Urban Witcher

Chapter 3401 Chapter 3406 Sneak Attack 3

Lin Sansheng and the few friends around were stunned, looking at each other, not daring to judge whether this matter was reliable or not.

"Go ahead." Lin Sansheng urged.

"Wuji Ghost King is sacrificing the Qingzhou tripod. He wants to make him into a magic weapon and use it to attack the magic circle. He has many strong people guarding the magic together. He told him not to be distracted during this process, otherwise he will easily go crazy. If the sacrifice is not successful, we will also be damaged, so we can sneak attack on the ghost king and take this opportunity to chop it off. Wow, this is a miracle. What kind of Nine Heavens Xuannv, human priests, everything is gone. !"

Lin Sansheng said coldly: "The more it looks like it is easy to succeed, the more it will end badly in the end."

"Hey, this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!" Xiao Ma almost yelled loudly, "I know I always look stupid, but my wife is not, you can understand that she has been an undercover agent for more than ten years In order to wait for this opportunity today... Hey, do you doubt me or her!"

Everyone looked at each other, Xiaoqing, Xiaobai and Cheng Zi secretly looked at Ye Shaoyang.

Ye Shaoyang was full of things to say, suffering from his disguised identity, he couldn't hold back.

Lin Sansheng looked towards Daofeng inquiringly.

"I always feel that the ghost king will not reveal his flaws so easily..." Yang Gongzi hesitated.

"He's not omnipotent, he'll make mistakes, and if it wasn't for my wife, he wouldn't be a flaw at all. Who would have known that he was tinkering with the Qingzhou Ding in the back?"

"Qingzhou Ding, wasn't it used by Xingyue Slaves back then, how could it be in the hands of the Wuji Ghost King?" Xiao Qing asked puzzled.

Everyone felt a little strange in their hearts. Ye Shaoyang also carefully recalled everything about Qingzhou Ding and Xingyue Nu. It is said that Qingzhou Ding was once cast by Emperor Xuanyuan, and later left it to Xingyue Nu. , Qingzhou Ding has appeared, and it shines brilliantly in the battle.

But now that I think about it, Xingyuenu must not have really sacrificed this artifact. The reason is very simple: she is not strong enough. Even if she succeeded in beheading the three corpses, she is only a top-notch powerhouse, and there is still a long way to go before being super-class. One of the nine cauldrons is the number one artifact in the world. Even if she has the ability to sacrifice, it will take at least a long time.

This point can be verified from the fact that she did not use the Qingzhou Ding in the last battle. Although the Qingzhou Ding is fierce, Xingyuenu trusts her other methods the most after her enlightenment.

It's a pity that she doesn't have enough time. If she is given another ten or twenty years, Ye Shaoyang believes that she will have a chance to rise to the next level and become a super powerhouse.

After the death of Xingyue Nu, the Qingzhou Ding did not know whereabouts. At that time, my group was preparing for the ultimate battle with Hou Qing and Wuji Ghost King, and no one had time to care about the Qingzhou Ding... Ye Shaoyang suddenly thought that, in that Not long after that, the Promise Ghost King entered Xuanyuan Mountain and directly turned this pure land of gods and Buddhas into ruins. It was probably at that time that he found the Qingzhou Ding from Xuanyuan Mountain and took it away...but the decisive battle began not long after. I have never found a chance to sacrifice.

Ye Shaoyang sighed in his heart, the Qingzhou Ding, an artifact of the country, has such a strong nature that it is almost impossible to be sacrificed by individuals. Even the seven great sages of the Shura world can only control the Jingzhou Ding together, which is far from the level of sacrifice. I'm afraid that only a peerless powerhouse like the Wuji Ghost King can have such a crazy year. But... what if he really succeeds?

Ye Shaoyang can't imagine how powerful the Wuji Ghost King holding the Qingzhou tripod can be.

"What do you think?" Lin Sansheng continued to ask for everyone's opinions.

"Separate people and horses, one team will carry out the previous plan, and the other team will attack from behind." Daofeng gave his opinion, he is willing to take risks, "You can bet that I will personally lead the team to attack, even if there is an accident, everyone can Get out as best you can."

Lin Sansheng glanced at Ye Shaoyang quietly, Ye Shaoyang nodded slightly, he was not as talented as Lin Sansheng in terms of battle strategy, but he also saw that the current situation was critical, and he certainly didn't want to miss the opportunity to turn things around.

Lin Sansheng originally wanted to leave some people here to guard the main battlefield, but none of the brothers of the Ghostbusters Alliance was willing to stay. After all, Ye Shaoyang also participated in this battle. Everyone has been waiting for this moment for seventeen years, and no one wants to miss.

The Taoist received and said: "You all go, you are on your own, it is more comfortable to match, and there are still many idlers on my side who can guard."

"Then I will stay and direct the battle, Commander Yang, hello, Commander Yang?"

After listening for a long time, Ye Shaoyang realized that he was "Commander Yang", and immediately bowed to Lin Sansheng.

"You go too, everyone be careful, if you can, you can, if you can't, you can withdraw."

After Lin Sansheng finished speaking, he first called hundreds of mages from the magic guild to come forward and enter the battlefield. On the one hand, he was carrying out the previous plan, and on the other hand, he was also attracting the opponent's attention. He and Su Qinzhang and other leaders also led their own people to join the battle. Only Li Yuanyuan went with Daofeng--before Daofeng appeared, she rushed to the front immediately, but followed beside her without saying anything.

Daofeng has always turned a blind eye to her, and seeing her following, he couldn't help frowning and asked, "Why are you following me?"

"Why can't I follow you?"

Li Yuanyuan's words made people speechless, "Daofeng, I don't want you to do anything to me, I just want to fight with you, you can't stop me."

Yang Gongzi glanced at Dao Feng, then rolled his eyes helplessly, "Another Chen Lu..."

Daofeng pretended not to hear him and ignored him.

On the frontal battlefield, the mage in the world rushed to the front line together with some strong men from the Shura world, started fighting, and kept approaching the position where Mu Han and You Jun and other generals were, but when they were approaching, some evil things rushed out from behind. A group of twenty or thirty people, they are the elite sent by Taiyin Mountain this time.

The two sides fought.

Ye Shaoyang, Daofeng and his party detoured back to the back of the battlefield. Deep in the clouds, there was an unknown mountain peak. There was no vegetation, just a barren mountain with jagged and strange rocks, hidden among the clouds.

"Hey, Little Leaf, I'm very happy today. I've been waiting for this day for so many years! Now you're back, so good!" Xiao Ma was very happy, repeating this matter endlessly.

"If you are a human being, I really think you are seventy or eighty years old, and you say one thing over and over again." Ye Shaoyang was also very moved in his heart. Fighting side by side with his friends is something he can only enjoy in his dreams for many years. reality.

Not to mention, the opponent is the Wuji Ghost King, his long-time enemy.


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