Urban Witcher

Chapter 2847 Chapter 2857 Stone Taoist 1

Chen Yue slowed down for a long time, opened her red eyes from crying, looked at Ye Shaoyang and said, "Your analysis is indeed reasonable, but there is still one thing that doesn't make sense: if someone really comes to trouble me, why doesn't my master come to trouble me?" Let me hide, and tell me the truth?"

"Maybe, she can't tell you the truth, or she has some difficulties. I don't think you need to worry about it, because she must have a reason for doing this, otherwise she wouldn't have to commit suicide."

Chen Yue didn't speak, and acquiesced to his statement.

At this time, Guagua interjected: "But, mother, she will come back, maybe she will stay on the mountain, if she comes back early, and the other party hasn't come yet, she will be caught right then... ...Isn't it all in vain?"

Ye Shaoyang glared at him, and said coldly: "Are you stupid? After she faked her death, she went to the illusion space, and she lost her memory. How could she still come here?"

Speaking of this, Ye Shaoyang had a flash of light in his mind, and said: "By the way, Xiao Yueyue, it is very likely that your memory loss and entering the illusion were all caused by your master, in order to trap you and make you want to Not remembering who you are, and getting away with it."

Chen Yue was shocked.

Guagua was also stunned.

The truth...is that so?

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, "If you want someone to lose their memory, even the most common wizard in Miaojiang can do it, not to mention your master's long-term alchemy. After you lose your memory, you enter the illusion, where all the creatures have their memories modified , you won’t stand out at all. But you are different from those people in two ways, one is that you still use your original name, and the other is that you can’t wake up your memory with spells.”

Seeing the confident expression on Chen Yue's face, Ye Shaoyang was very proud, and said: "Okay, I've finished everything, these are my speculations, they may not be correct, but you can think about it, do you have any enemies?" , and, before you lost your memory, did your master reveal anything to you?"

"I was an orphan since I was a child, and I grew up with my master. I have never had contact with anyone, let alone enemies. According to my master...she has also practiced on the mountain all her life. She rarely interacts with people and has no enemies. This , I'm sure. As for the rest..."

Chen Yue tried hard to think, and suddenly frowned and said, "The last few days I remember with her, there were indeed some weird things... About a month before I lost my memory, one night, she went out in the middle of the night, saying she was going to Cleaning the top of the mountain, she used to do it a lot, I didn't care, just in the middle of the night, it started to rain, I remembered that she didn't bring an umbrella, so I went to the top of the mountain to look for her..."

She looked around, pointed to a place and said: "Probably here, I heard her talking to someone on the way, I felt very strange, so I slowed down and went up the mountain, she was standing here, talking to someone When the man in black spoke, I stood far away and listened...Because of the moonlight behind his back, the man in black couldn't see his face, but he didn't have any aura on his body, nor did he have the evil aura of ordinary evil things...I'm afraid he hid his breath.

He and his master were talking face to face. I was curious about what they were talking about in the middle of the night, so I hid and listened. I only heard a few sporadic words.

My master said: What is false is false, what is true is always true.

The man said: If the fake is real, the real is also fake, as long as there is no fake, then he is real.

My master asked him what to do. Then the man in black seemed to notice me and stopped talking. After a while, my master called my name. I thought it was embarrassing to eavesdrop, so I didn't dare to agree and went down the mountain secretly.

The next day, when my master saw me, he didn’t mention what happened last night as usual. I guess she had some secrets that she didn’t want to know from me. Although she was curious, she didn’t ask about it... Now that I think about it, will she tell me about it? About this matter? "

Ye Shaoyang pondered and said: "It's probably related, but just listening to these few words, I really can't guess anything."

Whether it's fake or real, just listening to this sentence, I'm in a fog. The only thing that interested Ye Shaoyang was that a boy was mentioned in their conversation... who was he talking about?

Ye Shaoyang advised her to go back and look for Taoist Shi's relics to see if there was any useful information, so the two of them worked together and simply stuffed Taoist Shi's body into an empty coffin and buried it. Chen Yue cried for a while in front of the grave and knelt down for a long time before the three of them walked down the peak together and returned to the Taoist temple.

Chen Yue has recovered her memory, found the key to the wing room in Taoist Shi's bedroom, and opened a room for Ye Shaoyang to live in.

"The top of the mountain is very humid, and you usually have to dry the quilt. No one has taken care of it this month, and the bedding is a little wet. You can just let it go." Chen Yue helped Ye Shaoyang make the bed, and went to the kitchen to check. There were still rice noodles, but the backyard was not. There was a vegetable garden, where potatoes, eggplants, and peppers were grown, but they were not in the mood to clean up, so they simply baked a few cakes and ate them, and then went to sort out Taoist Shi's belongings.

Taking out the clothes she wore one by one and inspecting them, as well as those cabinets and drawers, Ye Shaoyang looked around, and suddenly heard a sob, turned his head to see, Chen Yue was holding something in his hand , staring motionlessly in a daze.

"What did you find?" Ye Shaoyang hurried forward, but it turned out to be a photo, an old black and white photo, on which a woman dressed as a Taoist nun was holding a little girl. Holding an apple in his hand, he looked at the camera shyly.

"This is you?"

Chen Yue touched her tears, and finally put down the photo.

There is nothing particularly suspicious in Taoist Shi's relics. Finally, Chen Yue found a box on her bed—it was usually used by Taoist Shi as a pillow.

"This is her most personal box. I don't know what's in it. She didn't let me touch it when she was alive. If she knows that I opened it without authorization, she will be unhappy." Chen Yue hesitated.

Ye Shaoyang persuaded: "Your master is no longer here, and you should inherit her relics. Otherwise, what should you do with it? You can't bury it. That would be disrespectful to her."

It was also the first time for Chen Yue to observe this wooden box at such a close distance. He thought there would be a keyhole on it, but he found a combination lock—not an astrolabe composed of Taoist elements such as heavenly stems and earthly branches, but an astrolabe. A real combination lock.

"Your master, it's very trendy." Ye Shaoyang teased, but felt it was wrong, rubbed his nose and stopped talking.

"Maybe she bought it when she was traveling around." Chen Yue checked it, and the combination lock was quite complicated, with eight digits. The three of them looked at the combination and became troubled. ()

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