Urban Witcher

Chapter 33 Night Spy

Ye Shaoyang turned his head suddenly, there was nothing behind him, but he was sure that something came in, about five meters away behind him!

This situation made Ye Shaoyang feel a little terrified. With his magic power, ordinary ghosts had nowhere to hide in front of him, unless it was... some evil spirits.

Where did it come from?

Ye Shaoyang thought for a while, and understood: Yin spirits' lairs are extremely cloudy, and they are the easiest to breed evil spirits. The seals generally used to deal with ghosts and demons have no binding force on them, so Ye Shaoyang guessed that this evil spirit came from the Yin lair. came out, and there was more than one evil spirit below!

Ye Shaoyang reached into his belt, touched a handful of copper beans, thought for a while, but didn't throw them out: Since the opponent dared to come, his cultivation level must be not low, and whether he can beat himself is one thing, in case it can't beat him If you want to run, go underground, where can you catch it? He also wanted to catch someone alive and inquire about the situation of the Yin Nest.

After thinking for a while, Ye Shaoyang had an idea, turned around and walked upstairs on purpose. Sure enough, that thing followed immediately.

Passing a corner of the stairs, Ye Shaoyang secretly took out the gossip mirror, and looked at the back, only to see a large cloud of black air floating up and down, which seemed to hide something, so he couldn't see clearly.

What the hell is this?

Ye Shaoyang was puzzled, went all the way to the fourth floor, walked straight into the 404 dormitory, took out the gossip mirror, put it on the door frame, and then walked in, feeling that the evil spirit came in, and immediately recited the mantra silently , a talisman paper was thrown out, activating the gossip mirror.

The gossip mirror is bounded by a wall, forming a small seal. No matter if it is a ghost or an evil spirit, as long as the cultivation base is less than a thousand years, there is no way to break through the seal.

Ye Shaoyang heaved a sigh of relief, turned around, leaned against the window sill, and looked at the position of the evil spirit with a smile on his face, thinking that you won't be able to escape this time, right?

The evil spirit remained motionless, seemingly indifferent to the situation in which he was trapped.

But Ye Shaoyang planned to make a move.

At this moment, a burst of crisp footsteps came from the corridor and stopped outside the door. Before Ye Shaoyang came back to his senses, a flashlight shone brightly on his face, and at the same time a clear female voice sounded: "Who is inside!"

Ye Shaoyang was startled, blocked the glare with his backhand, and asked, "Who are you?"

"Detective (as long as you know what you do, you will be called detectives from now on)." Without waiting for Ye Shaoyang to stop him, the other party walked into the room. Ye Shaoyang avoided the direct light of the flashlight, and looked intently. The other party was a woman in her twenties, with high cheekbones, big eyes, very good-looking, short hair around her ears, and wearing a red dress. She had a pretty good figure.

"Hey, what are you looking at!" The other party shook him with a flashlight, "Answer me honestly, what are you doing here in the middle of the night!"

"Can't come here? By the way, show me your ID first."

"I didn't bring my ID, tell me quickly, what are you doing here?"

"I'm a Taoist priest, here to catch ghosts." Ye Shaoyang simply revealed his identity to avoid being entangled by her. After all, besides the two of them, there was an evil spirit in this room. While speaking, Ye Shaoyang kept perceiving the position of the evil spirit with his mind, and it kept standing behind him without moving.

"Ghost hunting?" The female detective sneered, "Bewitching words!"

"If you don't believe me, I'll prove it to you." Ye Shaoyang raised his hand and threw a handful of copper beans in the direction of the evil spirit.

With a bang, a black shadow in the shape of a human appeared at the place where the black smoke rose, and it floated towards the outside of the door. As soon as it reached the door frame, a silver light flashed in the gossip mirror, and the black shadow seemed to hit an invisible wall. Bounced back.

"Stupid, this is it." Ye Shaoyang was also shocked, why is this evil spirit like a zombie, with no IQ at all?

"Ghost!" The female detective screamed the moment she saw the shadow, and dropped the flashlight to the ground.

The evil spirit once again slammed into the seal under the door frame, Ye Shaoyang flew up, squeezed a formula with his left hand and slapped it, seeing that he was about to hit the evil spirit, as if to prove that he was intelligent, the evil spirit suddenly shrank and folded When he came back, he stretched out his arms extremely long, and grabbed the frightened female detective on the side.

"Be careful!" Ye Shaoyang grabbed the back of the female detective and pulled it hard. With a sound of "tearing", the clothes were completely torn apart, but the female detective also fell down due to the force and fell to the ground, avoiding the attack. .

As soon as Ye Shaoyang stretched out his hand, he threw out eight five emperor coins, arranged them in the direction of the gossip in the air, and struck at the evil spirit.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law and breaks!"

The moment Wudiqian hit the evil spirit, a burst of purple light burst out, and the black shadow wailed, fell to the ground, twisted and twitched all over, and shrunk until it disappeared, leaving only a pool of black things on the ground.

Ye Shaoyang was so depressed, he spent so much trouble to lure the evil spirit here, put a seal on it, and planned to capture it alive and torture it, but this annoying big-breasted female detective appeared, in order to ensure her safety, I had no choice but to make a deadly move, sacrifice my life copper coin, and kill it.

"Sister Tanhua, you're safe, let's go." Ye Shaoyang looked at the black puddle on the ground and said without turning his head, but he didn't get a response. Looking back, a nosebleed almost spewed out:

The female detective's clothes were all torn, and she squatted on the ground pitifully with her arms around her knees.

Ye Shaoyang was dumbfounded immediately, his eyes widened, "No way, how did you achieve such a virtue!"

"It's not that you pushed me too hard! What are you looking at, you still look at it!" The female detective roared rather depressedly. Although the clothes were not completely torn, and the light was too dim, I couldn't actually see anything, but Feeling uncomfortable after all, he felt ashamed and indignant, so he hurriedly grabbed the torn clothes and stood in front of him.

The dress was torn from top to bottom, and it was impossible to wear it. All this was thanks to the hateful person in front of him. The more the female detective thought about it, the more angry she became, and she yelled at Ye Shaoyang angrily: "I want to kill you! !"

"The resentment is really strong." Ye Shaoyang shook his whole body, scratched his head and said, "Then what, I didn't do it on purpose, if I hadn't saved you just now, you would be dead now."

"I'll be a ghost even if I die, and I'll kill you too!!" The female detective continued to vent her anger.

Ye Shaoyang shook his head, "You saw it just now, there really are ghosts, I'm just catching ghosts."

"I didn't see it clearly, who knows if you made it, you goddamn stick!!"

Ye Shaoyang had no choice but to say, "Okay, you can say whatever you want, now that the matter is over, I'll take you out."

"How can I get out like this?" The female detective finished venting, and her tone became a little aggrieved.

Ye Shaoyang glanced at the female detective, the dress was scratched several times, sitting on the ground, the light was too dark, it was fine, but if he got up, he would be gone immediately. Scratching the back of his head, he said, "It seems that the clothes are really unwearable. Have you brought your mobile phone? Call someone to send you some clothes. It's not a big deal."

"You said it lightly. People saw me alone with a man like this. How can I explain it? I said you did this to kill ghosts. Who would believe it?"

Ye Shaoyang scratched his head, indeed, the present scene, where the lonely man and the widow are in the same room, is easy to draw people's imagination, the woman's hair is messy, and the clothes are torn in several places, even if it is a simple person who sees it, it is inevitable to go there Think about it.


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