Urban Witcher

Chapter 312 The Weird Chinese Medicine Store 2

Ye Shaoyang packed up some things, took the pony out, took a taxi to Nangu Street, got off at the street corner, and walked in.

This is an old street. There are shops selling everything along the street, and the flow of people is not bad. Ye Shaoyang calculated the feng shui of the street while walking. He came all the way to the end of the street and was blocked by a wall. Looking back, it was probably because it was a dead end. Because of this, almost no one has come here, it is very deserted, the doors of the surrounding doors are closed, and the shop signs are mottled and old.

On the corner of the street, there is a small building made of drilled walls. It looks dilapidated and inconspicuous. Several windows are blocked by bricks and stones. Yangrentang" in three brush characters.

"That's it," Xiao Ma pouted, "It's still Yang Ren Tang, obviously it's Yang Gui Tang."

Ye Shaoyang glared at him, and said, "After you go in, you know what to do."

"I know, let's borrow the toilet and observe the terrain by the way."

Ye Shaoyang nodded, stepped into the store, glanced over, the store was not big, and it was similar to the general layout of traditional Chinese medicine stores: there was a row of medicine cabinets facing the wall, with a counter below, and the left side of the room was the entrance to the second floor. The spiral staircase, on the right is a curtain.

After Ye Shaoyang entered the door, he immediately sensed a ghostly aura, and then his shoulders sank. He felt that something was lying on top of him, but he tried not to look at it. He felt that "thing" lying on his neck and sniffed for a while, and then jumped to the ground. On the ground, go behind the counter. Please is our greatest support, thank you

Before it went in, Ye Shaoyang glanced at it out of the corner of his eye. It was a little ghost whose head was only as high as the crook of his leg. His whole body was green. When I came here, I couldn't help secretly rejoicing, how wise I was to use wormwood to smoke my body to remove the magical aura, and to restrain my energy after entering the door.

This kid didn't realize that he was a mage, so he ran back.

Ye Shaoyang came to the front of the counter and looked inside. An old man with a goatee, skinny and skinny, leaned drowsily on the boss chair, with his head tilted to one side, as if he was asleep, holding a cup in his arms. An old-fashioned tape recorder was playing the Story of Yue Fei, a storytelling book, which looked a bit fairy-like.

Ye Shaoyang smiled coldly in his heart, knocked on the table, and shouted in an eager tone: "Hey, old man, wake up!"

After calling several times, the old man opened his eyes, and looked Ye Shaoyang up and down with a pair of cloudy eyes.

"Sir, I'll grab the medicine." Ye Shaoyang smiled politely, thinking that if I let you pretend, one day I will slap you to death, you old zombie

The old man looked at him in surprise, and said suspiciously, "What kind of medicine are you taking?"

"Is there any crystal orchid"

The old man froze for a moment, "cure diphtheria"

Ye Shaoyang's eyes lit up, and he nodded again and again, "The old man knows, a relative of mine got diphtheria, and it didn't work after taking good medicine. A doctor came up with a folk prescription, saying that there was a Chinese medicine called Crystal Orchid that could cure it, but I ran away. I searched all over Shicheng and couldn’t find it, so I turned here today to try my luck.”

The suspicion in the old man's eyes disappeared, and he shook his head, "Crystal orchids are only found in the shade of high mountains, and they are rarer than snow lotus. How can I find them in this small shop. Don't waste your time, go buy it elsewhere."

"Mr. Xie for the reminder." Ye Shaoyang sighed heavily, took out a prescription that had been written in advance, handed it over, and said, "Then ask the old man to grab these medicines first, and save the emergency."

The old man unfolded the prescription and saw that it read: Scrophulariaceae, Banlangen, Shandougen, Honeysuckle, Forsythia. This is indeed a prescription for treating diphtheria. The last doubt in his heart disappeared, and he got up and went to the medicine cabinet to grab the medicine.

"Ah, is there a toilet here?" Pony cried out, clutching his stomach.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and glared at him, "Go out and look for it"

"It's too late, I have diarrhea." Pony looked around with a painful expression, "Mr., the toilet is at the back, let me borrow it."

"The toilet is not open to the public." The old man turned around to stop him, but the pony had already plunged behind the curtain, so the old man had no choice but to give up and continue to grab medicine.

After waiting for a while, the medicine was ready, and the pony came out, grinning at the old man, thanking him, and walked out with Ye Shaoyang.

"This" Xiao Ma just said a word.

Ye Shaoyang immediately winked at him quietly, sighed, and said, "I have to look elsewhere."

The pony understood and stopped talking.

The two walked out of the street in one breath, Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, stood on the side of the road, and cursed secretly: "The surname Hu really wants to come out, find an old ghost to watch the door."

"Ghost" Pony was stunned, "You think that old man can't do it?"

"It's a ghost corpse, of course it can't be seen from the outside."

Xiao Ma took a deep breath, recalled the old man's behavior, there seemed to be nothing unusual, and said: "No way, how can a ghost understand the prescription?"

"It's nothing special, it may have been a Chinese medicine doctor before its death." Ye Shaoyang said.

Xiao Ma thought for a while, then wondered: "Why do you have to find a ghost to sit in the hall? Besides, the old man can hear clearly, and his hands and feet are also nimble. It's different from the ghosts we saw before."

"It's not that we have to find ghost corpses to sit in the hall, but that place is too ghostly, and the living will definitely die if they stay there for a long time."

"He can move freely because there is inexhaustible ghost energy in the store for him to absorb and cultivate. Of course, it is very nourishing. This old ghost is at the level of a corpse." Ye Shaoyang shook his head and sighed, "Seeing the corpse It feels so uncomfortable not to be able to catch the wandering soul."

The pony was startled: "Where is the ghost again?"

"There are two in the counter. I didn't let you talk just because they were watching us when we went out."

"Fuck, that place is a ghost's nest," Xiao Ma said with emotion.

"It's almost there," Ye Shaoyang glanced at the corner of the street, and said, "This street was built according to the laws of Fengshui, and that small building is right in the middle of the street, and the yin is already heavy. They chose this place as their old nest. That's what I'm looking for. By the way, what's going on behind the curtain?"

"A corridor, about three meters long. Opposite is the medicinal material warehouse. The door is unlocked. I pretended to look for the toilet and opened the door to go in. The whole room is full of herbs. The room is not small, half the size of a classroom."

Ye Shaoyang glared at him, "Ghost knows how big half a classroom is, just be more specific."

Xiao Ma scratched his head and said, "About twenty square meters, why do you ask so clearly?"

"Nonsense, I want to calculate if there is a darkroom. Where is the toilet?"

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