Urban Witcher

Chapter 3394 Chapter 3408 Collapse 3

Ye Xiaomu got up, saw that it was getting dark outside, turned around and saw, I'm going, Su Yan was sleeping next to him, stretched out, squeezed himself into the gap between the bed and the bay window, and his clothes were disheveled... After thinking about it for a long time, I realized that when I came back, I found that the window was open when I left, and then sparrows flew in on the bed and pulled a lot of poop on the bedding (luck is so good!), Su Yan couldn’t clean it for a while, so Su Yan He climbed onto Ye Xiaomu's bed and fell asleep.

It seems... Before I fell asleep, I felt her hugging my neck, and then I fell asleep because I was too sleepy... It seems that nothing happened?

At this time Su Yan also woke up, opened her eyes and looked at him, smiled, and was about to speak when she saw Chick standing on top of his head, staring at her with a pair of round eyes.

"go out!"

Ji Zai was more afraid of her, so he flew out angrily, "Hurry up and do your work, come and cook for me when you're done, I'm going to starve to death!"

Ye Xiaomu blushed a little.

Su Yan turned over, put an arm around his neck, buried her head in his neck, and said nothing.

Ye Xiaomu's heart was pounding.

Su Yan felt his heartbeat and giggled.

"What are you laughing at?"

"It's fun to laugh at you."

Su Yan got up, stretched her waist, picked up her phone and looked at it, "Wow, it's already past seven o'clock, we...we lay down at past eight o'clock in the morning, we slept one, two, three, four, five, six, seven ...Uh, how many hours?"

"Is your math taught by your biology teacher?"

Ye Xiaomu also sat up, stretched his waist, feeling refreshed, couldn't help pulling out the Xuanyuan Sword from under the pillow, the spiritual power entered slightly, and immediately soaked the sword body, and a wonderful touch came, as if the sword had become With his own arm, he can control it with ease. Is this the legendary "Unity of Man and Sword"?

It is really not easy to sacrifice this sword, Ye Xiaomu really burst into tears when thinking of this process.

From the first day he entered the ruins of Xuanyuan, he began to "sacrifice" the Xuanyuan Sword, but he also heard from Lao Guo that the sacred artifact cannot be sacrificed in the usual way, and it should be thrown into the magic circle for twelve days. Twenty-eight days and forty-nine days are enough. You must keep in touch, get to know it and feel it—this process is a bit like making friends, and people slowly open their hearts to you.

The method Ye Xiaomu chose was to use the Xuanyuan Sword to keep fighting, and to increase his control over him in battle after battle, but this kind of power is weak, and because the magic weapon is not suitable for him, he has been facing powerful evil things several times. , Put yourself in danger, and cheat your teammates.

Later they came to the hinterland of a jungle, where there was an evil lair, located in an underground cave, like an ant's nest, there were too many evil creatures to count, the key was their lack of strength, so Ye Xiaomu took this place as a practice Go to the field, hang and beat them every day-this is a bit like leveling in a place where there are a lot of monsters in the game. The gap in strength is too big, there is no danger, just leave before the vitality is exhausted.

And there is no psychological burden to kill these evil things. Although they are born evil things, they cannot help themselves, but this is a kind of original sin. Every day, evil things escape from here to the chaotic world. If they are not killed halfway If they die, they will go to the ghost domain to make trouble, killing them and leading their souls to the ghost domain to reincarnate is also a kind of good luck.

For five or six days in a row, Ye Xiaomu used Xuanyuan sword to chop these evil things every day. From the initial discomfort (Xuanyuan sword is good, but if you can't communicate with spirits, it's better to use a mahogany sword) to In the end, the control over Xuanyuan Sword gradually improved, and the efficiency also increased, but this improvement soon reached a bottleneck. Ye Xiaomu could feel where he was stuck, and understood that as long as he broke through this barrier, he could realize the sacrifice of Xuanyuan Sword Take control.

But it was this barrier, he brushed monsters for almost a week, and found that he couldn't break through it at all. Only then did he understand that if he wanted to succeed, he had to work hard, but also needed opportunities. However, he has gained nothing from killing monsters these days, because the Xuanyuan Sword cannot be used as a magic weapon, so he uses it as a weapon, combined with Xuanqing Mountain Physical Technique. Before that, he has practiced Physical Technique for half a year, but the real chance not much.

This week of continuous physical combat, his skills in this area have improved qualitatively, not only that, his reaction ability, anticipation ability, body speed... These comprehensive actual combat abilities have also improved a lot, Chen Youbin and Cao Weibo At first, he despised his cultivation method of killing monsters, but after seeing his rapid improvement, he realized that the original trial could still be like this, so he joined in, and everyone brushed together until they brushed these evil things again. When there is no experience to provide, then go to the deep mountains.

In the next few days, they encountered several powerful evil creatures one after another, and each battle was a fierce battle. This kind of real crisis not only improved their fighting literacy, but also strengthened their trust and understanding with each other-there was a confrontation in the middle. A giant water monster of the charm level, the situation is very critical, Chen Youbin rushed forward to fight with his life, survived the death, won some precious time for them, and opened the seal of the blister.

Then Cao Weibo, who had always been timid and fearful of death, was also inspired to fight, and rushed to the giant water monster with a fierce attack, and finally saved Chen Youbin, and finally the giant water monster was still in their hands.

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