Urban Witcher

Chapter 3009 Chapter 3019 Great Change 2

The next one surprised Ye Shaoyang a bit: Zen master Qiuzhen, the abbot of Jiasha Mountain, abdicated, and three of his disciples were in charge of the affairs of the sect. The names of these three disciples were written on the paper: Fengyang, Meiyue, and the last one was actually Teng. Yongqing!

"Zhan Master Qiuzhen was there last night?" Ye Shaoyang asked Qu Bo.

"He didn't come this time. I was also a little puzzled. I called Yongqing and asked. He said that it was Zen Master Qiuzhen who saw that the heads of all sects had abdicated to young people. In this wave, the seat was given up. The three disciples are in charge of internal and external affairs and cultivation, and the future head will choose one of the three."

The friendship between Qu Bo and Teng Yongqing was formed not long ago in Xingyue Nu's illusion. During that time, the two of them were setting up defenses on the city wall together.

"I heard from Yongqing that he had no chance of being selected based on his qualifications and strength, but Zen Master Qiuzhen considered that he was a member of the Ghost Hunting Alliance. , cooperate with you more, strive to make more contributions, and shine on the mountain gate..."

Ye Shaoyang smiled, feeling secretly refreshed. Sibao, Wu Jiawei, and Teng Yongqing can now control a sect, and his voice in the magic world will become more and more important.

He continued to look down, and there were many sects that had changed leaders:

Master Ziyun of Jizhao Mountain abdicated and his disciple Chen Kaitao ascended the throne;

Shaohua Mountain: Master Tianming abdicates, disciple Ma Shujun;


Looking down the row, a dozen sects have changed heads, and young disciples ascended the throne. Ye Shaoyang was a little shocked, "There are so many!"

"It's all the group of people who were there last night. Even Master Compassionate has abdicated. They couldn't bear the face, and all of them abdicated." Qu Bo said, "These new heads have all returned our messages. , expressing support for you as the leader of the magic world, senior brother, and obey orders."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly, and said: "Junior Brother Qu, find a way to get me a complete list of all sects that can be contacted, and write down the name and contact information of the current head teacher, so I know it well."

Qu Bo agreed to come down and asked Ye Shaoyang about his next plan. Ye Shaoyang said that he had to leave at dawn and go to Yunkou Mountain to join Daofeng. Qu Bo didn't ask anything, just asked him if he wanted to contact the abbot of Yunkou Mountain, Ye Shaoyang thought for a while and decided not to, because he didn't want to say anything about Tai'a Jian, so as not to cause complications.

"This is the account book of Longhu Mountain. It records the amount of income and expenditure of the mountain gate over the years. Please look over it." Qu Bo handed over an account book.

Ye Shaoyang took it over, turned it to the middle, a bank card was exposed, and asked Qu Bo what it meant.

"This is the head's salary card. It will be transferred to this card every month. It will give you the usual pocket money. The password is 123456. The account is opened in the name of Longhushan Scenic Area. If you run out of money, you can tell me, If it’s less than 10,000, I can give it to you directly, if it’s more than 30,000, you’ll have to ask the elders to sign and seal it.”

A salary of 30,000 a month! Shit, the head of Longhu Mountain is really rich. Much stronger than Xuanqing Mountain.

However, he still declined for a while, and Qu Bo directly stuffed the bank card into his pocket, "The Longhushan family has a big business, and the income from the scenic spot alone can be divided into a lot every month. Everyone is proportional. Dividends, you are the leader, the ratio is higher, and I have nearly ten thousand a month, so you can take it, you take it, otherwise everyone will be embarrassed to take it."

Ye Shaoyang accepted it happily. He still has some savings, but he has basically not done any money-making business in the past six months. They are all under construction, using money everywhere, and I have never really taken money from Xuanqing Mountain), now that I have a fixed income of 30,000 a month, I don’t have any worries.

No wonder Zhang Wusheng had such a happy life before, it turned out that this head was not for nothing.

"Let me say something first, I treat Longhu Mountain and Xuanqing Mountain equally, without prejudice, but I only regard myself as the acting head, and I will return the position to the Zhang family in the future." Ye Shaoyang told him very seriously , the subtext is: I am still a disciple of Xuanqing Mountain after all.

This deep-rooted notion of origin cannot be changed.

Qu Bo expressed his understanding.

Ye Shaoyang flipped through the ledger and returned it to Qu Bo. The two chatted for a while about sect building. Qu Bo booked him a plane ticket to Taizhou the next day, picked a plane at noon, and then left up.

Ye Shaoyang opened WeChat, invited Wu Jiawei and Sibao to video together, and asked about their enthronement, both of them were a little helpless.

Wu Jiawei was fine, he had discussed with a few of his uncles, and left them to take care of the affairs in the door, and he rushed back to Shicheng immediately. Sibao is really aggrieved. After all, as the abbot, you have to lead by example in everything. You can’t eat meat, and you can’t drink wine. You can bear these things, but you should be more secretive when dating Wang Xuwen in the future, and try not to be discovered by others. Otherwise, it will affect the reputation of Wuzhou Mountain.

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You really don't change your nature. You have become the abbot, and you still don't forget to date your girl. Let me ask you, what are you going to do in the future, you can't keep in touch."

"For now, the status of this abbot is still useful. At least some things can help you. When the final battle is over, I will abdicate. Whoever likes to be the abbot will be the abbot. I will return to the vulgar and marry Wenwen. .”

Wu Jiawei said, "I thought so too."

"What ultimate battle?"

"Let's level Taiyin Mountain." Sibao smiled, "Shaoyang, we are going to retire after all. Although this life is exciting, it is a life-threatening life after all. We can't play like this for the rest of our lives. Taking Taiyin Mountain as the final battle is the most important thing. Good choice, when the time comes, everyone will retire together, like Mr. Guo, get married and have children, and live a normal life."

Wu Jiawei nodded and asked him when he would start the action.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly felt a sense of loneliness in his heart, and asked them: "Are you ready? Are you not afraid of death?"

Sibao said: "Three kowtows and nine obeisances have come. If you don't fight this battle, you will be itchy for the rest of your life. Don't say anything for the common people in the world. This is what we do. This vote must be done."

Ye Shaoyang sighed and said, "I'm afraid that if I go, I won't come back..."

"So act quickly!" Sibao urged, "If you die in this battle, it's a well-deserved death. While Wenwen and I are still in the initial stage, she can find someone else after I die. Go on, I can't bear her, and she can't bear me either."

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