Urban Witcher

Chapter 307: Going Home Part 3

Ye Shaoyang noticed that between his eyebrows, there was a piece of jade that was exactly the same as Gumantong, twinkling.

With an unbelievable expression on his face, the little ghost looked at Ye Shaoyang and said excitedly: "Is it true that my mother asked you to come here? Is she finally going to take me home?"

Zhuang Yuning was afraid that it would not agree, and her own affairs would not be able to proceed, so she hurriedly said: "Yes, Xiaoying regrets driving you away. In order to find you, she was pestered by other little ghosts. Fortunately, you The gentleman in front of me helped her and saved her, and she entrusted us to find you immediately, she misses you very much."

Tears immediately flowed from the little ghost's big clear eyes, and he curled his lips and cried like an ordinary child, "I miss my mother too."

Zhuang Yuning said, "Why don't you think she went back?"

The little ghost shook his head and said, "Mom's boyfriend doesn't like me, so she abandoned me because she had no other choice. I can't go back. Huh, I don't want to embarrass her. I have to wander outside alone."

After hearing this, Ye Shaoyang and the three of them were all moved. A little devil is so kind and simple

Zhuang Yuning's eyes were also a little wet, and she couldn't help reaching out to touch his head, but it was empty. Startled, and said softly: "It won't happen in the future, that bad man has already left, your mother will treat you well, may I take you home?"

The little ghost nodded, his body turned into a puff of white smoke, and returned to Gumantong's body.

"How can I take it back?" Zhuang Yuning looked up at Ye Shaoyang.

"You just hold Gumantong and send it back. Let's go."

Ye Shaoyang let Xiao Ma and Zhuang Yuning go downstairs first, then turned to face Guagua.

Guagua immediately became nervous, took a step back, and said, "Boss Ye, you are not going to cross the river and tear down the bridge, are you? Let me tell you, my ghost seal is really lost, even if you send me to the underworld, the judge will not accept me." Let you give it a try."

"Let's trust you for now, thank you for today's matter. But you are a ghost after all, and the human world is not a place for you to stay for a long time." Ye Shaoyang looked at him, "Make plans early."

"I know, Boss Ye, I have my plan."

"Don't call me boss." Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, and someone heard a kid call him boss, what does it look like.

"Hey, you are my boss. Boss, I am leaving. If someone bullies me, I will go to you." After Guagua finished speaking, he jumped directly from the rooftop.

Ye Shaoyang was speechless, he climbed down the stairs, saw Xiao Ma and Zhuang Yuning, went down together, and walked to the parking place.

Zhuang Yuning held the Gumantong in both hands, rubbing it lightly, thinking of her little devil, her heart was filled with emotion.

"What is the jade on this head?" Xiao Ma asked, "I saw that the kid also has it on his head."

Ye Shaoyang explained: "This is Yin jade, which is used to fix the soul. Gumantong is actually a small formation, which uses the technique of raising ghosts to drive away the hostility of ghosts and create a place where it can live. Gumantong's The materials are different, which determines the speed of the little ghost's cultivation and accumulation of Qi, but the key is still on this piece of jade." Ye Shaoyang reached out and touched the piece of jade, "This is a middle-grade Yin jade, and it is enough for living little ghosts. .”

Zhuang Yuning said, "Can we just send it back?"

"Yes, you can handle this matter, and then ask him where Mr. Hu lives, ask him clearly, and we will make plans."

Xiao Ma said: "You get this brat out and ask him if he knows better."

"Don't ask, it didn't know anything before it was gathered." Ye Shaoyang said lightly.

"Why, wasn't he also a ghost before?" Xiao Ma was very puzzled.

Ye Shaoyang squinted at him, "You were also a ghost before reincarnation, do you remember what your mother did when she was pregnant with you?"

The pony scratched his head, "Okay, let's call him out and ask that Zhu Zhongying what he was raising him for, he must know that."

Ye Shaoyang said: "I'm not as gossipy as you are. This ghost is raised alive, and it's not used to do bad things. I'm not interested in inquiring about other people's private affairs."

Zhuang Yuning also said: "Yeah, since Xiaoying doesn't want to talk about it, there must be her reasons. Let's not ask, but I guess, 80% of it has something to do with his ex-boyfriend."

After the car drove for a while, Zhuang Yuning suddenly turned her head to look at Ye Shaoyang, a strange smile curled up at the corner of her mouth, and then she sighed again.

"What's wrong?" Ye Shaoyang asked casually.

"Too much emotion." Zhuang Yuning shook her head, "I just knew there were ghosts in the world before, but the experience just now was so surprising, it felt like entering another world."

Pony put on an attitude of someone who has experienced it and said: "When I was led by him to catch ghosts for the first time, I was just like you. Now I am numb, just get used to it."

"Maybe, anyway, I don't want to go to the amusement park again in my life." Zhuang Yuning sighed quietly.

Zhuang Yuning drove the car to the gate of Zhu Zhongying's villa, and Ye Shaoyang asked her to send Gumantong to Xiaoying by herself, but she didn't go there, and took the pony out of the car to go around.

"This is a residential area, what's the difference at night?" After getting off the car, Xiao Ma looked around and wondered.

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, walked to the ATM across the road, checked the balance of the bank card, and sure enough, there was an extra 30,000 yuan, and of course it was Mr. Zhu who called.

"Two hundred and twenty-five thousand, I made another thirty thousand yuan, not bad, not bad." Ye Shaoyang laughed happily.

"Money fan." Xiao Ma rolled his eyes. "Fortunately, you are still a celestial master, and you think so much about 30,000 yuan."

"A little accumulation makes a lot, that's how money is saved, and 30,000 yuan is not a lot."

Back in the car, after waiting for a while, Zhuang Yuning came back, said that the matter was successfully completed, and took out a wad of RMB from the satchel to Ye Shaoyang, "This is the 10,000 yuan you asked her for earlier, she originally wanted more money." I offered money, but I didn’t dare to charge more.”

"Just confiscate it, it's not for me anyway," Ye Shaoyang shook the money at Xiaoma, "No"

"Yes, you said before that the ten thousand yuan is my labor fee." Xiao Ma looked at him pitifully.

Ye Shaoyang threw the money to him, imitating what he said just now: "Ten thousand dollars is so important, which one of us is the money fan?"

"I am, I am, hehe, sparrows are also meat." Xiao Ma happily put 10,000 yuan into his close-fitting pocket.

"Mr. Hu's address has been clarified. He lives in the innermost corner of Nangu Street. There is a small two-story building. The first floor is a Chinese medicine store, which is used to hide people's eyes. The second floor is his living room. He is really looking for him to invite little ghosts." People, are the reception on the second floor.

I am accumulating outbreaks, and there will definitely be a major outbreak in the near future, and the update will be raised later, which is more than the current average. Sincerely thank you for your support, even though I write until dawn every day, I am also very happy.

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