Urban Witcher

Chapter 3419 Chapter 3424

Chen Xiaoxu also went up, and saw a large banquet table on the upper floor of the city gate, complete with chicken, fish, meat and eggs, and a fat general in armor sitting in front of the table, feasting on it.

On such a big table, with dozens of dishes, he was the only one eating and drinking, with a few soldiers serving him, serving him dishes and pouring wine, which was very majestic.

"Zen Master, I have admired your name for a long time, come, come, the banquet is ready, let's sit down and eat and drink together?"

Chan Master Fadu sat down opposite him, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Thanks to the kindness of the general, I am a monk, so I can't enjoy wine and meat."

The general laughed loudly and said, "Have Zen Master never eaten wine or meat?"

"I was sacrificed by my parents in the temple when I was five years old, and I have been a monk all my life. Speaking of meat, I may have eaten meat before I was five years old, but I have long forgotten the taste."

"Haha, why did Zen Master come here?"

"I heard that the general is going to kill someone?"

"Ben Shuai kills people every day."

"I heard that the general is going to kill the people in this city?"

"This city is full of unscrupulous people. When my Daxi army came, the unscrupulous people in the city didn't want to surrender, but instead helped the government to defend the city and beat me. Now that the city is broken, what's the use of keeping it. Could it be that the Zen master is asking for mercy?"

The old monk began to persuade, the general smiled and listened, and did not express his opinion after listening, and said: "The Zen master said that killing people is an evil thing, and it is against the way of heaven. How dare you ask the Zen master, do you think that human nature is good or evil? "

Chan Master Fadu said: "People's hearts are like water, and water is not pure or turbid. It depends on what is contaminated with it, and then it is clear and turbid."

The general waved his hand and said: "In my opinion, the human heart is evil. Five-year-old children like to kill insects and ants in the game without feeling cruel. Human beings are the beginning of evil. All things are born to support people, and there is nothing in human beings." To repay God. Everyone deserves to be killed!"

After finishing speaking, he pulled out the sharp saber, stuck it on the desk, and sneered at the old monk: "Master, I know why you came here. I'm afraid you won't be able to persuade me now, but you will end up being killed instead."

Zen Master Fadu clasped his hands together and proclaimed the Buddha's name: "The crime of killing a general is too serious, and it is rare in his life."

Hearing this, the general smiled instead of anger, and said, "Master, don't be afraid, let's drink the beheading wine first."

Suddenly his eyes turned and he thought of something: "Master wants to persuade me not to massacre the city, it is not impossible. Master is a famous eminent monk who never breaks the precepts. If I have a full meal of wine and meat at my place today, I will let the people in the city go. ,how?"

Zen Master Fadu thought about him and said, "The general is willing to treat such a big event like a joke?"

The general laughed and said: "I want to kill people just because they annoy me. There is really no benefit in killing them. If the master makes me happy, then let them go. There is no harm."

Chan Master Fadu said, "You really mean what the general said?"

Seeing the general nodding his head and saying nothing, the old monk laughed loudly, called for someone to pour the wine, drank a big gulp, picked up the bones and started to eat, gobbling it voraciously, and within a short while ate up to seven or eight of the meat on the table. The general's eyes lit up as he watched from the side, and he felt the pleasure of fulfilling his evil intentions.

"Master, haha, you have broken the precepts. You have practiced all your life, but you still have broken the precepts. You will not be able to become a Buddha in the future."

Zen Master Fadu was just sitting like that. From Chen Xiaoxu's point of view, he was tall and straight, like an ancient Buddha...

If it were me, what would I do?

Chen Xiaoxu suddenly thought of the question that Ye Shaoyang asked himself before, is it essentially similar to the old monk's experience, killing people is to save people, but if you want to save people from being killed, you have to kill first... What exactly is it? Yes?

For the first time in Chen Xiaoxu's life, he had doubts about his own beliefs. At this time, the scene in front of him changed again, but it was in a prison. A jailer was listening to a prisoner whispering, talking about how to reform the country to have a way out. Unfortunately, his This theory was declared reactionary by the court, and he himself was arrested and imprisoned, and he will be beheaded for public display soon...

The jailer listened to his eloquent words, although he didn't understand very well, but he also felt that the prisoner was passionate about serving the country and the people. If he didn't die, he would be able to become a powerful tool to overthrow this corrupt court, so he let him go privately, but he himself Was captured and executed Ling Chi, but died with no regrets...

Then there was another woman, Mrs. Li, whose husband was away and stayed at home alone. She always paid attention to her reputation and kept away from outsiders. Unexpectedly, another injured man crawled outside the door one day, begging him for help, the woman hesitated again and again, and finally saved him, and recuperated at home for several days. After the man left, the news spread, and the neighbors said that she raised a man , When the husband came back, he believed the rumors, reported to the patriarch, put the woman in a cage, and died...

The woman Wang, with excellent looks, married into the family of an official in the capital, but when the country was destroyed, the capital was occupied by the Qiang people. A general of the Qiang nobles heard that Wang's beauty was outstanding. , Wang refused. The general then threatened her family with their lives, and if she refused, the whole family would be slaughtered.

In order to save the lives of everyone in the clan, the woman committed herself to being a thief, pretended to be loving, and ordered the general to obey, releasing many people who should have died. A few months later, a rebel army invaded the capital, and the Qiang people were defeated. But her family didn't recognize her, scolded her for not being able to observe the festival, drove her out with a letter of divorce, and returned to her natal home, her parents were ashamed of her and refused to let her in. The words of the sage "big" reprimanded Wang, and Wang committed suicide in anger. His bones were thrown into the wild, and neither her husband nor her mother's family were willing to bury her...

Then the pictures flowed, and many such scenes appeared again. Chen Xiaoxu summed it up, and suddenly realized that although the "stories" he saw seemed to be irregular, they were actually closely related in essence. When he realized this Afterwards, when the picture turned and became clear again, he returned to Mount Sumeru, but when he looked around, there was no big cauldron, only a platform made of jade. There is a big tripod behind the stele, which looks like the one he entered before, Chen Xiaoxu was curious, he was originally in the middle of the tripod, why is he outside again at this time? And where did this stone platform come from?

I saw that there were auspicious clouds all over the big cauldron, and the breath of the four directions was sucked into the cauldron. There are many atmospheres in it, and it is definitely not an ordinary place at a glance.

Chen Xiaoxu walked around to the front of the stele, and saw that the front of the stele was like marble, azure blue and smooth, and the light that could be seen from different angles was different, and... Chen Xiaoxu had never seen these colors before.

This kind of statement is indescribable, because people can't describe or imagine things they haven't seen, such as color, who can imagine a color that they have never seen before?

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