Urban Witcher

Chapter 3001 Chapter 3011 Doomsday Hero 3

After a long while, Qu Bo calmed down, called everyone to leave, and came forward to pull Ye Shaoyang back to the hall together.

The aftermath needs to be dealt with. Qu Bo called Wuzhou Mountain and Chimei Mountain and asked them to send someone to invite the corpses of the two masters. The corpses of the other martyrs were also identified, and then they would be notified. School, let them pick it up.

Sibao wants to personally send Xiaoyaofei's body back to Wuzhou Mountain, Ye Shaoyang supports it, Wu Jiawei wants to help him go there, and then he has to go back to the prison mountain once to deal with the matter of the head, according to his own statement, he doesn't want to be anything Head, but I have to go back and find a few uncles to explain, so that I can give up my position.

As for Xiao Jiu and the others, they had to rush back to the empty realm, saying that the war over there was also urgent and could not be delayed.

Ye Shaoyang let them go first, and told them to help Lin Sansheng as much as possible, and if necessary, come back and tell him immediately.

The two sides bid farewell, and Xiao Jiu took a group of people to the empty world.

"Boss, this is what you left behind on the battlefield." Guagua shouldered the task of cleaning the battlefield, and retrieved all the magic tools that Ye Shaoyang had used before but had no time to clean up in a hurry.

Most of them are one-time instruments and cannot be reused. Ye Shaoyang found the Tianfeng Leihuo Flag from it, which was already wrinkled like a rag.

The original Tianfengleihuo flag has been destroyed. He originally wanted to keep it as a souvenir. After taking it back, Lao Guo saw it, removed the gold thread on it, and sewed another one. I have to say that Lao Guo’s The craftsmanship is still very good. Relying on the original materials, I remade a Tianfeng Leihuo flag, and gathered a lot of spiritual power by absorbing the smoke of incense.

But the good thing about the original version is that it can be recharged by itself. After using it once, it can be used repeatedly as long as it is left for a while to absorb it innocently. However, the one re-woven by Lao Guo is disposable.

Fortunately, it is also powerful in this battle, and it can be regarded as making the best use of everything. Ye Shaoyang put it away, and taking it back this time can only be used as a souvenir.

Seeing that they were done with their work, Qu Bo wanted to talk to Ye Shaoyang over there, saying that it was to discuss matters. Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and felt that Longhushan had just experienced a mess, and there were too many things that needed to be straightened up and down, so let him be busy first. , it just so happens that I also need to rest, so I will talk about it tomorrow.

Qu Bo agreed to come down, and personally sent them to the wing room, regardless of whether they were human or demon, everyone had a room arranged.

Ye Shaoyang asked Guagua to protect the Dharma, and he vomited continuously for four consecutive days. Only then did his meridian injury recover, he got up and poured a cup of tea, and climbed to the balcony on the second floor by himself—he lived in the head suite, duplex There are two floors, with furniture and appliances inside, and a large terrace on the roof. This was designed by Zhang Wusheng with reference to the standard of the hotel back then, corresponding to the presidential suite of the hotel.

Below the head suite, there are several standards, such as the room for the elders, the room for the supervisor, the room for the hall master, the room for the disciples... The standards for each aspect are different, open to all people in the magic world, and the prices vary.

The most special thing is that each room is equipped with high-quality sandalwood and ambergris that can be ignited. In addition, there are some rare plants that can breathe out spiritual energy such as seven-star crabapple, which fills the room with spiritual energy, which is very pleasant. Suitable for practice.

The number and strength of these devices are different for rooms of different grades.

This suite developed by Zhang Wusheng is very famous in the magic world, especially those folk sects. For the elder room and the head suite, he would personally accompany him for a meal and give advice on how to practice, so the magic world flocked to his wing, and the business was very good, helping him earn a lot of money.

A shelf was set up on the terrace, covered with ivy, and many flowers were planted beside the outer wall, which was lush and lush, like a sky garden.

There is a hanging basket at the far end of the room, Ye Shaoyang sat down in the past, from here you can overlook a large mountain view, the winter night is chilling and quiet.

Ye Shaoyang's mood was hard to calm down. He recalled the battle tonight, and at first thought of Xingyue Nu being captured and killed by him, he felt a bit like a dream. When outsiders hear this news, they may only see the result. Only they know how big the gap is between him and Xingyuenu. This result is at least half because Xingyuenu underestimated the enemy.

Just as he was feeling emotional, a figure fell behind him, turned his head to see Dao Feng, a stone fell to the ground in his heart, and blamed him: "Where did you go, we haven't found you for a long time."

"I chatted with Si Ming Xingjun for a while."

Daofeng walked up to him, looked into the distance as well, and said, "I saw what you did tonight, why did you let Fairy Caiyun and the others go."

"Let Caiyun Fairy and the others go. Firstly, there is really no deep hatred. So what if they are detained. It's not easy to kill. Besides, I don't want to have too much trouble with Xuanyuan Mountain. In the current situation, it is not good to make too many enemies."

"Then you killed Xingyue Slave again?"

"I made an oath before to avenge Dao Yuan with my own hands, and I have no choice but to do it. No matter what the consequences are, I have no regrets."

Daofeng nodded slightly.

"Do you know that Xingyue slave has taken in many apprentices in the past few hundred years, and many of them are now top-notch experts. You are in the limelight now, and they will not look for you, but in the future, when you relax , they will definitely come."

"Oh, this Xingyue Slave said before he died that I would not live in peace in the future, so it was referring to this..." Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Whatever, I have done everything anyway, I am afraid it will be useless."

After saying this, both of them fell silent.

After a while, Ye Shaoyang sighed and said: "Before you came, I was still thinking here, like Xingyue Slave, who has lived for thousands of years, has peaches and plums all over the world, has been in charge of the magic guild, and has exhausted all the organs... This is finally proven, It didn't take long to hang up. I made an idea. If Xingyue slave knew this result a long time ago, and the only way to escape her fate was not to practice and be an ordinary person honestly, you said she would still choose the path of practice ?"

Dao Feng said: "I never thought about such a naive question."

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, and said to himself: "If it were me, I would still choose this path, because the purpose of practice is not the result, but the process. This is my recent understanding."

Dao Feng said: "Where is Xuanyuan Sword?"

"Here, I'm a little worried, so Fang is on me."

Ye Shaoyang took off the Xuanyuan Sword and the scabbard from his shoulder. The scabbard was found from Xingyue Nu's corpse after killing her, and some relics were put away by Ye Shaoyang, and they were not moved for the time being.

Daofeng pulled out the Xuanyuan Sword and tried to move it. An extremely calm and domineering force was naturally born. Daofeng felt emotional in his heart. He once heard Daoyuan Daoyuan said that the five elements of Xuanyuan Sword belong to earth, which seems to be true.

(End of this chapter)——

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