Urban Witcher

Chapter 3059 Chapter 3069 The last enemy 4

"There is a sea of ​​fire in front, it's too hot, I'll come over to cool off." Ye Shaoyang didn't care.

Cheng Zi felt infinitely moved, thinking of the tragedy that happened before, sighed, and said, "Sister-in-law Leng Yu..."

"I believe she is still alive, her body is there, and her soul must also be there, probably just like Muzi's body was taken by Tongxuan before." Ye Shaoyang looked at the Wuji Ghost King who was not far away (in fact, he was so close to the sky), and said in his tone Full of confidence. "As long as I can kill the ghost king, I can save her back."

Chengzi felt the stubbornness in his tone, even a little paranoid, so she held back her tears.

Ye Shaoyang swam to the other side with her on his back, then entered the sea of ​​flames, rested in the small space created by everyone around him, and continued walking...

The twelve paths of true qi are evolved from the two qi of yin and yang, which are filled with the techniques of the five elements and six lines, and the elements of heaven and earth, wind, fire, thunder and lightning are all contained in it. After staying together for the sixth time, Ye Shaoyang turned his head and saw that the number of people had decreased by one-fifth. Fortunately, members of the Ghost Hunting Alliance supported each other, and everyone supported each other, and there was no one missing.

But everyone is very tired, and their cultivation has consumed a lot. Ye Shaoyang felt that going on like this was not an option, so he quickened his pace, wanting to finish the twelve paths first, and if he could break through the formation, he could pull everyone over together. If they were allowed to continue walking, there might be even more terrifying things in the next six paths Wait, it's hard to be comprehensive.

The first six ways are somewhat similar to many formations in the world, and even illusions created by some evil things. Ye Shaoyang himself has experienced similar things, but the intensity has increased by an unknown number of times.

Starting from the seventh way, the formation changed drastically, and the space began to distort. Ye Shaoyang felt as if his physical body was gone, and only his consciousness was left, traveling through a chaotic and broken space. After several twists, his consciousness was almost torn apart again and again. The pain in it cannot be described in words...

At the end, Ye Shaoyang moved forward almost with strong willpower, and couldn't hold on for several times, but when he looked up, he saw the Promise Ghost King standing in the distance and looked at him with a half-smile, but it was Leng Yu face, Leng Yu's body.

He firmly believed that Leng Yu was still alive, perhaps, her soul was suppressed to a certain corner of her body, maybe she was looking at him at this time, waiting for him to rescue her.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to give up several times, but when he thought of this, his will immediately strengthened, supporting him to keep going.

Daofeng was also beside him, and the two supported each other and moved forward together.

Xiao Jiu, Yang Gongzi and the others stayed behind, helping to take care of everyone.

Wuji Ghost King has been standing on the peak, looking at the group of people in the formation, he seems to regard this as a game, wanting to see how far they can go, especially Ye Shaoyang.

In the end, Ye Shaoyang didn't know which way to go, it was almost unbearable, and he tried his best to move forward a little, and all the discomfort disappeared all of a sudden.

There is an open space in front of him, the temperature is pleasant, and even the air is fresh. Ye Shaoyang breathes greedily—although he feels that there must be something strange in this place, but the comfortable feeling makes him care less about it.

After waiting for a long time, his mental state finally improved, and Ye Shaoyang looked around.

Everything is still the same, but... why is everyone gone?

Between the heaven and the earth, only myself is left, not even the ghost king Wuji is gone.

Is this... an illusion?

Just wondering, footsteps sounded behind him. Ye Shaoyang hurriedly turned his head, and immediately froze:

Rui Lengyu was walking from the opposite side.

"Leng Yu!" Ye Shaoyang rushed forward, but with a thought, he stopped quickly and looked over suspiciously.

"Shaoyang, it's me."

It was her voice. Ye Shaoyang breathed a sigh of relief, and then walked up to her, hugging her tightly, this long-lost feeling made his ears burn with excitement.

After a while, he gradually calmed down and remembered his own situation. Then he separated from Rui Lengyu, stared at her face, and asked, "Where is this place, why are you here, and how did I come here?"

"This is an illusion..."

One sentence drove Ye Shaoyang's heart into the ice cellar, and he looked at her hesitantly, "Are you... an illusion too?"

"I'm not an illusion, Shaoyang. This is an illusion created by the ghost king. It's another dimension. There is no one here. He imprisoned my soul and put me here, and you were also thrown in by him."

Ye Shaoyang looked down at himself ignorantly, and wanted to rummage through his backpack to make sure, but Rui Lengyu said: "There is no need to check, we are all in the state of souls here."

"This..." Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "I don't understand why he did this."

"If you want, you can stay here forever, with me... There are no outsiders here, just me and you." Rui Lengyu took a step in front of him, "There is no reincarnation here, as long as you stay, we to be together forever."

Ye Shaoyang was stunned.


"You do not want it?"

"Of course I would. But... how about everyone?"

"They are still in the formation." Rui Lengyu sighed, "Shaoyang, if you choose to stay here, then everything else is none of your business."

Ye Shaoyang looked at her stupidly.

Rui Lengyu took a step forward, grabbed his hands, and begged: "I know you can't let them go in your heart, but there are so many of them together, they are not alone, but I am here alone, I have nothing but you It's..."

Ye Shaoyang hugged her tightly.

What a familiar feeling, even the breath on her body was the same, Ye Shaoyang took a greedy breath.

Rui Lengyu said happily: "You're not leaving, are you?"

"I really want to, but... I can't leave everyone alone. I'm their boss. I... don't belong to you alone, at least not for now. I still have things to do, and..."

Rui Lengyu wanted to speak, but was hit by Ye Shaoyang's palm on the abdomen. Rui Lengyu's body trembled, and she looked at Ye Shaoyang with a painful expression.

"You are not the real Leng Yu. The real Leng Yu would not persuade me to give up my responsibility like this, although you are exactly like her..."

Ye Shaoyang hugged her tightly again.

Although it was not true, this familiar feeling still made him very intoxicated. Just think of it as a dream.

Rui Lengyu's body gradually softened, then disappeared, and then everything in front of her eyes also disappeared...

The situation is changing.

Ye Shaoyang found that he had actually walked to the bottom of the mountain, not far above was the Wuji Ghost King, and behind him, there were a series of auras surrounding him, a total of twelve auras, and everyone was still in the middle, walking slowly like a spacewalk. Forward.

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