Urban Witcher

Chapter 3077 Chapter 3087 Hospital 1

Although his rationality made him unwilling to admit the reality, there was still an idea deep in his heart: he came to a hospital decades ago.

And this hospital, in the real world, must not exist.

Could it be that he crossed over?

But he then denied this idea. If it is really time travel, then it is impossible that there is no one here. It must be that when they time travel, the hospital is in a meeting, right?

Like an old man, Wu Guohui stood up from his seat with difficulty, and said to Ye Xiaomu, "Anyway, we have to go."

Ye Xiaomu didn't want to stay in such a weird place, but as soon as he left the pharmacy, a crisp phone ringing broke the silence: Ding ling ling...

The two of them turned into stone, and looked at the black old-fashioned telephone on the table in the registration room.

The bell kept ringing, shaking their hearts.

Ye Xiaomu walked over mechanically, trying to pick up and understand.

"You're crazy!" Wu Guohui grabbed his wrist and said in a trembling voice, "You forgot how Bai Yiran went crazy!"

Ye Xiaomu bit her lip.

He hesitated.

At this time, he realized something was wrong, and walked over to pick up the phone line.

The phone line is less than a meter long!

There is a crystal interface on the front end, which should be connected to the line, but it is not connected.

It's a phone without a cord, and it's ringing!

At this moment, Ye Xiaomu felt his hair stand on end with a whimper.

"This, this, this..." Wang Guohui's eyes were filled with tears, it was an instinct to be extremely frightened, he looked at the phone, then at Ye Xiaomu, and shouted: "Let's run!"

Damn you!

Let me see what the hell you are doing!

Ye Xiaomu's blood came from heredity, and she grabbed the receiver.

Wang Guohui stopped talking immediately, and looked at Ye Xiaomu stupidly like a stone statue.

The only sound in the receiver was the rustle of the phone line.

But this phone obviously has no line!

Ye Xiaomu's heart was beating wildly, and he persisted for ten seconds. When he couldn't help but want to hang up the phone, a voice came from inside: "404..."

A little girl's voice kept repeating these numbers: "404, 404, 404..."

Said it ten times in one breath, and then giggled.

Ye Xiaomu dropped the phone, propped his hands on the counter, and gasped for breath.

"What did you hear, what did you hear!"

Wang Guohui roared loudly, relying on his voice to balance his inner fear.

"A little girl's voice, repeating a number, 404... I guess, she is reminding me of something, 404... Maybe it is the house number of a room?"

Wang Guohui was surprised and said, "You don't want to go and see it, do you?"

"If it's really a ghost and wants to deal with us, even if it leaves now, will it be able to let us go? I want to see what's going on. Even if I really see a ghost, at least it won't be troublesome in the future. Yu Huai!"

Under the extreme fear, Ye Xiao showed a kind of paranoia instead, he must investigate to find out the truth!

404, probably refers to the fourth floor of this building.

Ye Xiaomu walked deep into the hall, found the stairs, took a deep breath, and got in.

"Crazy, really crazy!"

Wang Guohui hesitated for a moment, called Liao Zheng loudly, and then, ignoring his resistance, pulled him towards the stairs.

His reason was that he couldn't leave Ye Xiaomu alone.

Although Liao Zheng was timid and afraid of ghosts, he and Ye Xiaomu were very close friends. Hearing that Ye Xiaomu went up the stairs alone, he gritted his teeth and followed Wang Guohui up the stairs, calling Ye Xiaomu's name at the same time.

Ye Xiaomu was waiting for them on the second floor.

It was pitch black all around. Liao Zheng and Wang Guohui each took out their mobile phones, turned on their flashlights, and took pictures. There was a dark corridor in front and behind, and wards were distributed on both sides of the corridor. There was a sign sticking out from the door, and the house number was written on it. , 201, 202 are arranged in this way.

"Let's go to the fourth floor!"

After Ye Xiaomu finished speaking, he took a few steps up the stairs, looked back at the two of them, hesitated for a moment and said, "In case...something goes wrong, don't worry about me, just run first!"

Liao Zheng said: "Forget it, ghosts run faster than people, in case people come to chase me, it's better to stay together for safety."

The three went upstairs silently, listening to the movement in the building.

The building was silent, except for the heavy footsteps and walking sounds of the three people, which made them feel a kind of depressing terror.

fourth floor.

When they reached the stairs, Liao Zheng and Wang Guohui stopped, called Ye Xiaomu in a low voice, Ye Shaoyang turned to look at them, counted the house numbers and walked over.

401, 402, 403...

No 404s.

Next door to 403 is an operating room, with two mahogany doors tightly closed, but there are long glass windows on the door. Go further to the right and you will be in Ward 405.

In other words, this operating room is room number 404.

On the phone, the room 404 that the little girl mentioned is here?

Inside... what will be waiting for me?

Ye Xiaomu took a deep breath, walked over, and wanted to take a look inside through the glass window first, when suddenly there was a tear, and a curtain was drawn from behind the glass window.

There are people inside!

A light came on inside, and then figures walked back and forth, mingled with a woman moaning in pain.

"How's the situation?" A woman's voice.

"The baby can't come out. When the caesarean section is ready, the mother's family members, go and tell them, Xiao Wu, go find it, Xiao Zhang, go and notify Dr. Chen, and prepare anesthesia equipment!"

Then there were footsteps approaching, Ye Xiaomu quickly took a few steps back, then the door opened, and crisp footsteps appeared in the corridor, as if a person had come out of the operating room.

Liao Zheng and Wang Guohui stood at the stairs, their legs were bent, and they were shaking like a goat. In the face of great fear, they forgot to escape, or their legs were so numb that they couldn't move.

After a while, there were more than one person's footsteps in the distance, pushing the door and entering the room, and then closing the door heavily, and the inside began to be busy.

The figures on the curtain swayed, and it seemed that many people were busy inside.

This is... a delivery operation?

Leaning his back against the railing, Ye Xiaomu stared blankly at the figures appearing on the curtain.

The mother is crying, and the nurse is guiding and comforting. The doctor is busy.


A baby's cry sounded.

"It's... what's going on!"

The nurse exclaimed, "Oh my God, it's a conjoined twin!"

"This baby..." Another nurse called out with a dull voice, and Ye Xiaomu could think that she was probably covering her mouth.

Then came the sound of vomiting.

"Don't panic, pack up the child first, go out and contact the family." The doctor's voice was also a little trembling.

(I found that everyone is not used to changing the posting time, so let’s post at this point, and it will still be maintained in the future)

(End of this chapter)——

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