Urban Witcher

Chapter 3036 Chapter 3046 Origin 4

I have lived for so long, and the only people I have seen in this world who truly comprehend the way of yin and yang are two people, one is their husband and wife—even if it is one person, and the other is Laojun himself. "

Ye Shaoyang asked in surprise: "Where is Laojun?"

"He has already wandered too far away and turned into an energy body. At his level, it doesn't matter whether he has a body or even a soul."

The old turtle originally said this, but it made Ye Shaoyang's heart move. Why did these most remarkable big men of the Three Realms choose to disassemble the primordial spirit after becoming gods? Donghuang Taiyi, Xuanyuan God, and Dongyue Great Emperor are still being determined. There is also Laojun... It seems to be the same in Buddhism. All the gods and Buddhas live in illusion. They say they exist, but they always spread miracles. Let's say they don't exist. The magic in the world is still given by them. mana.

Regarding this point, the magic world has never explained it, and no one knows the truth, even Daofeng does not know it. The high-level people in the magic world have always ignored the gods and Buddhas.

Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought that maybe the gods and Buddhas of the heavens are spiritual bodies, without the self-awareness of ordinary beings, but they still exist, and it may be their existence, which jointly builds the existence of the heaven and earth avenue, and provides the source of magic in the world ...As for Emperor Fengdu and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva, they are probably the sorters and defenders of the rules...

I felt that I was thinking too far, and the words behind the old turtle pulled him back from his thoughts: "They are invincible now, even if the four of us join forces and use their horoscope to suppress, we are not his opponent. Do you understand, as long as the two of them fit together and the yin and yang complement each other, no matter how many injuries they suffer, they can repair themselves... If they can't win, even Emperor Fengdu and Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will at most be a tie."

"So powerful?" Xiao Jiu lost his voice.

"Then according to what you said, it's still a fart, everyone just break up and hide, and you can live for a few more years." Ye Shaoyang said helplessly.

The old turtle said: "I haven't finished yet, the white fox and Suzaku carry Amon's horoscope on their backs, and Qing Niu and I carry A Shuang's horoscope on their backs. If the four of us initiate the blood sacrifice, we will read their respective horoscopes." Generate suction, can separate them in an instant, if you want to win them, you have to separate them first, so that they can't take care of both yin and yang, and at that moment...defeat them!"

Everyone was stunned.

The old turtle looked around at the crowd and added: "Of course, this must be when they are completely unprepared, otherwise it will fail, and it will be over. Remember, there is only one chance."

Ye Shaoyang murmured: "The four of you consume your physical bodies just to separate them in an instant, this... the price is too high."

The old turtle stared and said: "Please, don't let us do it, that's the best, but unless this is the case, the ghost king is immortal, even if you all add up, you are not their opponent."

Everyone looked at each other, feeling uncertain for a moment.

Dao Feng said: "That's it, let's design the specific tactics."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Wait a minute, the four spirit beasts, where is Li Haoran? Will he come or not?"

"His Vajra is here, and Vajra is his Horcrux and the spirit bone of his previous life. It is enough to have it."

"That's fine," Ye Shaoyang shrugged, "Anyway, this is the end of the battle anyway, it's just... thank you for your hard work."

He found Yue Heng and Sun Yingyue with his eyes.

The two stood together hand in hand, Sun Yingyue smiled and said: "It's worth it for us to change to Wuji Ghost King, at least Xiao Yueyue and I can still be together."

"As long as you're with Xiao Yueyue, there's nothing wrong with being a ghost." Yue Heng also said.

Xiao Yueyue and Xiao Yueyue...

"Okay, then let's assume that we succeeded in separating the Wuji Ghost King, what should we do next?" Ye Shaoyang looked at Daofeng.

"Use the five divine swords to deal with them." Dao Feng said, "This is our only chance. The moment they are separated, use the sword array to surround us and kill us."

The old turtle interjected, "You can't surround them together, you can only surround one of them. It took so much effort to separate them."

"Then surround one and kill him now," Sibao said, "The remaining one should be easy to deal with, let him do whatever he wants, we have a lot of people, it's best to be that woman, let's kill her!"

Xiao Ma was startled and said, "You have such a bad taste, it's going to be that woman's turn."

"Bastard, what a mess!"

"You said it yourself, and you emphasized that it was the woman." Xiao Ma had malicious intentions.

"I mean, women must be easier to deal with than men."

The old turtle said: "Where is this talking? Yin and Yang are a kind of balance, and the strength of the two is naturally equal."

Ye Shaoyang waved his hand and said: "Don't talk about it, it's useless, Daofeng said you use five divine swords, do you know how to use them?"

"In the past few days, I have been studying that piece of text...the five divine swords, which bring together the elements of the five elements in the world, are said to be swords, but they are actually sword arrays. The five swords combined can attract the power of heaven and earth...but it takes one person The main formation is controlled by four people, one person, one ghost, one demon, one corpse and an evil spirit, combined with the five major living beings in the world, can suppress and guide the formation."

After Daofeng finished speaking, everyone looked at each other, Ye Shaoyang thought to himself: "One person, that's me, who is the ghost?"

"Me." Emperor Jianwen said, "The Fish Intestine Sword has always suited me, so naturally I use it best."

"Okay. Demon..."

Daofeng turned to look at Xiaojiu, "Come on, you are the strongest among the monsters."

Xiao Jiu said: "I don't know how to use a sword."

"You don't need to use a sword. I can pass you a spell. When the time comes, just recite the spell to control the power of heaven and earth. I'll teach you the details. You use Tai'a Sword."

Then he turned to look at Yang Gongzi, "Xuanyuan Sword is handed over to you."

Yang Gongzi is the Chaos Heavenly Demon and the most powerful evil spirit in the two camps, so he must be the one to get this spot.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Where are the zombies, how can we have zombies here?"

Everyone looked at Rui Lengyu.

Ye Shaoyang said: "Look what, she just has corpse blood in her body, she is not a zombie."

Rui Lengyu pursed her lips and smiled.

Dao Feng said: "I have a solution."

"any solution?"

"You don't need to worry about this." Daofeng waved his hand, ending the topic.

Ye Shaoyang shrugged helplessly, and said: "Then have you told them, once you can't control it..."

Daofeng looked at Yang Gongzi and Emperor Jianwen, and said, "Once you can't control the power of heaven and earth, your soul will fly away. This is the first, and the second... The power of heaven and earth is the source of good fortune in the three realms, which coincides with the parting of life and death. The Dao is not something that any living being can touch, and anyone who touches it, even if he does not die, will be condemned by God..."

When everyone heard this, their hearts skipped a beat, and they looked at the three of them.

"What is divine punishment?" Cheng Zi asked.

"Death, robbery, loneliness, gram."

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