Urban Witcher

Chapter 315 Basement 2

Zhuang Yuning looked at the pony's generous body like a polar bear, covered her mouth and said with a smile: "This thing can only be done with his physique."

Ye Shaoyang laughed twice, scratched the back of his head, "Then what, three thousand yuan, you"

"Don't worry, I'll come out." Zhuang Yuning turned to look at him, narrowed her eyes, and said with a smile, "Brother Shaoyang, how are you doing?"


"You are obviously a worldly expert with no money, but you still pretend to be worldly. It's fun."

"Cough cough." Ye Shaoyang coughed dryly twice, shook his hair, and said, "This is called style." He was very proud of himself, he was obviously stingy, but she actually regarded him as a superior performance, cough cough, then don't Let her go

The pony jumped down again, and when it was about to land, the hook stretched straight. Under the inertia caused by his huge weight, the last rivet was pulled out from the wall with a click, and the iron net fell off completely. Helping the pony to reduce the buffer, he sat down on the ground and let out a cry.

"You did a good job, let me tell you, you can do it." Ye Shaoyang walked up to him, leaned over to look at him, and smiled with satisfaction.

The pony sat on the ground and hummed. It took a long time to stand up and rub his buttocks.

Ye Shaoyang threw up the seductive rope again, and hung it on the edge of the window opening. He went up first, put his head in and took a look, it was pitch black, so he turned around, hooked his feet to the inside of the wall, and let his upper body fall down along the seductive rope , wanting to pull Zhuang Yuning up like this, at this moment, he felt a numbness in his lower back, as if he was hugged by two hands

Ye Shaoyang's heart trembled, and he wanted to look back, but because the window hole was too small, he couldn't turn around at all. He felt the thing crawling up his back little by little, and his hands were tightening around his waist. Holding on to the hook, he slammed forward and swung out.

Xiao Ma and Zhuang Yuning suddenly saw Ye Shaoyang coming out of the window hole. They were still wondering what happened, but subconsciously found out why Ye Shaoyang's body was a bit long

Taking a closer look, I was immediately terrified: instead of Ye Shaoyang's body alone, a long-haired woman hugged Ye Shaoyang's waist with both hands, and swung out with him.

That "woman" arched her hands, climbed onto Ye Shaoyang's back, and blew on the back of his neck.

The "ghost" pony was shocked, and suddenly remembered that the same thing had happened to Zhou Jingru, and was finally rescued by Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang explained that this is called "ghost building bridge", which is to prepare for the upper body.

"I'm not mistaken," Xiao Ma exclaimed, "A ghost wants to get on Xiao Ye Zi's body!"

Sure enough, Ye Shaoyang flipped his hand, and slapped the female ghost's forehead with his palm, immediately breaking it up and turning it into a spirit.

Ye Shaoyang let go of the hook, landed on the ground, took a breath, shook his head and said, "I'm looking for death."

Xiao Ma watched the spirit go away, wondering: "Is this ghost crazy, why did he get on your body?"

"I was afraid of being discovered by the ghost corpse in the building, so I sealed the qi in my body, and it treated me as an ordinary person."

"I said," Xiaoma scratched his head, "you didn't even ask about the origin of this ghost, you just killed it."

"Anyone who sees someone's upper body must be a ghost of evil cultivators," Ye Shaoyang said, "It's probably because they coveted the ghost energy in the building and went in to practice. I happened to meet it, so it's bad luck."

Ye Shaoyang rested for a while, climbed up the window hole again, then pulled Xiaoma and Zhuang Yuning up, and said in a low voice, "Take the bigu pills in your mouth, we're going down, remember to keep calm and try not to make any noise."

After explaining, Ye Shaoyang pulled back the hook, grabbed the edge of the window opening, and jumped down lightly.

It was pitch black.

Ye Shaoyang helped Xiaoma and the two jump down, took out the dark lamp that had been fastened before from the backpack, and blew a breath, a dark green flame ignited.

"How do you light the lamp? What if you are seen by a ghost?" Xiao Ma said nervously.

"This is a ghost lamp. It is illuminated by burning ghost energy. All ghosts and zombies cannot see it." Ye Shaoyang said, holding up the lamp and shining it around.

The flame was very small, similar to a candle, and the light was still green, dizzy, and could only illuminate a short distance, but the room was also small, and by the light of the fire, the three of them found themselves in the toilet.

The toilet door was closed, Ye Shaoyang went to open the door, looking left and right, it was indeed a long aisle as Xiao Ma said.

"On the left is the medicinal material warehouse, and on the right is the hall we visited during the day." Xiaoma reminded in a low voice, "Which way to go first?"

He had already looked at the hall during the day, and there was nothing there. Ye Shaoyang thought about it and walked towards the warehouse.

It was the first time for Zhuang Yuning to come to this kind of place, and she was very nervous, holding Ye Shaoyang's arm tightly with both hands, and followed him every step of the way.

After walking less than ten steps, an open door appeared on the opposite side, but instead of walking over, Ye Shaoyang stopped, holding a ghost lamp and shining it to the left.

There was a small door there, ajar.

"This is the utility room," the pony came up and said.

Ye Shaoyang gently opened the door, took a few steps inside, and raised the lantern to shine it on. The scene in front of him made Zhuang Yuning and Xiao Ma nervous:

An old man was lying on his back on a wire bed straight up, his body was motionless, and the two of Xiao Ma even noticed that his body didn't even have the ups and downs of breathing, and he was completely motionless, looking like a dead body.

Xiao Ma frowned, wanting to say something, Ye Shaoyang made a speech gesture at him, walked in, and before he could attack the old man, he suddenly noticed two ghost auras lingering in the direction of the window sill, turned his head and saw that it was two A small porcelain doll is placed on the windowsill.

Ye Shaoyang held his breath, walked up to him, and sensed it again. There was a ghost in each of the two porcelain dolls, and he suddenly understood: the ones in the porcelain vase were probably the two little ghosts he met at the counter during the day. The aura of the visitor came from hiding here to practice at night.

Ye Shaoyang drew two soul-fixing talismans, one in each hand, and pasted them on the faces of the two porcelain dolls as quickly as possible. , no trace will be left, and the two little ghosts will not be aware of it.

Sealing the little ghost, Ye Shaoyang took out a painted talisman from his belt, pasted it on the old man's forehead, heaved a sigh of relief, and said, "Okay, with this talisman, he can sleep for a while now." , take off the talisman before leaving, and he won't notice."

Hearing what he said, Xiao Ma breathed a sigh of relief, and said, "Isn't he sleeping? By the way, didn't you tell me that ghost corpses don't need to sleep?"

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