Urban Witcher

Chapter 2998 Chapter 3008 Ye Shaoyang 2

Fairy Caiyun said: "What do you want?"

Ye Shaoyang looked around the crowd and said: "You have seen the power of the world. Although the average strength is not as good as your Xuanyuan Mountain, we are not afraid of sacrifice. As long as you dare to come to the world to make troubles, we will stop you even if we are smashed to pieces!"

"That's right, how can there be no eggs under the overturned nest? No matter whether we are cultivators or evil cultivators, we are resolutely defending the world and will always support the Ghostbusters Alliance! Do you think so!"

Zhu Zhizhi took the lead and roared.

Immediately attracted the support of countless people, and for a while, the crowd was passionate, and the slogans were chanted again, which invisibly added a little pressure to the hearts of Fairy Caiyun and Bai Ze.

"What do you think?" Fairy Caiyun asked Bai Ze again.

Bai Ze said: "Shangxian, attacking the human world is decided by your elders' association. I was only recruited by Xuanyuan order. Now that the other elders are not here, you, fairy, will naturally be the master of the house."

Old slick!

Fairy Caiyun cursed in her heart, looked at Ye Shaoyang, and said coldly: "Say what you want to say, don't go around the bush. As for me, I don't have to fight with you all."

Ye Shaoyang said with a smile: "Since this is the case, it will be easy. You can go back now. I will never stop it."

"That's it?" Fairy Caiyun was a little surprised.

"Everyone is here today, many mages and evil things are here, and so are your subordinates. You can promise in front of everyone that Xuanyuan Mountain will never invade the human world again in your lifetime, and then please go ahead. .”

Fairy Caiyun shook her head and said: "Although I am a member of the Presbyterian Church, I cannot guarantee this kind of guarantee. Others may not listen to me."

Xiao Jiu whispered: "She didn't lie."

Ye Shaoyang thought about it, and said, "Well, I won't force you, as long as you promise that you will never come to the world again, I will let you go, and so will Bai Ze!"

The two looked at each other, and Bai Ze said: "That's not bad." Then he made an oath in a voice that everyone present could hear, and promised that he would never invade the human world again.

Fairy Caiyun was not reconciled, she stared at the Eastern Emperor Bell in his hand and said, "What are you going to do to Xingyue slave?"

"I haven't thought about it yet." Ye Shaoyang said, "She killed two generations of celestial masters in Longhushan, it is absolutely impossible to let her go, not to mention that she is still the leader of the anti-human alliance. If you want to intercede, you should save your saliva .”

Fairy Caiyun bit her lip and said, "Unless you promise me, don't kill her."

Ye Shaoyang didn't wait to open his mouth, Xiao Ma hurriedly replied: "I said beauty, you can rest assured about this, Xingyue slave is a strong man who proves the way, and he can't be killed."

Both Fairy Caiyun and Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought of this.

"Xuanyuanjian, are you going to stay?"

"Naturally." Ye Shaoyang glanced at the Xuanyuan Sword in his hand and said.

Up to now, there is really no other choice, so Fairy Caiyun also made the same promise as Bai Ze, but did not make an oath.

Ye Shaoyang nodded in satisfaction, and made a "please" gesture to them.

Bai Ze felt ashamed, so he opened up a crack in the void and got in.

Fairy Caiyun asked the disciples of all sects to retreat first, and stood aside by herself, looking at Ye Shaoyang coldly.

Ye Shaoyang didn't do anything.

"Ye Shaoyang, I will remember what happened today, I hope you will never come to Xuanyuan Mountain!"

"As long as you don't come to the world, I won't bother to go."

After everyone left, Fairy Caiyun also got in, ending this trip to the world in such a gloomy way.

it is finally over……

Ye Shaoyang took a deep breath and almost fell off Xiaojiu's back, so he could only grab her by the neck.

"Shaoyang, are you okay?" Xiao Jiu and the others immediately asked with concern.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, got off her back, and breathed a sigh of relief.

At this time, Xiao Ma took the lead in applauding, and said: "Now we invite the person in charge of this operation, the first master of the world, Ye Shaoyang, to speak, Shaoyang, tell everyone something!"

The applause resounded in the valley, and everyone looked at Ye Shaoyang expectantly.

Ye Shaoyang glared at Xiao Ma, called Wu Jiawei to come over, and helped him climb to the top of the main hall roof, so that more people could see him.

Being surrounded by so many people, he was very shy, coughed a few times, and said: "That...comrades have worked hard."

"No! Hard! Bitter!"

The mountain roared and the tsunami responded.

This feeling of being watched by everyone gradually relieved the tension in his heart and made him excited. He took a deep breath, first raised the Donghuang Bell, turned around in a circle, and shouted: "Everyone saw This is the Eastern Emperor Bell. Xingyue Nu is now imprisoned in this artifact. You all know who Xingyue Nu is.

She is the leader of the magic guild. Not long ago, she just broke through the realm of transformation, and she is a strong person at the level of proving the way!

Today's battle is all because of her. She has always wanted to invade the human world and replace the magic world... Before today, almost no one believed that the magic world could withstand their invasion, so the strength gap is too big... ...but so what? You all thought that human beings were no match for the gods of Xuanyuan Mountain, but the result was like this, he was repulsed by us, and the instigator was imprisoned in the Donghuang Bell by me! "


"Tianshi Ye is mighty!"

"Tianshi Ye is invincible!"

Various voices came. Ye Shaoyang was also very excited. He handed the Donghuang Bell to Wu Jiawei, raised one fist, put one hand on his waist, and shouted loudly: "I said this, not to flaunt how awesome I am, this is not my own. Credit goes to our Ghostbusters Alliance, Nausicaä of the Wind, and... and the unyielding Taoist priests like Longhushan, yes, and those big bosses who died!

This victory was achieved through the sacrifice of these people! I want to tell everyone that as long as we humans are united, there is no opponent we cannot defeat, even Xuanyuan Mountain is not our opponent! "

Ye Shaoyang is not a person who is good at oratory, but these words are all from the bottom of his heart, and he vomited them loudly, which ignited everyone's emotions at once.

"The world must win!"

"The Ghostbusters Alliance dominates the world!"

All kinds of slogans were shouted.

Among these creatures, there are ghosts, demons, and evil spirits. They usually have conflicts with each other, and they are afraid and very afraid of the magic world, but when they face the common enemy in the world, they unite together, like a family. people.

They feel very proud that this world is not perfect, but it is their homeland. If any force wants to invade the world, even they are the most common evil, they will never agree.

Xiao Ma suddenly raised Ye Shaoyang's right hand and shouted loudly: "Ye Shaoyang!"

(Still having a fever, trying to write two chapters...)

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