Urban Witcher

Chapter 3004 Chapter 3014 The Fifth Sword 3

The Daxiong Palace is worse than the outside. The doors and windows are broken, the floor inside is also broken, and the incense table is also destroyed. Only a few Buddha statues are still there. Looking horizontally, they are the three major leaders of Buddhism: Medicine Buddha, Buddha Kamuni Buddha, Amitabha Buddha.

These are the three masters of the Buddha Gate Heng III, and also the ultimate three masters. Medicine Buddha is in charge of the Eastern Jingliuli World, Shakyamuni Buddha is in charge of the Posa World, and Amitabha Buddha is in charge of the Western Paradise of Ultimate Bliss.

time is not up yet.

Ye Shaoyang looked over one by one, and found that the gold paint on the outer layer of these Buddha statues was gone. Judging from the traces, they were roughly stripped away. It is estimated that the Buddha statues are worthless and have no place to sell, so they were left behind by thieves.

The Buddha statue, which has been stripped of its gold paint, reveals the material of the wood, and its expression still looks plump, full and sparkling. Ye Shaoyang couldn't help admiring, and then Daofeng told him that Tiankou Mountain is famous for building wooden Buddha statues, and there is a set of techniques that only the locals master. In the surrounding counties, there are many craftsmen who make a living by making wooden Buddha statues. At that time, 60% of the wooden Buddha statues in the country were made in the Tiantai area.

"How do you know this?" Ye Shaoyang asked curiously after listening.

"I have traveled all over the world, do you think it's not enough just to travel?" Daofeng choked him with one sentence.

The two walked around behind the Sakyamuni Buddha in the middle, and Ye Shaoyang called Daofeng to hide behind the broken curtain and wait quietly.

"By the way, Daofeng, I remember that you practiced both Taoism and Buddhism in the early years, but the things you learned later, such as the gathering of three flowers to top the vitality of five dynasties, are all Taoist spells. I don't think I have ever seen you use Buddhist spells?"

"I have practiced Buddhism, but not magic."

After a pause, he explained: "The so-called Taoism and Buddha are both perfect, and all dharmas are universal. It doesn't mean that I know all kinds of spells. I have practiced Buddhism, and I understand Taoism in the way of Buddhism. I can deduce all spells in the world. After reading it once, I can understand the meaning of it.”

Using Buddhism to understand Taoism... It was the first time Ye Shaoyang heard him say that, and his mouth couldn't close his mouth in shock. Any spell has a corresponding mental method to guide it, so there is a saying that "cultivate the mind and not practice the skill, and the end will be empty". To practice Taoism, it is natural to use the Taoist mental method as the keynote, just like learning Chinese characters requires learning Chinese first. Just like pinyin, if you use English grammar to learn Chinese, you will only fail to learn both sides.

It doesn’t matter if you don’t have good linguistics, but if you practice in the wrong way and practice spells forcibly, the result will be to go crazy and fall into evil ways. Most of them are fantasies in the heart, the result of obsession).

"So, I have entered the magic way, everyone said so." Daofeng smiled lightly.

Of course Ye Shaoyang knew that he was laughing at himself, and immediately asked: "But you have succeeded in cultivation, is there any secret in this?"

Daofeng glanced at him and said, "If the world learns from me, it will be like going to hell."

Ye Shaoyang twitched his lips, cursed secretly, pretended to be aggressive, and waited for a while, when footsteps sounded outside, the waiting person came!

Ye Shaoyang thought of something, drew a hidden qi talisman, and handed it to Daofeng, "You are not human, it would be bad if he noticed the aura."

Daofeng glanced at it and said lightly: "No need. And——"

She patted him hard on the back of the head, "You are not human!"

"I'm going, I'm telling the truth, and I found that you are more and more fond of hands and feet now!" Ye Shaoyang protested loudly.

While talking, the sound of footsteps came outside the door, and the two quickly shut up and looked quietly from behind the curtain.

A tall, thin monk walked in, wearing a cassock of ordinary clothes, about fifty years old, with long eyebrows, looking very dignified, dignified, as if he was full of thoughts.

After entering the main hall, he didn't check much, and hurried to the back of the Medicine Buddha, patted the back of the Buddha a few times, fiddled with it for a while, and then tore a piece of cloth from the Buddha statue, grabbed it with both hands, and wrapped it around The Buddha statue walked up and tore off the cloth bit by bit.

The belly of the Buddha statue is getting thinner and thinner.

Although Ye Shaoyang has traveled through many times, it is the first time he hides here, and it is also the first time he sees the scene before him, and he is very surprised.

When the cloth on the Buddha statue's stomach became thinner to a certain extent, the thick-browed monk hurried to the next door, and came back after a while, holding a wooden bucket in his hand, and placed it behind the Medicine Buddha. The bucket was filled with glistening liquid.

The thick-browed monk took out a burden, took out a wooden pot, opened it, poured the powder into it, and then put a few pieces of something like a black ointment in it, then sat quietly and waited.

Ye Shaoyang and Daofeng didn't know what he was going to do, so they just stood still, waiting for the next step.

There was a pungent smell, a bit like rosin, but it was mixed with something. At this time, the thick-browed monk took out a sword with a scabbard from his arms, and stuck it on the concave hole on the back of the Buddha statue that he tore out. Fix the position on the groove, and then wrap the torn cloth on it.

This is Tai Ajian...

Ye Shaoyang's heartbeat accelerated immediately.

The thick-browed monk took out another brush, dipped it in the liquid in the bucket, and brushed it on the pasted cloth. It should act as glue, wrap it around and brush it layer by layer, and check carefully later. Tear it off, add some powder to the bucket, stir it, and brush it up again. This time the liquid becomes golden, which is the same color as the golden color of Medicine Buddha itself.

After brushing, Monk Nongmei patched up the excess fabric piece by piece to smooth out the local unevenness caused by putting the sword in.

This process is a bit troublesome, and it took a full half an hour. After the work was done, Monk Nongmei stirred another bucket of "paint" and brushed it up continuously. Ye Shaoyang guessed that this was filling the gaps in the fabric and smoothing out the marks.

After finishing all this, the thick-browed monk seemed to be very tired. He carried the wooden barrel to the next door. When he came back, he had an extra torch in his hand and baked it on the place he had just treated. After that, he extinguished the torch and took it away. He came back to check one side again, seemed satisfied, then sighed, looked at the place where the sword was hidden and sighed:

"Young monk can only do so much. Who will get you in the future depends on chance. May the Buddha bless you..."

After he finished speaking, he stood quietly for a while, when a gust of wind blew out of the window.

The thick-browed monk froze for a moment, and escaped through the window.

Ye Shaoyang and Daofeng waited for a while, then climbed over the window, climbed up to the roof, and looked into the distance.

Opposite the Daxiong Palace is the back mountain gate. You can see the thick-browed monk leaving the courtyard gate and running straight forward.

(I have been in a hurry to observe the Dharma in Dalin Temple these days. I have limited time today, so I will write a chapter.)

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