Urban Witcher

Chapter 2866 Chapter 2876 Another genius 2

The descendants of the Zhang family are also rare cultivating geniuses, and they are determined to regroup and avenge the previous two generations of celestial masters, so what else is there to say?

"Disciple pays homage to the head teacher!"

A disciple knelt on one knee and saluted Mu Han.

More and more people went on worshiping, and finally the seven disciples who were defeated by him, including Qing Mu, also bowed to him.

Daoist Longyang, as well as those senior deacons and elders, also saluted in their own way.

Then came the grand ceremony, solemn and lively.

Relying on his strength to be the best among his peers, Mu Han secured his position as the thirty-sixth head teacher of Tianmen Mountain.

At the end of the ceremony, Mu Han took everyone to the back mountain to pay homage to the ancestors of Tianmen Mountain. After returning, he asked everyone to disperse, and called some direct disciples with positions to hold a meeting, just like a new leader took office, listen to them Each introduced the situation of Tianmen Mountain in various aspects, put forward their own opinions, and then announced the end of the meeting, and everyone went back to their rooms to rest.

Master Longyang returned to the wing room, washed up, and was about to meditate, when someone knocked on the door suddenly, it was a little Taoist priest, saying that the head teacher invited him to talk.

Master Longyang followed, came to the wing of the side hall, knocked on the door, and Mu Han's voice came from inside: "Please come in."

Master Longyang opened the door and went in. Seeing Mu Han sitting on the wicker chair, playing with the seal of the head of the sect, without raising his head, he felt a little unhappy. He felt that Mu Han was putting on airs, so he gave a dry cough.

Mu Han stood up now, and said with a smile, "It's Master Longyang, sit down quickly."

Call the little Taoist who sent him over to make tea.

Master Longyang sat down sullenly, without saying a word.

Mu Han said: "Mr. Uncle Longyang presided over the ceremony today. It was very hard work. Now I called my Uncle to come and talk. I will apologize first." He cupped his hands as he spoke.

Master Longyang's face softened a little, and he said, "I dare not, I just don't know what's the matter with the master calling me so late?"

On the way here, he also speculated, thinking that it should be related to the affairs of the sect, but when Mu Han opened his mouth, he asked him a question that he hadn't expected at all: "Uncle Shi, I came here tonight because I want to talk to you. You chat, I heard that you are very familiar with Ye Shaoyang from Xuanqing Mountain?"

Daoist Longyang was stunned for a moment, then said after deliberation: "I'm quite familiar with him, I don't know what the master asked him for?"

Mu Han pulled him to sit down on the opposite futon, and made a futon himself, and said, "Uncle Longyang, you also know that I have been watching from the sidelines since I grew up, and I have never dealt with any magic world. People know me, and I don't know anyone. I just heard about Ye Shaoyang, and I want to know what kind of person he is?"

"That's it." Master Longyang nodded slowly, thought for a while, and said: "Shaoyang, he is a strange person, he values ​​love and righteousness, has the courage of all men, but is also very cunning, and has always disrespected etiquette and law. Not following the rules."

Mu Han nodded slowly, and said, "How is his strength?"

"Unfathomable." Master Longyang said without hesitation, "He has no opponent in the world."

Mu Han looked sideways slightly, frowned and said, "So sure?"

"I'm sure. To put it bluntly, with his current strength, even if Uncle Daoyuan is resurrected, he is no match for him. Others... are not worth mentioning in front of him."

Mu Han pondered, and murmured: "That's a formidable enemy..."

Master Longyang was stunned: "Enemy?"

Mu Han smiled slightly, "Otherwise?"

Longyang Zhenren said: "Xuanqing Mountain and Tianmen Mountain are connected in the same way. Uncle Daoyuan and the former head teacher have a good relationship with Ye Shaoyang. But today's catastrophe is imminent. Everyone should unite and fight against Xuanyuan Mountain. I don't know the head teacher Where does the word 'rivalrous' come from."

"Unity is of course necessary, but there must always be someone to preside over the situation." Mu Han raised his head and uttered a sentence softly, but it sounded resounding: "Why must this person be Ye Shaoyang?"

Master Longyang was stunned, "Let me be honest, although many people don't like him, but his strength is recognized, he is the son of heaven, no one can convince everyone except him."

Mu Han pondered for a while, and said: "What is the strength, you have to fight this to know, as for the chosen one... Who told you that he must be?"

Master Longyang stared at him with wide eyes. Everyone knows that Ye Shaoyang is the Chosen One, but there is really no proof...

Mu Han stopped talking about this topic, and said: "Uncle, I will send out postcards to several sects. At the end of this month, on the twenty-eighth day, Tianmen Mountain will preside over the water and land dojo, which is considered to cooperate with the enthronement ceremony. Please be sure to appreciate it by the heads of all sects." , especially this Ye Shaoyang, please help me get it."

From his words, Master Longyang vaguely smelled a trace of unrest, and felt faintly worried.

There are three scenic spots in Huangguoshu Scenic Area. Ye Shaoyang and Xie Yuqing walked through them one by one, and finally arrived at the main scenic spot of Huangguoshu Waterfall. Although they are both strong and strong, they felt a little tired after walking all the way.

We finally reached the bottom of the waterfall.

The largest waterfall in the country.

Standing directly below the waterfall, looking up, the waterfall is flying straight down, which still gives people a strong visual impact, that is, there are too many debris, like fog and rain falling on the body continuously.

Xie Yuqing huddled beside Ye Shaoyang, took him to take some group photos, and then the two went to the Shuilian Cave under the waterfall. It is said that Journey to the West was filmed here.

It's a downhole. At the beginning, there were street lights on both sides, but as they walked, the street lights disappeared. The two of them had to turn on the flashlight of their mobile phones to illuminate it.

At the foot is a quite spacious cave, because inside the mountain, there is a layer of water on the rocks, and the air is very humid.

"That's not right." Ye Shaoyang stopped walking, and took a photo with the light of his mobile phone. It was dark and he couldn't see the end at a glance. He wondered: "This hole can't be so long. After walking for so long, it hasn't been seen yet." Finished? And why is it just the two of us, I remembered that there were three people behind."

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