Urban Witcher

Chapter 3 Strange disease 3

Speaking of this, Qing Yunzi changed his serious look, and smiled at Dagong Ye: "Old man, let me tell you this, there are no more than five people in this world who can save your grandson. It's also the fate between your grandson and me, hehe, fate."

Grand Duke Ye didn't understand what it meant, he was guessing, Qing Yunzi changed the subject: "Your grandson's evil poison has been restrained for the time being, the most important thing now is to find out the owner of the evil poison pill, such a deep resentment, the owner must be Li You can't keep it. Think about it carefully, has anyone died in this area in the past six months?"

There are only a few dozen households in Yejia Village, but it is impossible for the village chief to be ignorant of any major events. Ye Dagong said immediately: "Yes, a month ago, a woman in our village died of dystocia when she gave birth. Fate, can it be considered a violent death?"

"Nonsense, when did she die?"

Grand Duke Ye thought for a while: "I don't really remember, it seems... oh yes, I remember her first seven days, which coincided with the July 15th Ghost Festival!"

Qing Yunzi's heart skipped a beat, and he hurriedly said, "Take me to the grave to have a look!"

Dagong Ye didn't dare to neglect, he led Qing Yunzi all the way up the mountain, and after a quarter of an hour, he came to the grave of Widow Zhang. Qing Yunzi tested it with his own qi, and muttered: "This grave is not right, why are there two evil spirits inside, one of which is a child! Oh no! Quickly, dig the grave and open the coffin, I want to see what happened!"

Grandpa Ye showed embarrassment, "This... Widow Zhang died half a year ago. She gave birth to a posthumous child. She has no relatives at home, so no one came to make trouble, but she dug her own grave arbitrarily... If the villagers know about this, it will be a shame. Easy to explain."

Qing Yunzi said angrily: "If you don't open the coffin, when this evil spirit takes shape, the whole village will die!"

Grand Duke Ye was startled, he just realized the importance of the matter, he asked Qing Yunzi to run down the mountain later, and called a few young men, each carrying a shovel, to the cemetery together. The young men on the way had already learned about the general situation from Ye Dagong, and with the benefits promised by Ye Dagong and the guarantee of taking responsibility alone, they began to dig the grave without hesitation.

During this period of time, Qingyunzi took out five small flags, the colors were gold, green, brown, white, and red, corresponding to the positions of the five elements, and inserted them around the grave of Widow Zhang, and placed them in the positions of Qian and Kun. Each lit a stick of dementor incense, and at this time the grave was dug up, and the young men flinched a little when they saw the bright red coffin boards.

"Get out of the way, retreat outside the five-element flag, don't come in." Qingyunzi walked to the grave, felt a gust of sinister air rushing towards his face, and was quite surprised: through the coffin board, there was still With such a strong evil spirit seeping out, the person in the coffin is quite wicked.

Qingyunzi saw at a glance that there were no nails on the coffin board, so he pulled himself together and drew the word "Chi" on the palm of his right hand with a cinnabar pen, recited the mantra silently, slapped his right palm on the coffin board, and shouted: "Get up!"

The coffin board weighing tens of kilograms was actually picked up by him with one hand and thrown aside.

Grand Duke Ye and a few young men stretched their heads to look around curiously, and after only one glance, they were petrified on the spot. After a dozen seconds of stunned, a young man exclaimed, "My God, the dead man has grown teeth!"

In the mouth of the female corpse, there were two rows of canine teeth intertwined - not two, but two rows! There is a cold light in the sun.

Qing Yunzi's eyes were like lightning, he swept across the female corpse, and landed on her bulging belly, his expression changed drastically, he turned to stare at Grand Duke Ye, "Is this a dystocia?"

"Really..." Ye Dagong said in surprise, "Because she died so badly, we asked the Great Immortal, and the Great Immortal said that the mother and the child must be buried separately, otherwise there will be ghosts, so we buried the child in a random grave in Shanxitou. "

Qing Yunzi nodded, and sighed: "That man was right. He died in a dystocia. Mother and child can't gather together to avoid being attached to each other. The ghosts stay separate and are sealed in the corpse. Over time, they absorb Yin Qi and become mother and child evil spirits. For mother and child, the first seven days will catch up with the Ghost Festival, and the evil spirit will be more serious."

Grand Duke Ye looked at the two rows of terrifying fangs on the female corpse, and tremblingly said: "Then this corpse..."

"Seventy-nine days have passed, and the mother and child have become evil spirits, not ordinary evil things." Qing Yunzi pointed to the stomach of the female corpse, "Infant evil spirits are in her stomach!"

"Ah!" Ye Dagong and others screamed together. "How is this possible?"

Qing Yunzi sighed, "Obviously someone took the baby and buried the mother and the child together. Only in this way can the corpse oil of the female corpse be removed smoothly. This is the evil method of Miaojiang voodoo. I didn't expect someone to use it today. Old man Son, the person your family has offended is not easy!" Suddenly looking up at the sky, it was already around five or six o'clock, the sun was setting, and the day was about to pass.

"Today's opening of the coffin has disturbed the corpse. It must be cleaned up before dark, otherwise there will be endless troubles. Go and prepare some gasoline, firewood, and cinnabar. The sooner the better!"

Under Ye Dagong's order, several young men rushed down the mountain to find something. Dagong Ye vigorously asked Qing Yunzi: "Master Daoist, you said that the mother and child have become... What kind of corpse, why is it motionless?"

"No matter how strong the corpse is, it is also afraid of the sun. At night, it will be a big deal. Although the poor can be subdued, the corpse will run away violently and hurt innocent people."

Qingyunzi drove Dagong Ye aside, untied his backpack, took out a set of tools for subduing demons and catching ghosts, and began to arrange the altar.

As soon as the arrangement was completed, a few young people came back, carrying a large basket of firewood and several barrels of gasoline, followed by a large wave of villagers who came to watch the excitement. Ye Bing and his wife were also among them. As soon as they met Ye Bing, he reported to his father: "Shaoyang took the medicine prescribed by the Taoist priest, and he is much better. My mother is here to take care of her. Let's see if there is anything I can do to help."

Grand Duke Ye heard that Shaoyang was better, he felt relieved, and reprimanded those young people: "Who told you to spread the propaganda so much that you called everyone here!"

"It doesn't matter, the more people there are, the better." Qing Yunzi glanced over the crowd with a hint of cunning.

Without further ado, he ordered a few brave people to come forward, piled firewood around the coffin, poured two barrels of gasoline on it, then spread a layer of cinnabar, lit a talisman paper by himself, recited the incantation silently, and threw it on it.

The fire burst into flames.

Qingyunzi sat cross-legged in front of the altar, and read aloud: "Qingyunzi, the thirty-eighth generation descendant of Xuanqing Mountain, was ordered by his ancestor to pray to the Three Purities, and to pray to the Yin and Ming, and the blue fall to the Yellow Spring, to prove my Dao heart, to pacify evil spirits, Heaven and earth are clear and bright, Liuding and Liujia, obey orders in front of the formation, the black tiger of the mysterious altar, the celestial master invites, open the altar today, and do all the work of eliminating demons!"

While doing this, he applied a burst of Taoist pure Yang Qi to the fire to help refine the corpse.

Ten minutes later, the coffin had been burnt to a pile of charcoal, but the female corpse inside had not changed its face, even its clothes were not burned, and traces of white cold air continued to overflow from her body, blocking the flames.

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