Urban Witcher

Chapter 323: Turning Back 2

Ye Shaoyang helped the ghost corpse up, and said: "It's not impossible to help you, but after you know that you are dead, after all, you choose to continue cultivating evilly, so I am not good at talking, can you do me a favor, I will count it as yours." This is a great merit, and it will be easy for the judge to talk about it."

The ghost nodded like a pounding garlic. "No matter what Grand Master orders, I'm already like this, and there's nothing to be afraid of."

Ye Shaoyang smiled in satisfaction, "I don't know what to call you yet."

"Wang Liang. The king of overlords, the kind Liang."

"Good name, Mr. Wang, listen carefully, my purpose is to catch Hu Wei and the ghost raiser behind him, but this guy is very mysterious, I don't know anything, if you know, just tell me .”

Wang Liang nodded, "Actually, I'm just in charge of setting up the facade and guarding here. I don't know much about it. I only know that Hu Wei is in the business of little devils. There is a basement below here, which is a processing place for Gumantong. He I often work alone down below, and I haven’t been there much, I only know that there is an evil spirit of a doll, guarding below, Master, you must have been there.”

Ye Shaoyang said: "I killed that thing."

Wang Liang was stunned for a moment, and smiled wryly: "The evil spirit's cultivation level is still higher than mine, and it was easily wiped out by the magician. Fortunately, I made the right choice, otherwise I would probably have died by now."

"I went down to see it, and there is a place to make blood-raised Gumantong. Where is the live-raised Gumantong made?"

"The live-raised Gumantong is easy to make. You don't need any procedures. You can just carve it out. They are all placed in a room on the second floor, and they are all empty. You can only put the little devil in."

Ye Shaoyang said: "Yes, these are semi-finished products, where are those little ghosts kept?"

Wang Liangdao: "I really don't know about this. Hu Wei didn't tell me. It should be outside. Anyway, there is no kid in this place. He usually takes out the Gumantong after he has finished it. Bring it back a few days later, at that time, the Gumantong has already lived with little ghosts, and it is likely that the last procedure will be done outside."

Ye Shaoyang nodded slowly. It is normal for a ghost guarding the gate not to know about this kind of thing, but his words helped him to verify his guess. After thinking about it, he said, "Have you seen the man behind Mr. Hu's scene?"

"No, I've never seen it before. Hu Wei never brings anyone here except for customers who buy Gumantong. His second floor is dedicated to receiving distinguished guests. Master, that's all I really know Too much, Hu Wei seldom talks to me, and doesn’t let me participate in the production of Gumantong, so I don’t know anything about it.”

Ye Shaoyang said: "I know. There are two more questions. First, how many of his Gumantongs can be sold in an average month, and how many blood-raised ones?"

Wang Liang thought for a while, and said: "The live-raised ones are sold more, and the blood-raised ones are complicated to make, and they are sold less. It is good to sell one a month."

Zhuang Yuning calmed down a bit at this time, and kept thinking along with their conversation. Hearing this, she couldn't help interjecting: "There are only so many rich people in Shicheng. Just one kid is enough, and it's not a consumable. He It has been sold for several years, how can there be such a good market?"

Wang Liang smiled. Although he was always infiltrated with ghost energy, his body was much softer than ordinary ghost corpses, but it was a corpse after all, with atrophied nerves, and his smile was awkward, uglier than crying.

Ye Shaoyang wanted to remind him not to laugh, but he was afraid that he would feel inferior, so he held back.

"This lady doesn't know. Those who come to buy Gumantong are all rich people from other places. After raising them by themselves, they recommend them to friends and bring one with them. So although they don't sell many, people always buy them. .”

Xiao Ma shook his head and sighed: "This kind of business has allowed him to do so well. He has already gone out of the country. In a few years, he will not be able to go out of the country and enter the world."

At this time, Ye Shaoyang's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, he saw that it was Xie Yuqing's number. After connecting, Xie Yuqing asked, "When did you leave the basement?"

Ye Shaoyang was stunned: "How did you know I came out?"

"Your mobile phone had no signal before, and now it's finally connected. Of course, it's coming up. Are you okay? Why don't you come out?"

"I still have something to do, I will go out to find you later, help me keep an eye on the surrounding area, thank you, I will invite you tonight."

Xie Yuqing agreed reasonably, "I'll wait for you near the main entrance of the Chinese medicine store."

After hanging up the phone, Ye Shaoyang looked at Wang Liang, thought for a while, and then realized what he wanted to ask: "There is one more question, is this Hu Wei a mage, and what level is his strength?"

Wang Liang frowned and said, "He is a mage with strong mana. You also know that this place is full of ghosts. There are often lonely souls and wild monsters who come to practice. Most of them can be driven away by me and those two little ghosts." , but occasionally there are powerful ones, Hu Wei will take action himself, last time a ghost head came and wanted to occupy this place as a nest, I saw him seriously injured the ghost head and drove it away."

Ye Shaoyang was startled, he could even beat the ghost capital, this Hu Wei, he really underestimated him. The most important thing is that he is just a face, and his mana is so strong. How strong is the real ghost raiser behind him?

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, wanted to end the conversation, but suddenly thought of something, and asked him: "What is the relationship between the fish-scale blood corpse in the basement, and the white-clothed evil spirit, and Hu Wei?"

"I know the fish-scale blood corpse. It was attracted by Hu Wei about a year ago. I have been practicing in the basement. I am afraid of it. I have never dealt with it, and it has never come up." Wang Liang opened his eyes and looked at the corpse. He, "Master, you have dealt with it before, it is not easy to deal with, how did you escape?"

The pony laughed, "Escape Little Leaf will kill it in minutes."

Wang Liang's expression froze, and the way he looked at Ye Shaoyang became complicated. "Master, you are amazing."

Ye Shaoyang didn't need to care about the flattery of a ghost corpse, and asked, "Where's that white-clothed evil spirit?"

"I haven't seen any white-clothed evil spirits before, so I don't know."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at him, and said: "That's it, the task I give you is to stay here, to be my internal response, to find a way to observe Hu Wei's movements, there may be other tasks in the future, don't worry, everything will come true After that, I will record your merits and tell the judge to know."

Wang Liang nodded, thank you very much. "Master, can you tell me your plan, so that I can prepare."

Ye Shaoyang glanced at Zhuang Yuning and said, "I don't have any plans at the moment, the main thing is to protect her."

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