Urban Witcher

Chapter 3068 Chapter 3078 Little boy

Xuanqingshan Ghostbusters 2 Apocalypse

Vol.1 Boys' Journey

Jingle Bell……

After school.

"Xiaomu, come here!"

When Ye Xiaomu turned his head, seeing that it was Liu Mengting, his face immediately turned red.

Liu Mengting is the monitor of the class. She is very beautiful, cheerful, and very vigorous. She is very good at chess. She has won the provincial high school competition. Object.

Ye Xiaomu is one of them.

But he was rather shy about this and dared not confess. Last week was her birthday, Ye Xiaomu bought a set of Dragon Manga under the instigation of Liao Zheng at the same table, and secretly put it in Liu Mengting's desk. The manga series adapted from the novel has been serialized for many years and is extremely popular. Liu Mengting is a fan of this manga, and is also the deputy head of the dragon fan group in the district. Everyone knows this.

Then, Ye Xiaomu left a note in the manga, originally wanted to leave his name, but at that time, he changed a part of Xu Song’s lyrics and sent you this manga on it. It has no purpose, it just represents, I want to give you happiness; to thaw the glacier for you, to be a moth to the flame for you, nothing is unworthy...

When he did this, his heart was pounding, excited and excited, and he even imagined how touched Liu Mengting would be when he saw it...

He didn't have much sense of presence in the class, usually Liu Mengting wouldn't look him in the eye, but when she called his name, Ye Xiaomu immediately knew that it must be related to the comics, and couldn't help but feel his face burn.

Especially when many students stopped to look at him curiously, Ye Xiaomu was even more embarrassed.

Sure enough, Liu Mengting walked up to him, put his hands behind his back, and tilted his head to look at him, "Student Ye Xiaomu, do you know what I'm looking for you for?"

Ye Xiaomu nodded like pecking rice, "Well, I did something wrong, please let me go."

Ye Xiaomu is now most afraid that she will take out the manga, so many classmates will read it, and she can't afford to lose this man.

"What did you do wrong?" Liu Mengting took out his hand from behind, and he was holding the Dragon Manga in his hand. "This, you gave it to me?"

Several male students around started booing.

Ye Xiaomu lowered his head like an ostrich, he was so embarrassed that he was dying, he heard Liu Mengting's cruel voice in his buzzing ears, "Ye Xiaomu, let me ask you, did you put this manga in my desk?"


"Look up at me."

"I..." Ye Xiaomu raised his face, which had turned into a purple eggplant. After struggling for a long time, he was about to speak when a boy stood up and said, "Ye Xiaomu, forget it, toads eat swan meat, etc. Let’s not talk about it, you should at least understand the gap between yourself and Xiaomeng.” After speaking, he shook his head mockingly.

This tall man is called Wu Hai, he is a man of the class, he is also Liu Mengting's suitor, naturally he will not miss the opportunity to ridicule Ye Xiaomu.

"Wow, wow, there's still poetry, let me read it aloud..." Wu Hai seemed to have discovered the New World, grabbed the letter paper from Liu Mengting, and cleared his throat on purpose.

"Give it back to me!" Ye Xiaomu went up to grab it, but Wu Hai dodged it, and called two male classmates who usually hang out with him to catch Ye Xiaomu, but they didn't do anything, just held him down.

Wu Hai read a few lines and found that they were lyrics, so he simply sang.

Ye Xiaomu somehow got the strength to break free from the two classmates, snatched the manga from Liu Mengting's hand, and said in a low voice, "I gave it to Liao Zheng, I misplaced it."

Run away in embarrassment.

There was laughter from Wu Hai and others behind him, and they sang those few lyrics "It just means, I want to give you happiness..."

Ye Xiaomu wanted to bump his head to death.

Today was the weekend, Ye Xiaomu was supposed to go home, but he didn't go home right away, but went to the artificial lake of the school alone, because on the weekend, the boarders were also busy going home, and there was no one around.

Ye Xiaomu sat alone on the gazebo, looking down at his face in the lake, thinking of what happened before, although half an hour had passed, as soon as he thought about it, he still felt that the dispute was difficult.

He was angry with Wu Hai, and even more angry with Liu Mengting, yes, I have no right to like you, you can reject me, but don't hurt people like this, okay?

Besides, even if you want to hurt me, don't do it in front of so many people.

So, you are trying to embarrass me on purpose!

The more Ye Xiaomu thought about it, the more sad he became, but in the end his heart cooled down, because he had completely figured it out, whether it was Liu Mengting, Wu Hai, or those who ridiculed and laughed at him, they just felt that they were not good enough for Liu Mengting. Eat swan meat.

Ye Xiaomu laughed at himself, looked at his face in the water, and said viciously, "Liu Mengting, remember, even if you are a swan, I, Ye Xiaomu, are not worthy of you. One day in the future, even if you come to your door yourself, if I look more At a glance, my surname is not Ye!"


The manga was thrown into the water, scattering his shadow.

He left without looking back.

He was not in a hurry to go home. He came to the back of the school alone. There was a mountainous area behind the school. There were several villages at the foot of the mountain. An old man lived on the mountain far away from the village. A year ago, Ye Xiaomu and his classmates climbed the mountain and found this on the terraced fields. The old man fell on the edge of the field, his hands and feet twitched, Ye Xiaomu called an ambulance, and helped take the old man to the hospital.

After the examination, it was fine. The old man had high blood pressure. He was working in the field at that time. It was too hot, and he squatted for too long.

Ye Xiaomu waited for the old man to wake up, bought him porridge to drink, the two chatted, and learned that the old man's surname was Liu, he had no children, and lived alone on the mountain. Home.

Ye Xiaomu is kind-hearted, thinking about the inconvenient life of old man Liu, so he goes there once a week to help old man Liu with some work, and the two of them chat for a while, in fact, the most important thing is that old man Liu has a lot of books at home, all of which are ancient books. Many of them are still thread-bound, and these books cannot be found outside.

Ye Xiaomu was very interested in these ancient books, and every time he came here, he had to look at them for a long time. Old man Liu had no children, so he was very kind to Ye Xiaomu, and often kept him for dinner.

Old man Liu told him that he was originally a Taoist priest. He was a disciple of Lucheng Mountain when he was young. Coming from my hometown, I lived on my savings when I was young, and opened a field to grow vegetables for my own food.

Although he swore that he was not lying, Ye Xiaomu was still quite skeptical. Born in the new society and raised under the red flag, he didn't believe that there were ghosts and zombies in the world.

However, Ye Xiaomu still likes to listen to the old man Liu's stories about gods and ghosts. He thinks it is very interesting, but he always listens to it as a story. Maybe one day he will believe it.



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