Urban Witcher

Chapter 2875 Chapter 2885 Choose 3

But thinking of the mysterious words of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, he still suppressed his strong curiosity. Although he didn't know when he should open it, it was obviously not now.

Put the bodhi leaf in the bag. Ye Shaoyang got up and asked Xie Yuqing to call 120 first, not to use it, lest they really go up the mountain. I heard that 120 charges for a taxi, which is several hundred, which is more expensive than a taxi, and it cannot be wasted.

Coming out of the cave, it was still sunny outside, and Ye Shaoyang felt a little glaring when exposed to the sun, but he felt comfortable all over his body. Looking at the great mountains and rivers in front of him, he felt like a dream.

I really didn't expect that Earth Store Bodhisattva would meet me in person—even though it was only his avatar, he still told me so much, it's a bit unbelievable in retrospect.

On the mountain road, I met the medical team of the scenic spot, and they came up with a stretcher. Xie Yuqing went over to negotiate, and he insisted on asking for 200 yuan for running errands. Fee, if you can sit on it, you have to add half of the money.

Ye Shaoyang reluctantly gave the money, and went down the mountain with Xie Yuqing. There were still some scenic spots nearby that he hadn't been to, but Ye Shaoyang was in no mood to go again, so he took Xie Yuqing down the mountain and returned to the inn.

In the inn, Ye Shaoyang told the story from beginning to end. Xie Yuqing didn't know much about the magic world, but she also knew that Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva is a super big figure, so she analyzed it with her detective logic and said, "Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Is the Bodhisattva trying to win you over?"

"No, just let me choose."

Xie Yuqing said: "Whatever you choose, he also knows that it is impossible for you to stay there. You are a Taoist priest, and it is impossible to change your beliefs. What he said is nothing more than a gesture of goodwill."

Hearing what she said, Ye Shaoyang felt that it made sense.

"He also thought that you would not agree, so he gave you that bodhi leaf, but what is it for?"

Ye Shaoyang said he was not sure.

He was thinking about a question: even if he could dominate in the human world with his own strength, he would not be enough in the underworld. What qualifications did he have to let the Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha personally win him over?

Suddenly, he thought of a possibility: balance.

Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha probably already knew his identity—or he knew it all along, he also understood, he already knew, and understood that he would not obey the arrangement of Emperor Fengdu.

It was indeed a test to send someone to deal with him before, but it was not to test himself, but to test Emperor Fengdu, to test whether he would protect him. As a result, there was no movement from the Emperor, and Bodhisattva Ksitigarbha roughly understood that those big bosses in the Yin Division, although awesome, were all from Emperor Fengdu, and he was a pawn that jumped out of the chessboard.

And...Ye Shaoyang thought of another layer. The Bodhisattva of the Bodhisattva may not only be himself, just like what Lin Sansheng said before, he is now standing behind the Ghost Hunting Alliance, his Air Realm Allied Forces, Xiaojiu's Qingqiu Mountain, There is also the bug of Daofeng... These forces twisted together can almost control the structure of the Three Realms, or at least disrupt the situation.

It turned out to be like this...

Ye Shaoyang was very moved in his heart. He originally thought that Buddhism was quiet, but Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva was not really quiet, and he needed to play some tricks, but his opponent who played tricks was the same level as Emperor Fengdu. Considering the Three Realms, it can be understood with some means.

"What are you thinking?" Xie Yuqing asked after seeing him silent for a long time.

Ye Shaoyang lay down on the bed, and said: "Thinking that a small person like me was involved in such a big incident, I feel a little pushed to the forefront..."

"Heroes are born in troubled times, and any big man can be achieved overnight, not all of them come from small people."

"You can use idioms!"

"What do you think, my sister graduated from college anyway!" Xie Yuqing patted her chest.

"I also graduated from university, oh no, I haven't graduated yet." Ye Shaoyang remembered that he was still a college student in name, and he still had half a year to graduate. Thinking back to the time when he just came down from the mountain to Shicheng, where he lived and attended classes at the university, think again These later experiences of my own really feel like a world away.

Ye Shaoyang summed it up by himself. Even though Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva wanted to win him over, it was a good thing for him. At least he would not send someone to destroy him. As for Emperor Fengdu... It's okay to be unhappy, as long as the real Chosen One doesn't show up for a day, he will be safe for a day.

I stayed in the urban area for a day and went to some parks. The scenery was average, but there were monkeys all over the mountains and plains. Xie Yuqing even bought some steamed buns to feed them. It was quite interesting along the way.

Afterwards, I went to Miao Village. There were inns everywhere. There were no authentic Miao characteristics at all, but because it was in the deep mountains, it felt okay. Xie Yuqing walked with his arm, and the two wandered around like a couple, taking pictures. . Every time Xie Yuqing went to a scenic spot, she would take him to take a group photo, and Ye Shaoyang could only cooperate.

After wandering around the Miao village for two days, Ye Shaoyang proposed to go back, Xie Yuqing nodded with a strange expression, and took out her mobile phone to book tickets.

That night, after walking around the street again, Xie Yuqing suddenly wanted to eat instant noodles, so she bought two buckets of instant noodles and went back to the inn to eat. After eating, Xie Yuqing suggested to sit on the rooftop of the inn for a while. This inn is halfway up the mountain, with deep mountains behind it, and overlooking from the front, you can see the panoramic view of Miao Village.

It's past eleven o'clock, and it's a bit chilly in winter, but there are still several tables of people drinking Harbin beer in the snack street in the distance, and the sound is transmitted here, in a trance.

There was a swing on the roof, and the two of them sat side by side and swayed, looking at the mountain scenery and the Miao Village in the distance, Xie Yuqing looked silent and looked into the distance.

"Why didn't you speak for a long time."

"Does it have to be talked all day long?"

"Uh, it's mainly because it doesn't match your usual painting style."

Xie Yuqing turned to look at him, smiled, "I'm leaving tomorrow, I'm a bit reluctant."

"This...you can come back later if you want to."

Xie Yuqing gave him a meaningful look and said, "Will you come with me again in the future?"


"After you marry Leng Yu, can you still come to accompany me, Shaoyang, don't lie to yourself, even if you want, she won't agree."

Ye Shaoyang was silent, his heart turned cold, he was embarrassed and didn't know how to answer.

Xie Yuqing tilted her head and gave him a sweet smile, "Okay, let's not talk about this. It's cold, let's go down."

Ye Shaoyang followed behind him and returned to their respective rooms.

Standing blankly on the balcony for a long time, someone knocked on the door suddenly, Ye Shaoyang went to open the door, and saw that it was Xie Yuqing, carrying a big bag of things in his hand. "You take these things back tomorrow and give them to Xiaomeng and Xiaorui. Come out and bring some back."


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