Urban Witcher

Chapter 343 Hot Oil

"Thirsty, are you in such a hurry, don't choke when you come here?" Ye Shaoyang slammed the spout into his mouth and lifted it upwards.

"Aw..." the giant water corpse twitched all over, let out a roar like a pig, and shook its head desperately, but Ye Shaoyang had already inserted the spout into its throat, and poured it violently.

A whole pot of hot oil with magic medicine added will be poured into the stomach of the giant water corpse.

Ye Shaoyang sent the empty pot to the ground and asked Xie Yuqing to fill another pot. He picked up another pot and poured it on the head of the giant water corpse. Wherever the hot oil went, a puff of black smoke came out. , a large piece of flesh was poured down, exposing blackened bones, the scene was so horrifying that the timid dared not watch it any longer.


From the mouth of the giant water corpse, there was a shrill howl, but as the mouth and throat were scalded by hot oil, the cry became lower and lower, and finally only a painful hum was left.

After pouring a pot of hot oil, only a gray-black skull remained on the head of the giant water corpse. Ye Shaoyang threw away the kettle, picked up the sledgehammer, drew a rune on the hammer head with a cinnabar pen, and aimed at the giant water corpse His skull was smashed down hard.

With a sound of "click", Ye Shaoyang took a new pot of hot oil from Xie Yuqing and poured it on a ball of brains.

A puff of white steam came out, the brain was washed away by the hot oil, and then solidified into white balls, and the giant water corpse stopped struggling and was completely motionless.

Ye Shaoyang sat on the coffin lid, rested for a while, stepped forward and tied the giant water corpse's waist with a seductive rope, and called everyone to go up together and pull it up.

Except for Wuyue Daoist, everyone went to battle together, and it took a lot of effort to pull the giant water corpse up, all the way to the yard, and asked the village secretary to get some gasoline, pour it on the giant water corpse, and burn it A clean sheet.

Then, Ye Shaoyang directed everyone to go back to the pit and work together to lift the coffin out of the pit. Although the coffin looked big, the gold leaf was not too heavy. Everyone went up together, and each person lifted a corner. Although it was a bit difficult, they finally lifted it up little by little and put it aside.

Under the coffin, there is still a coffin

It is a silver coffin equal in size to the one above.

When Daoist Wuyue saw this coffin, he felt that the opportunity to express himself had come, and said with a solemn expression: "This is a coffin for twins. The real coffin, this is the real coffin below, this is called the golden coffin and the silver coffin."

Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes at him, "Don't live in vain, how many coffins have you seen? This is not a coffin of twins. Below this is a crystal ghost coffin. Those little ghosts are in it. The giant water corpse on it, It was used to suppress them."

Wu Yuedao said: "Impossible, the crystal coffin is as transparent as jade, and this coffin is silver, how could it be?"

Ye Shaoyang smiled and said: "You don't want to say you don't understand. This is obviously because the surface of the crystal coffin is coated with a layer of silver powder. The silver powder is used to prevent poison and prevent the corpse water in the gold leaf coffin from leaking into the crystal coffin. "

After finishing speaking, he reached into his belt, touched a handful of copper beans, and threw them down. As soon as the yellow copper beans landed on the crystal coffin, they immediately jumped up like fried beans, beeping and popping for a while. black smoke.

Inside the crystal coffin, the cries of several children immediately sounded, the same as the cries heard above.

Ye Shaoyang jumped onto the coffin lid, took a photo with a flashlight, and found a palm-sized compass pattern in the middle of the coffin, he stretched out his hand and touched it lightly, it was inlaid on it, there are three turns in total, and each turn can be rotated , pondered for a while, picked up the shovel, dug around a few times, stretched out his hand along the edge of the coffin lid, and touched a total of four machine-shaped things.

Although he didn't know exactly what it was, but combined with the compass seal on the coffin, Ye Shaoyang quickly figured it out, nodded and said: "The compass is reassuring, and its strength is heavy. This is a compass reassurance."

Xie Yuqing immediately asked, "What do you mean?"

"To put it bluntly, it's a combination lock made of a compass." Ye Shaoyang shined on the compass again with a flashlight, and said, "This compass is specially made, with a total of three circles, namely nine palaces, eight gates and four pillars. According to the setting, the coffin can only be opened by turning all three circles to the correct position, otherwise no one knows what will happen if the coffin is opened by external force.”

After speaking, he smiled at Daoist Wuyue and said, "Otherwise, you can try it."

Daoist Wuyue snorted and said: "Are you kidding? No one knows the direction of the breath here except the person who sealed it. There are three circles in total. If you match everything once, you won't be able to try it in three days." .”

"It's not difficult to know the direction of the breath inside."

"Hmph, unless you open the sky, you really think of yourself as a master."

"You're really right." Ye Shaoyang leaned over the coffin lid, held the compass seal with one hand, recited a mantra, slowly opened the eye of Tiantong, and looked down. After a while, he After starting to move the compass for a while, only a few crisp "clicks" were heard, and the shutter was opened.

"You are really a celestial master!" Daoist Wuyue exclaimed. Although the methods Ye Shaoyang used to deal with the giant water corpse made him believe that this kid was not simple, he thought that this kid was at most an alchemist. I didn't even dare to think, never thought that he was actually a celestial master

Thinking of the contempt I had for him all the time, and even claiming to be his teacher, Daoist Wuyue, I was so ashamed that my face turned pale.

Zhuang Cai, who was standing beside him, also had a wonderful expression on his face. As an ordinary person, although he didn't understand the status of "Heavenly Master" in the Taoist sect, he already understood from the exclamation tone of Taoist Master Wuyue that this young man Mr. Ye, whose strength is higher than that of Wuyue Daoist, also regrets his previous skeptical attitude towards him.

Ye Shaoyang ignored the yelling of Taoist Wuyue at all, took out a magic talisman, drew a few strokes, stuck it on the coffin lid, pressed one hand on the talisman, and silently recited the incantation, only to see that the coffin lid was closed. A piece of silver light flowed and converged towards the talisman, and the silver at the four corners of the coffin lid began to fade slowly and become transparent.

In less than a minute, the entire coffin cover became transparent. Everyone saw it at a glance, and it was indeed a crystal coffin as Ye Shaoyang said before.

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