Urban Witcher

Chapter 340 Firefly

"Speak, don't be so absolute." Ye Shaoyang turned to look at the village party secretary and said, "Please find me twenty candles and three quilts."

The village party secretary was still hesitating, Zhuang Yuning stuffed a few more red banknotes into his hand, the village party secretary declined, accepted it with a smile, and asked Ye Shaoyang, "What kind of candles and quilts do you want?"

"The quilts should be thick, and it's okay to have a few more beds. Anyway, I'll return them to you when they're used up. You can use whatever candles you want."

The village party secretary agreed and left quickly. Less than ten minutes later, he led two young men back, each carrying two quilts.

"These two are my nephews." The village secretary said cheerfully.

Ye Shaoyang asked them to help, hang a quilt from top to bottom on the door leading to the bedroom, then took out seven-inch long nails, and nailed it from top to bottom.

Then I followed the same pattern, sealing all the doors leading to the other bedroom and the kitchen, and holding a bunch of candles found by the village party secretary, starting from a corner of the wall, every two or three meters, I inserted one on the ground, Until the walls around the room are filled with candles.

Daoist Wuyue saw him doing this, and said in surprise: "What are you doing?"

Ye Shaoyang said unhurriedly: "Xuanqing Mountain has a spell called Ying Huo Yin Yin Technique, which can find the nodes of Yin Qi in this closed space."

Daoist Wuyue was stunned, and then snorted, "Making nonsense."

Zhuang Cai came up and whispered in his ear, "Master Daoist, what kind of spell is this?" g e.

"Don't worry, it's simply impossible to find the source of corpse aura buried deep in the ground in such a small space," Taoist Wuyue said firmly.

"Then why did he arrange these in such a pretentious manner?" Zhuang Cai was still puzzled.

Daoist Wuyue snorted, "Mr. Zhuang doesn't understand, this is a trick used by ordinary quack warlocks, relying on complicated rituals and some small tricks to fool people, first calm you down, and finally say that the other party is too strong, or ask for help." A similar excuse is perfunctory, and you still believe it."

He deliberately didn't keep his voice to the lowest level, Ye Shaoyang heard it, raised his head and smiled at him, and said, "You are so familiar, it seems that you are a fellow."

Daoist Wuyue blew on his beard and said, "Who is on the same path as you?"

Ye Shaoyang ignored him, and told everyone to retreat to the corner, then turned around and closed the iron door, cutting off the last light source, and the room became pitch black.

The village branch secretary regretted staying to watch the excitement, so he hurried to Taoist Wuyue and said with a greedy face, "Taoist, if something really happens, you have to protect us."

Daoist Wuyue smiled faintly, "That's natural."

The village party secretary nodded repeatedly, finally finding some sense of security.

Ye Shaoyang took out the ink fountain from his backpack in the dark, breathed out at the cinnabar thread on it, held it in his left hand, and threw a piece of talisman paper upwards with his right hand, which burned in the air and fell slowly. Read: "Taishang Sanqing, know my Dao heart, fly ashes flow, fireflies seek shade, hurry like a law"

After chanting the incantation, the talisman paper was about to burn out. At the moment when it was extinguished, Ye Shaoyang changed the seal with his right hand, bent his middle finger, and flicked it on the ashes of the paper. In an instant, sparks shot out and flew out, forming a wave of magic energy.

Ye Shaoyang sat down cross-legged, quickly formed a seal with his right hand, released the qi, followed this energy, and spread it around. Suddenly, a candle near the left corner of the opposite wall lit up a bunch of bright green flames, and Ye Shaoyang clasped his left hand On the ink fountain, he flicked forward, and the cinnabar thread flew out, accurately wrapped around the candle, and pulled out a straight line. At this time, a candle behind him also lit up.

Ye Shaoyang threw the ink fountain back, bypassed the candle, hit the wall and bounced back, stretched out his hand to grab it, cut off the red line, and at the same time another candle lit up next to it, Ye Shaoyang threw the red line over again, bypassing the candle , the fourth candle lighted up behind him, he hurriedly threw the ink fountain over again, and pulled it into a straight line.

Afterwards candles lit up in pairs, Ye Shaoyang threw out the ink fountain time and time again in a busy but calm manner, wrapping around the candles, when the last candle was lit, the whole room became brighter, the red lines intersected, and everyone was surprised to find that all Where the red lines overlap, they actually form a rectangle about one meter wide and two to three meters long.

Ye Shaoyang walked through the gap between the red lines, took out four seven-inch long nails, nailed them to the four corners of the rectangle, and let out a sigh of relief.

"What does this mean?" Xie Yuqing walked up and asked blankly.

Ye Shaoyang said: "The inside of the rectangle is the source of corpse and ghost energy. Judging from the shape, it should be a coffin."

Xie Yuqing blinked, "How did you do it, what is the principle?"

"It's just spells, and you don't understand the principle." Ye Shaoyang carefully untied the cinnabar thread, and wrapped it around the ink fountain one by one, leaving only four long nails.

Daoist Wuyue came up and said with an ugly face, "Impossible, this is two or three meters long, then there will be such a big coffin, how can there be such a big corpse?"

Ye Shaoyang only focused on collecting the cinnabar thread without raising his head, and said, "Would you like to take a gamble?"

"I have never seen what kind of spell you are using. Just watching the excitement, who knows if it is true or not."

Ye Shaoyang finished collecting the cinnabar thread, raised his head, and smiled at him, "Don't say it's useless, just take a gamble."

"What to bet"

"See if we can dig out the giant coffin."

Daoist Wuyue was stunned on the spot, opened his mouth for a long time, but still didn't dare to say a good word.

Ye Shaoyang was too lazy to look at him, turned to the village party secretary and said, "Help me find two healthy young men and bring two shovels here."

The village party secretary, an ordinary person, hadn't recovered from the shock of his previous spellcasting. He almost regarded him as a fairy. When he heard his order, he nodded like a pounding garlic, and hurriedly opened the door and went out.

Zhuang Yuning came over and asked nervously: "Brother Shaoyang, you said there is a coffin underneath, what is in the coffin?"

"It smells like a corpse, of course it's a zombie."

When they heard the word zombie, Zhuang Yuning's father and daughter were stunned.

Zhuang Yuning took a breath and said, "Why are there zombies?"

Ye Shaoyang shrugged and said, "I just don't know, so I have to dig it out and have a look."

Zhuang Yuning wanted to say something else, Xie Yuqing said: "Don't worry, there is a little magic stick, even if you dig up a corpse king, it doesn't matter."

Hearing this, Taoist Wuyue finally found a chance to fight back, and laughed loudly, "Corpse king, little girl, don't talk nonsense, have you seen the corpse king?"

"The Corpse King, I've seen it several times, and Xiao Yezi wiped it out, what's the matter?" Xie Yuqing looked at him with a sneer, "For you old-fashioned old man, seeing the Corpse King is probably like peeing your pants."

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