back here, many things have not changed, you also said, what is the parallel? Like the universe, there is no causal relationship between different time and space... If Xu Fu changes your future, it will also be you in another dimension, what should you be, or what should you be, it seems like this?"

Ye Shaoyang did not expect him to remember such details, and pondered: "This is what I experienced, but I only experienced it once, and it must be one-sided. This mountain and sea seal has been in his hands for so many years, and he must have figured it out a long time ago. Maybe we Unknown secret, what if he has a way to find the one that has a causal relationship with us from several parallel universes?"

Guagua was stunned and fell silent.

"Boss, these... Did you come up with it yourself?"

"Indeed, I thought of it in a flash of light. Combined with what he said before, I think that's it. Xu Fu is very smart. From his point of view, this is the best way. It will allow everyone to find If you don’t get Shanhaiyin, on the other hand, you can also ensure that Shanhaiyin can get into my hands. What's the point?"

Guagua looked at him, "So..."

"So I can't think of any other way for him to deliver Shanhaiyin to me."

Guagua seemed to be moved by him, and murmured: "But the premise is that he has a way to do what you said."


"Then I have another question, Boss, since he can travel to the future, has he seen the end of everything, then...why would he do all of this? Anyway, for the future, all of this has already happened It happened."

Ye Shaoyang shook his head slowly, "The future can be changed. I think that every time a person makes a choice, a different time and space will be born, and the ending will be completely different. Moreover, Xu Fu told me that he has not been to the future because he does not want to go to the future." Knowing what the future holds, the unknown, is the driving force for struggle.”

Guagua nodded half-understood, and suddenly hugged Ye Shaoyang's arm coquettishly, "Then I don't care what the future holds, anyway, just hang out with you all the time."

Feeling grateful, Ye Shaoyang smiled and patted his head.

"By the way, boss, what if Xu Fu really used this method to leave the seal of mountains and seas to you?"

"What to do, just wait. It will come out sooner or later."

Guagua was stunned for a while, and said silently: "Is the Shanhaiyin really so good? Even Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will come to grab it."

In the past, Ye Shaoyang thought the same way, but after others came to snatch it, he couldn't help thinking about it, and then he really understood the magic of Shan Hai Yin: if it can infinitely travel through time and space, then it is the most amazing thing in the world, just like Same bugs in the game.

Xie Yuqing helped Ye Shaoyang and Chen Yue book air tickets together, and the next day, they flew to Qiangui together, the three of them, plus Guagua who didn't need to buy a ticket.

It was Ye Shaoyang's first visit to Guigui. He thought that Guigui was in the south and would be warmer, but it was raining here, and it was very cold after getting off the plane. Fortunately, the three of them had brought enough clothes.

Xie Yuqing had a cousin who went to school in Qiangui, and had contacted them before coming here, and came to the airport to pick them up.

The young man's name is Wu Hongzhi. He is in his early twenties with thick eyebrows and big eyes. He is quite handsome and cheerful. He borrowed a car from his classmate and drove over. Xie Yuqing gave them a brief introduction to each other, saying that Ye Shaoyang and Chen Yue were her friends, and Guagua didn't show up, so there was no need to introduce them.

The young man is a dancer, no wonder Ye Shaoyang looked at him with a charming demeanor and a good figure, the kind of fresh meat that young girls like nowadays.

Xie Yuqing chatted with his cousin, while Ye Shaoyang lay on the car window to watch the scenery.

The feeling of the urban area is similar to all parts of the country, that is, in the cracks between high-rise buildings, you can see some shadows of green hills, after all, it is a mountainous area.

As the landlord, Wu Hongzhi arranged all the accommodation, sent them to the hotel first, let them rest for an afternoon, went to dinner together in the evening, found an old restaurant with a good reputation, and ate the local special sour soup fish and During the banquet, Ye Shaoyang kept paying attention to Chen Yue. When eating the Changwang noodles, Ye Shaoyang saw her in a daze for a long time and asked her what was the matter.

(End of this chapter)——

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