Urban Witcher

Chapter 3080 Chapter 3090 Finding the truth 1

What kind of force was that that restored this town to what it looked like decades ago?

Is it ghost power?

Bai Yiran has been in a coma since the beginning of the journey, the three of them discussed it, and felt that her eye injury should not be delayed for too long, and waiting for a long-distance bus was too slow, so they simply called 120 and waited for about half an hour. An ambulance from a nearby county drove over, and seeing the four of them, the doctors in the car were also very surprised. After getting in the car, they asked them about Bai Yiran's situation, but the three of them said they didn't know.

In the hospital in the county seat, Bai Yiran's eye wounds were treated simply, but the equipment in the small hospital is not good enough for further treatment, so she needs to be sent to Kunming.

At this time, Liao Zheng had already contacted Bai Yiran's father through his mother in the big hospital in Kunming. When he arrived, seeing Bai Yiran's situation, he almost passed out on the spot.

He settled the hospital's money, and then sent Bai Yiran back to Kunming University Hospital.

Two hours later, everyone returned to Kunming.

The big hospital checked Bai Yiran's condition and concluded that the retina was punctured by a sharp object, and one eye could be repaired, while the other eye was somewhat difficult and needed further examination and demonstration.

When the three of Ye Xiaomu heard the news, they felt relieved.

"You are awesome!"

Wang Guohui gave Ye Xiaomu a thumbs up, and Liao Zheng also cast admiring gazes. Ye Xiaomu's performance after encountering a ghost before was simply heroic. If he hadn't carried Bai Yiran back, let alone his eyes, he would have almost lost his life. up.

Bai Yiran's father took the three of them outside the corridor, and gave out a cigarette to each of them, only Wang Guohui hesitated and smoked.

"I want to know, what happened?"

Bai Yiran's father restrained his emotions and looked at the three of them separately.

"Last night, Bai Yiran slipped away from the ward alone while I was taking a nap. I checked the surveillance, it was after two o'clock in the morning, and after that, I searched everywhere, almost insane, but I never found her. I reported the news to the detectives but couldn't find it, how did you find her?"

"Uncle, you don't doubt us, do you?" Wang Guohui was a little unhappy.

"It was you who sent Yiran here. I don't doubt you. I just want to know what happened."

The three looked at each other, hesitating whether to tell the truth.

"Uncle, do you know Qingyou Valley?" Ye Xiaomu asked tentatively.

The muscles on Uncle Bai's face trembled, and he looked at him suspiciously.

"Why did you mention it there?"

Sure enough, he knew.

"We found Yiran in Qingyou Valley."

After Ye Xiaomu finished speaking, he found that Uncle Bai's face suddenly lost all color. He was stunned for a while, and murmured, "I was born in Qingyou Town."

"My father used to be an engineer in Qingyou Town. I was born there and went to...about the third grade. My father died and was buried in the town. The factory in Qingyou Town was disbanded the next year and all the workers were transferred. My mother's job was transferred to KM City, and our family moved out. Since then, we have never gone back except during Chinese New Year."

After finishing speaking, he glanced at Ye Xiaomu, meaning that he answered everything he could.

Ye Xiaomu hesitated for a moment, then asked in a low voice: "Uncle Bai, let me ask you again, is there something weird about that place in Qingyou Town, um, I mean, haunted?"

Liao Zheng and Wang Guohui immediately got goosebumps when they heard "haunted".

Uncle Bai was slightly surprised, stared into Ye Xiaomu's eyes for a moment, and said, "What does this have to do with Yiran?"

Ye Xiaomu put his mind to rest, and told the story from the beginning to the end. Fortunately, Wang Guohui and Liao Zheng testified, otherwise it would have sounded like an urban legend.

After Uncle Bai heard it, he was in a bad mood. He squatted on the ground and covered his face with his hands. After a while, his hoarse voice came out through his fingers, "Thank you for saving Yiran. This matter... I will handle it myself, please keep your mouth shut and don't tell anyone."

"Don't worry about that," Ye Xiaomu said, "Even if we want to say it, no one will believe it. It's just... how do you deal with it?"

"I'll think about it... Let's talk about Yiran's illness first."

Ye Xiaomu hesitated again and again, squatting beside him and said: "Uncle Bai, I didn't believe this before, but I can't help but believe it after seeing it with my own eyes this time. I think if the matter with that female ghost is not resolved, she will come again." The one who haunts Yiran."

Uncle Bai was silent. After a long while, he asked, "What can you do?"

"I know someone who is a Taoist priest. Maybe you can ask him about this kind of thing." Ye Xiaomu thought of old man Liu. He used to think that old man Liu's tricks were a trick to deceive people. Now he really saw a ghost. , the mentality will be different immediately.

Back from the hospital, the three of them got on the bus heading for the school, each with their own thoughts on the way, and no one spoke.

It turns out that there are ghosts in this world.

This is what Ye Xiaomu thought of repeatedly. It can be said that today's experience in Qingyou Town completely subverted their worldview. He believed that this incident had a great impact on the two little friends. In the past, everyone had a curiosity-seeking mentality and interest in ghost stories, but they didn't believe it from the bottom of their hearts. Now they saw it with their own eyes...

This subversive feeling is indescribable.

"I regret being with you now." When he got off the car and walked on the road, Wang Guohui glanced at Ye Xiaomu and said with a wry smile.

Ye Xiaomu understood what he meant, and said, "Then just forget about it and treat it as a dream."

Wang Guohui nodded weakly, "The college entrance examination is coming soon, I have to study hard, and the future... I will not participate."

After he finished speaking, he glanced at Ye Xiaomu again, and said, "Do you really want to keep it going?"

"I want to find out."

"So what if you figure it out?"

"It's not that bad, it's an explanation for myself."

Wang Guohui said it was hard to understand.

"I admire your courage, you are really powerful, aren't you afraid of ghosts?" Liao Zheng interjected and asked.

"Of course I'm afraid. I almost peed in fear before, but now I still shiver when I think about it." Ye Xiaomu shuddered.

Wang Guohui said sincerely: "Although you are brave, the world is a ghost. How can you, an ordinary person, fight against it? I advise you not to be brave."

Ye Xiaomu nodded, but he didn't make any distinctions. He knew that he was not trying to be brave, nor did he have a sense of justice.

Afterwards, the three of them didn't say anything, and went back to school together. They went out in the morning, and it was almost evening when they came back, but they didn't feel hungry at all, and went straight back to the dormitory. ()

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