Urban Witcher

Chapter 3006 Chapter 3016 Everyone expects it 2

After the funeral was over, the group returned to the mountain, Qu Bo called everyone together, and they all went to the square in front of the main hall, where several elders gave lectures. This involves the internal affairs of the other sect. Ye Shaoyang wanted to avoid it, but was forced to stay by Qu Bo.

"Brothers and juniors, at the place where we are standing now, there was a fierce battle last night. Here, several of our brothers died, following in the footsteps of Patriarch Daoyuan and Master Wusheng... They are the heroes of Longhushan, we should all be proud, Longhushan will live forever, brave and unyielding, worthy of the status of the suzerain of Taoism!"

Qu Bo's speech aroused the emotions of all the disciples. As disciples of Longhu Mountain, they are very proud. Even though the mountain gate is in decline, they are still very proud, because they are disciples of Longhu Mountain, and they are not afraid of sacrifice. Strong, it is impossible to make them yield.

This is the spirit passed down by Longhu Mountain for thousands of years, and it can never be changed.

Qu Bo then said some words of encouragement, then gave some specific instructions, and then... He asked everyone to be quiet and listen to him say the most important thing today.

"Yesterday, several elders of mine stayed up all night. We discussed the whole story of this disaster. The external cause was Xuanyuan Mountain's sudden attack, and we didn't prepare well beforehand, but the internal cause was also the former head teacher Mu Han's self-willedness and distrust of colleagues in the magic world. ...Everyone knows what happened, so I won't talk about it if it's superfluous, and it's thanks to Master Ye who came to the rescue regardless of the previous suspicions, so that the thousand-year-old foundation of Longhu Mountain could not be destroyed...

The gate of the mountain cannot be left alone for a day. I discussed with the elders last night, and everyone agreed that Ye Tianshi should be invited to be the head teacher of Longhu Mountain. I don’t know what your opinions are, but everyone can speak today. "

When Ye Shaoyang heard this, he jumped up from his chair in fright, and quickly waved his hands and said, "How can this be done! You can't do it!"

Qu Bo stepped forward and said sincerely: "Tianshi Ye, we Longhushan misunderstood you before, and we always wanted to compete with Xuanqingshan, but what is the result of doing so? Mu Han went to extremes and caused The magic world was divided, and Xuanyuan Mountain was almost wiped out... You can come to help regardless of past suspicions. This kindness is like rebuilding...

This is the first, and the second, you killed Xingyuenu and Yingmei to avenge Patriarch Daoyuan and Wusheng's head teacher. With this merit, it is even more useless for me to be the head teacher of Longhu Mountain. Thirdly, Mu Han is gone, Senior Brother Longyang is also dead, now Longhushan has no suitable person to take the position of head teacher... Please don't refuse Ye Tianshi anymore. "

Ye Shaoyang blushed, and explained: "How is this possible, since ancient times, there has never been such a thing..."

"That's all sect opinion!" an elder screamed, with strong anger in his voice, "it's this kind of sect view that has caused misfortune to our Longhu Mountain. Mu Han is the direct descendant of the Zhang family, but what happened? Look at what he did!" What, what is the Chosen Son, Longhushan no longer believes in this, Ye Tianshi, you are the mainstay of the human magic world, you come to take charge of Longhushan, we are convinced."

Several elders nodded together.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Abandon sectarianism. I support this. The magic world is not united enough, which allows Xuanyuan Mountain to take advantage of the loopholes. If we are monolithic, we are really not afraid of anyone! But... the elders, you are Longhushan You are an old man, and your prestige is enough, you are much more suitable than me."

The elder smiled and said: "Tianshi Ye, I knew you were going to use this reason to shirk. To tell you the truth, before Mu Han ascended the throne, it's really not your turn. It's not like we old guys didn't have this idea. But Longhu Mountain has always had a rule that the head of the sect can only be circulated among peers and juniors, and must never be passed on to the elders. Mu Han is below us in seniority, and he became the head teacher. No matter what, the few of us The elders have no chance..."

Ye Shaoyang was tongue-tied, pulled Qu Bo again, and said, "That's Qu Bo, the master seal is on his hand, and Mu Han himself said he was the one who passed the position to him, didn't he?"

Another elder laughed and said, "Mu Han fled before the battle, and has already been expelled from the elders' council. He is no longer a disciple of Longhu Mountain. Of course, what he said doesn't work. Qu Bo is a good seed, but it's really hard to assume the position of headmaster." I'm a little powerless... Qu Bo, don't be angry when I say that."

Qu Bo cupped his hands and said: "I initiated today's incident, how dare I be angry, Ye Tianshi, I know my own level, I am really not the material to be the leader, Ye Tianshi, don't shirk it, very You belong."

Ye Shaoyang is still declining.

"I don't think you can do it if you show your trump card!" Qu Bo smiled, and suddenly took out a piece of yellow paper, unfolded it into the size of an A4 paper, and handed it to a disciple, and asked him to pass it on to all the disciples.

"You guys should be careful! This is the autographed letter of Master Wusheng. It was written by him before he sacrificed his life. At that time, he predicted that Mu Han might not be able to take up the big job, so he left me this suicide note. The seal of the master cannot be faked!"

The paper was passed back to Qu Bo, and he showed it to Ye Shaoyang.

There is only one sentence on it: If Mu Han is not used properly, please ask Ye Shaoyang to take the position.

Below is his signature and seal. It is written with a brush.

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded, and after thinking about it carefully, he understood Zhang Wusheng's painstaking efforts. Before, he also complained in his heart why Zhang Wusheng chose someone like Mu Han as his successor.

Among them, fear is also helpless.

Mu Han is the chosen one, born with extremely high talent, of course Zhang Wusheng knows this, so he has been cultivated since he was a child. When his personality took shape, Zhang Wusheng might have discovered his personality flaws, but after years of hard work, there was nothing he could do about it, and he was his own nephew, who was established as his successor at birth.

So when he decided to sacrifice his life, the position of head was passed on to him.

At that time, Zhang Wusheng was afraid that he was conflicted in his heart. On the one hand, he was worried that Mu Han would cause major troubles, and on the other hand, he didn't want to waste the hard work he had cultivated over the years... Besides, besides Mu Han, there was really no other suitable candidate.

He thought of himself, wanted to break the sect's opinion and establish himself as the head of the sect, but even if he was the head, this order might not be able to pass the hurdle of the elders' meeting, and he was about to die, so he couldn't explain it to them personally, so he simply Just pass the throne to Mu Han, and at the same time write this secret letter to Qu Bo—if Mu Han messes around, the elders will be completely disappointed in him, and the elders will have nothing to say when the secret letter is released.

Really well-intentioned.

Ye Shaoyang thought of this place in his own shoes, filled with emotion in his heart, and silently said to Zhang Wusheng: Uncle Zhang, you really think highly of me. Then I will try my best not to disappoint you.

(End of this chapter)——

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