Urban Witcher

Chapter 288 Revolving Door

A fifty-year-old security guard came out and was shocked when he saw Zhuang Yuning's distressed appearance.

"Please, call the police for me and take me away!"

The security guard had already taken out her mobile phone, and heard her say again: "A ghost is chasing me." He was stunned on the spot, looking at Zhuang Yuning's eyes, as if he wanted to see a psychopath. At this moment, from the direction she came from, came There was the sound of a person walking in the water, which was very unusual in the middle of the night and when it was raining heavily.

The old security guard took out the flashlight and shone it. Under the light, a naked boy appeared, walking barefoot in the water.

Zhuang Yuning immediately screamed, "Ghost, it is a ghost."

"Ghost?" The old security guard smiled, thinking that the girl must have mental problems, how could such a child be a ghost, but he was still very puzzled that such a child appeared outside in the middle of the night, without clothes, and He didn't open an umbrella, so he walked over quickly, muttering: "You child, why are you alone in the middle of the night..."

Suddenly, he stopped, because he found that something was wrong with this child: his eyes were big, but thin and long, with a long distance between them, and under the light of the flashlight, his eyes reflected blood-red fluorescence , the most important thing is...well, he doesn't seem to have a mouth?

Mom, what the hell is this!

While retreating, the old security guard took out his walkie-talkie and wanted to call his colleagues who were guarding the other door to come to support them. Everyone discussed what to do. At this moment, the child's mouth suddenly grinned and pointed at the old security guard. , let out a piercing cry.

The size of the "mouth" is not at all what humans can do.

"Damn it!" The old security guard cursed in shock, turned around and ran out. Zhuang Yuning was standing stupidly under the porch of the security room. Seeing this scene, she also ran out along the small pedestrian gate, and followed the old security guard. Running down the street one after the other.

In the middle of the night, the street was raining, and there was no one there. It should have been a bustling street, but at this time it was completely dark because of a power outage. The two looked back while running, and found that the ghost boy was crawling on the ground at high speed. getting closer.

At this time, Ye Shaoyang and Xiao Ma chased Zhuang Yuning's breath and came to a river. Because of the heavy rain, the river was rushing and looked terrifying.

Looking at the turbulent river, the pony said in a daze, "We're not going to swim there!"

"We can't make it through, and she can't make it through."

Ye Shaoyang ran downstream along the river, but after running less than a few hundred meters, he was stopped by a tributary of the river. The tributary and the river formed a semi-closed intersection, and there was no way to go ahead, but Ye Shaoyang already felt Seeing that the Taiyi Water Talisman was nearby, under the rain curtain, he got into a patch of grass, and first found the completely soaked Talisman in a puddle.

Ye Shaoyang picked up the talisman, pinched his fingers, turned his head to look to the right, just at this moment a flash of lightning slid past, and not far away, stood a slender figure, without thinking about anything, he ran over and pulled over Zhuang Yuning's shoulder and said, "Why did you come here?"

The moment she turned her body around, Ye Shaoyang was stunned: This woman with long hair and shawls and pajamas was not Zhuang Yuning at all, but a dead body with a livid complexion. She looked to be in her thirties. Mouth, making a very weird look.

Ye Shaoyang was stunned for a few seconds, grabbed the neck of the female corpse with his left hand, wrapped his right hand around the back of the head, clasped his middle finger firmly on the back of the neck, moved upwards, and the female corpse instinctively opened her mouth.

Ye Shaoyang immediately loosened his neck, bent his middle finger, quickly inserted it into the mouth of the female corpse, clamped the tongue, pinched it tightly and pulled it out forcefully, the tongue retracted to the limit, but there were three foreign objects in Ye Shaoyang's hand, and he spread his palm At first glance, it was three short black nails!

"******, I was deceived! This is a puppet!" Ye Shaoyang fell to his feet and sighed.

"What do you mean?" Pony looked at him blankly.

"This female corpse is filled with Zhuang Yuning's breath of life, leading us here. The real Zhuang Yuning must still be at home, hurry up!"

The two of them rushed back with one foot deep and one shallow foot.

At this time, Zhuang Yuning and the old security guard were forced by the ghost boy to a construction site near the community. The old security guard tried to call the mobile phone several times, but failed to make a call. The walkie-talkie was also lost during the run. The two came to a building that had just been completed. Door.

The old security guard shouted to Zhuang Yuning out of breath: "It's not a problem to run like this. When we get tired, it will catch up. We have to find a place to hide!"

After finishing speaking, he ran downstairs of the building, turned his head and looked, the ghost boy also speeded up, and was about to catch up with Zhuang Yuning. He lowered his head and wanted to find something to throw there. When he swept his eyes, he saw a few bags of open building materials scattered under the steps. , was washed away by the rain, and there was half a bag of white lime in it. Suddenly remembered the folk rumor that ghosts are afraid of lime, so he bent down and picked up a big handful, and threw it at the ghost boy.

Gui Tongguo then took a few steps back. Seeing that it was effective, the old security guard picked up another handful and threw it over, and shouted at Zhuang Yuning: "Go in, girl, find a place to hide."

Zhuang Yuning staggered up the steps, pushed open the revolving door, turned around and said, "You come too!"

"Go in first, find a place to hide!"

Zhuang Yuning had no choice but to go in first. The old security guard grabbed two handfuls of lime in his hand again, stood up and was about to throw it away, when he suddenly realized that the ghost boy was gone, he was hesitating, a strange laughter came from beside him, he turned his head suddenly, and the ghost boy's pale face was lying on his back On the shoulder, grinning with a big "mouth".

"Go to hell!" The old security guard turned his fear into anger, and stuffed a handful of lime into the ghost boy's mouth.

"Aw!" the ghost boy yelled angrily and fell to the ground. The old security guard turned and pushed open the revolving door. On the ground, holding his feet with both hands, he smiled evilly.

Zhuang Yuning hesitated for a moment, and wanted to turn around to rescue him. At this moment, she saw the white ghost boy standing outside the revolving door, looking at herself quietly.

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