Urban Witcher

Chapter 321 White

With more and more blood, the outermost circle of glutinous rice has been burnt black and soaked into it.

Xiao Ma looked up at Ye Shaoyang who was standing not far in front of him, and shouted loudly: "Think of a way, what are you doing standing there?"

As soon as the words fell, there was a sudden "crash", and a pair of hands suddenly stretched out from the nearby pool of blood, grabbed the pony's hair, and pulled it into the pool of blood.


The Hooking Cable flew over, and the tip hit both hands, smashing them to pieces. Xiao Ma rubbed his head, returned to the middle of the "protection circle" in shock, and looked up at Ye Shaoyang.

"I just stood there stupidly for this," Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him. At this time, he stretched out his hands from the pool of blood, trying to catch the pony, but was smashed by Ye Shaoyang's whip, and asked the pony, "Bring a cinnabar gun?" have you?"

The pony was taken aback, and nodded.

Ye Shaoyang threw another jujube sword to him, "Take it out quickly, use the gun for the far ones, and this one for the close ones."

Xiao Ma took it and said in surprise: "It's fine if I have you, what do you do for me?"

"Catch the thief and capture the king, I'm going to get the blood corpse. I just demonstrated it to you. If there is a bloody hand coming out, you can just stab it." After finishing speaking, regardless of whether the pony agreed or not, he turned around and stepped out of the glutinous rice circle. Throw the painted Yushui Talisman into the pool of blood.

The talisman paper does not sink in water, and the runes drawn with cinnabar light up with a flash of light. Ye Shaoyang stepped on it, recited the mantra once, stepped on the talisman, and walked against the water.

Seeing him approaching, the fish-scale blood corpse immediately stopped twisting its body, making a strange sound from its throat, and kept patting the pool of blood in front of it with its hands.

It was obviously a layer of blood spreading on the ground, but at this moment, it seemed like a river and sea, with turbulent waves rolling towards Ye Shaoyang. Ye Shaoyang pulled out the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword, and put his thumb on the dragon crystal stone inlaid on the hilt With one press, a purple light flashed across, cut through the huge waves, and slid through the middle.

Countless pairs of bloody hands stretched out from the pool of blood, trying to grab Ye Shaoyang's feet. Ye Shaoyang held a sword in one hand, took out a handful of copper coins with the other hand, and struck them one by one, smashing those bloody hands to pieces. In the blink of an eye, he came to the fish-scale blood corpse, raised the Seven Star Longquan Sword, and chopped it off.

The fish-scale blood corpse did not retreat, its arms trembled, and a huge blood man jumped up from the pool of blood between the two of them, and rushed towards Ye Shaoyang with a terrifying aura of evil spirits.

Ye Shaoyang smiled faintly, scratched his middle finger, and tapped on the hilt of the sword. For a moment, the purple light burst forth, and the blade of the sword directly passed through the middle of the blood man, and fell on the top of the fish-scale blood corpse.

At this moment, on the street outside, the white-clothed person standing next to Hu Wei groaned, trembled, and a white light flew out of him and slipped into the crack of the door of the Chinese medicine store. In the next second, a white phantom suddenly appeared in front of the fish-scaled blood corpse, raising his hands high, supporting the edge of the Seven Star Dragon Spring Sword.

Ye Shaoyang was shocked, and looked intently, in front of him was a translucent white figure, it was a person, rather it was a robe with a one-piece cap, inside was a cloud of white steam, two thin and long eyes, from the Two beams of green light shot out from the white steam. Further down, the body becomes more and more transparent, only a white robe can be seen wrapped around the body, but the legs cannot be seen.

From its body, a strong evil spirit emanates.

"Idiot, don't run away." The white shadow issued an ethereal boy, and the fish-scale blood corpse immediately turned around and ran, climbed up the ceiling, and fled towards the direction of the stairs.

Holding the Seven Star Longquan Sword in both hands, the white evil spirit said in a contemptuous tone: "Master Ye, that's all, see you next time."

"Just this time, don't leave when you're here." Ye Shaoyang suddenly let go of the hilt of his sword, pulled out the Extinguishing Nail, held it with both hands, and pierced it into Baiying's robe, while chanting the order to kill evil, he moved up and down Swipe, every time you swipe, there will be a crack in the white evil spirit's body.

While casting the spell, Ye Shaoyang shouted without looking back: "Stop that blood corpse!"

Xiao Ma was taken aback, knowing that he was speaking to himself, and turned his head to see that the fish-scale blood corpse had already run to the top of the stairs and was about to climb up. After putting it on, he immediately took it off his waist and shot at the fish-scale blood corpse, hitting its back, shaking its body and slowing down its speed.

The hit of this shot encouraged Xiao Ma, and he fired another shot immediately.

Over there, Ye Shaoyang had already dismantled the body of the white evil spirit with the spirit-killing nail, leaving only one head. The white evil spirit roared angrily, grabbed the brim of the white hat with one hand, and pulled it back, a beautiful picture appeared. A woman's face, giggling, holding her mouth with both hands, tearing hard to both sides.

Amidst the gushing blood, the mouth was torn open to the size of a basketball. In the center was a mass of dark abyss. A powerful evil spirit spread out. After a pause, it shrank towards the center of the black hole. Circles of evil spirit gathered into a black hole. A vortex, as its body continued to twist, the suction of the vortex became stronger and stronger, Ye Shaoyang was caught off guard, and his head was sucked in.

Immediately, there were bursts of ghostly cries in my ears, which went straight into my consciousness.

Ye Shaoyang was startled, bit the tip of his tongue hastily, recited the blood-breaking curse, opened his mouth and spit it out, while his hands still outside the black hole kept forming seals, and slapped the evil spirit's head from both sides.

With a muffled snort, the evil spirit's body shook, and the power of the vortex also paused. Ye Shaoyang pulled out his head in a hurry, sprayed another mouthful of blood from the tip of his tongue on the evil spirit's face, took out a cinnabar pen, and wrote on the evil spirit's face: A "Yao" character, after chanting the mantra, shout "Broken"

The strokes of the character "Yao" flashed with golden light, and turned into eight sharp blades, which sliced ​​through the evil spirit's head and cut into countless pieces.

There were three gunshots behind him, and Xiao Ma hurriedly said, "Little Ye Zi, come quickly, I'm almost out of bullets."

Ye Shaoyang turned around and saw that the fish-scale blood corpse was covered in blood from the cinnabar bullets on its back. It was crawling up the stairs on all fours.

Ye Shaoyang took out a handful of Five Emperors money, hit the fish-scaled blood corpse in the air, knocked it down from the stairs, stepped forward, and before the fish-scaled blood corpse got up, rolled on the spot, riding on the fish-scaled blood corpse's back, The soul-hunting rope wrapped around its neck, pulled it back hard, took out the spirit-killing nail with the other hand, and roared loudly: "The world is boundless, and the universe borrows the law!"

The Mie Ling Nail plunged into the cap of the fish-scale blood corpse with all its force, and drove it all the way.

Black blood spewed out wildly, and the fish-scale blood corpse struggled for a while, with a gurgling sound in its throat, exhaled black corpse breath, and its body gradually softened.

Outside, on the street, the man in white exhaled with an ugly face, and said coldly, "A good slave died."

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