Urban Witcher

Chapter 286: Rainy Night Visit 3

"Miss Zhuang, did that ghost still haunt you last night?" Ye Shaoyang suddenly remembered this and asked.

"No, since Mr. Ye came, I no longer have the feeling that someone is peeping around me, and I sleep peacefully." Zhuang Yuning praised from the bottom of her heart, "It's really thanks to Mr. Ye."

Ye Shaoyang asked her to take off the amulet, held it in her hand, and sensed it with the gang qi, and found that the ghost aura in the bloodstone had become stronger again, and her heart moved, last night, the ghost boy still came! And he didn't give up on the erosion of the amulet. Although he was surprised, things were going on as he expected, so there was nothing to worry about.

In order not to make Zhuang Yuning nervous, he didn't say anything about it. Looking at the violent rain outside, he said to Zhuang Yuning: "The rainy day is the most cloudy, so be careful tonight." After thinking about it, he stretched out his hand Go grab Zhuang Yuning's hand.

"Mr. Ye, you..." By the time Zhuang Yuning realized it, he had already grabbed his hand. Ye Shaoyang didn't say much, took out a cinnabar pen from his belt, and drew palm thunder on her palm.

It was only then that Zhuang Yuning came to her senses, watching him quietly with her head down and concentrating, and feeling the temperature of her hand being held by him, a strange feeling slipped through her heart.

"Don't wash off this palm thunder. In case something happens and I don't arrive in time, you can breathe out on the palm and pat the ghost to force it back temporarily."

Zhuang Yuning spread out her palms, looked at the Pisces pattern on her palms, and said in amazement, "Why do you breathe, what's the reason?"

"This palm thunder is activated by Yang Qi, so ordinary people can also use it. Yang Qi comes from the Life Lamp. Humans only have three Life Lamps, so you can only use it three times. Don't use it unless it is critical."

Zhuang Yuning said, "What will happen after three times?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said, "I will definitely arrive before you exhaust your breath."

The heavy rain did not stop until two hours later, but the sky was gloomy, and the weather was obviously not suitable for going out to play. The three of them had to stay at home. Zhuang Yuning played the piano. I could hear a trace of trouble and melancholy in my voice, I don't know if it's the original meaning of the song, or the effect of her mood.

After dinner in the evening, Ye Shaoyang returned to his bedroom and continued to draw talismans until late at night. Suddenly, his eyes went dark, the power went out, and he was startled. He hurried to the balcony, stretched his head to look at other buildings, and they were all pitch black. , Only then did I feel relieved, guessing that after the storm, there was something wrong with the wires, and there must be no one to fix it in the middle of the night, so I had to close the doors and windows tightly and go to bed.

Less than half an hour after he fell asleep, the heavy rain started again.

A flash of lightning woke Zhuang Yuning up from her dream. She sat up and took a look at her phone. At 12:30 in the morning, the wind and rain outside the window slapped on the glass window, making a strange rhythmic sound , Zhuang Yuning immediately felt a burst of nervousness, reached out to turn on the light, but it didn't turn on.

power cut?

Zhuang Yuning touched the TV remote control from the bedside, pressed the power button, and wanted to check whether it was a real power outage or a light or switch was burned out, but after waiting for a few seconds, the TV turned on, and a snowflake appeared.

Zhuang Yuning froze for a moment, bad signal? But this is Internet TV, not closed-circuit TV. Even if there is no signal, there will be no such ancient things as snowflakes?

Just as she was distracted, the TV screen lit up bit by bit, and a picture appeared. Zhuang Yuning breathed a sigh of relief, and lost sleepiness for a while, ignoring the common sense that electrical appliances cannot be used in thunderstorms, leaning against the head of the bed, waiting The screen becomes clearer little by little:

The picture is black and white. Under the dark sky, a group of people are holding lanterns and walking on a ridge. The quality of the picture is very low, and the camera is pulled far away. They can't see the faces of these people. They can only be judged by their body shape and hair length. There are men and women.

Several of them were playing suona-like musical instruments, and a burst of mourning and music came out through the speakers of the TV. The people who heard it were horrified. Zhuang Yuning hurriedly changed the channel, but the black and white image was still on the screen. Holding a coffin and digging a grave for burial, Zhuang Yuning hurriedly changed the channel again.

The scene changed, and a long-haired woman appeared in a dilapidated house, sitting on a small bench, holding a big child in her arms, holding a large needle like an awl, and was sewing. Control the child's face.

The light in the room was very dark and the picture quality was poor, so I couldn't see the child's appearance clearly. Zhuang Yuning suspected that it was a rag doll. After playing the picture for a long time, the woman just kept sewing there, which was weird. The screen made Zhuang Yuning feel an ominous premonition, and hurriedly changed the channel, but no matter what button was pressed, the screen did not respond, even the phone could not be turned off.

How is this going?

Zhuang Yuning stared at the screen, only to realize that there was no logo on the screen, nothing...

I hurried to the TV and tried to pull out the plug, but when I saw the socket, I was stunned for a few seconds, my head exploded with a buzzing sound, and the world was spinning for a while, staring at the empty socket panel stupidly, and hanging on the TV. the plug on the back of the machine.

The TV...was not plugged in at all!

Zhuang Yuning backed away slowly, sat down on the bed, stared at the TV screen with a pair of empty eyes, on the screen, the camera got closer and closer, and slowly pointed at the "doll", which was a boy's face, His eyes were closed, and his face was covered with wounds, some of which had been sewn up.

Very thick black lines, like ugly centipedes, lie on the fair skin.

Holding a long needle in her hand, the woman passed the black thread through the doll's fair skin time and time again, and sewed the wounds on both sides together. The camera gradually zoomed in. At this moment, the woman faced the camera and slowly raised her hair. Grinning at Zhuang Yuning, she actually... looks exactly like her, no, that's her face!

Before Zhuang Yuning recovered from the shock, the "rag doll" in the camera suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of bloodshot eyeballs stared at him, opened his mouth, and smiled at himself in a strange way.

Laughter came not only from the TV, but also behind him. Zhuang Yuning turned around suddenly, and saw a boy in white standing in the rain outside the window, slapping the windowpane with his hands.


Zhuang Yuning screamed, stepped back, and fell on the bed. At this time, the snow-white child had already stretched out his hand to open the window, and squeezed his body in. His arm touched the red wire of the panic bell. Immediately, the bell rang loudly. The boy's voice quickly disappeared, and the TV was turned off, and the room was pitch black.

As if nothing had happened.

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