Urban Witcher

Chapter 3429 Chapter 3434 Dedicated boy 1

Chen Xiaoxu told about Ye Xiaomu's kidnapping by Jiaotu, and the three of Ye Shaoyang looked at each other after listening.

This evil star who has been missing for seventeen years has come out again!

"How could this happen!" Sibao exclaimed.

Lao Guo said: "This matter is no small matter. You all know that Jiaotu is both good and evil. She kills people without blinking an eye. She doesn't know that it's your son. You have to save him quickly!"

Ye Shaoyang was also a little flustered. He summoned Guagua through the soul seal, and asked Chen Xiaoxu and Wang Xiaobao to lead the way to the vicinity of the incident.

Guagua also arrived on the way. Hearing that Ye Xiaomu was arrested, he was more anxious than Ye Shaoyang, and asked what to do.

"As long as I can find her." Although Jiaotu is a natural killer and doesn't usually have a good impression of him, but knowing that she knows Ye Xiaomu is his son, she will definitely sell face. Ye Shaoyang still has this confidence of. To take a step back, even if Jiaotu doesn't show face, I won't be afraid of her if I really fight.

When they arrived at the place where the accident happened before, the two corpses had already been packed up and taken away.

Ye Shaoyang opened the altar and cast the soul-locking technique. In principle, he could trace the traces of evil things that had appeared within a few kilometers, but the information Ye Shaoyang perceived through this spell was very messy, and no trace of Jiaotu could be found. .

This is also within Ye Shaoyang's expectations. Jiaotu's strength is strong, and she is not an ordinary evil. It is still difficult to track her traces. He just tried it. Seeing that this method was useless, he immediately asked Chen Xiaoxu Jiaotu direction of departure.

Chen Xiaoxu pointed to the direction and said, "But I'm not sure she is in that direction. What if she turns around here and goes to another direction?"

"It won't."

"Why?" Chen Xiaoxu was puzzled.

"Because she doesn't know our existence, it doesn't take so much trouble to deal with you. Even if you lead someone to catch up, it's just a few more lives."

Back then, Jiaotu was a first-class strongman. Now that he has practiced in seclusion for more than ten years (not going out of the mountain for more than ten years, he is naturally practicing), he must have improved a lot. He is not afraid of Chen Xiaoxu and the others.

So Ye Shaoyang instructed Guagua to fly slowly in this direction, looking for Jiaotu's whereabouts, and the four of them sat down and waited nearby.

Ye Xiaomu was caught in a cave, and he didn't know how he got there along the way. After entering the cave, Jiaotu thought for a while, then turned around and sealed the cave entrance with a stone, drew a few times on it, followed her The fingertips slid across, leaving streaks of spiritual energy on it, and then disappeared into the stone.

"Although my cave is not likely to be found by people, if it does come, it will inevitably kill people again, which is very annoying."

When Ye Xiaomu heard her say this, he knew that the most likely thing she cast on the stone blocking the door was some kind of concealment spell, which could hide the entrance of the cave, like the protective color of insects, so that the cave would not be easily discovered.

Jiaotu patted him on the neck, a tingling sensation spread all over his body, all senses were restored, and the true energy flowed unimpeded.

"Go!" Jiaotu pushed him from behind.

The walls on both sides of the cave are inlaid with many large luminous longan beads, which emit cold light, which can barely illuminate the cave. At a glance, the cave extends in all directions, like an underground labyrinth. He clapped his hands and said, "Don't try to remember the way. There is only one exit here, and I have blocked the rest."

Jiaotu drove him from behind, and walked to the hinterland of the cave. It was actually very wide, at least half the size of a football field, with an empty middle, and a large pool, probably connected to an underground river. sound of water.

Under the illumination of the night pearls mounted on the wall, white steam could be seen rising from the pool. At first Ye Xiaomu thought it was the water below boiling, but as the distance approached, the surrounding air became colder and colder.

Walking all the way to the front, the white steam fell on his body and immediately turned into frost. Only then did he know that it was cold air, and the spiritual energy in it was very strong, but it was mixed with monster energy.

Ye Xiaomu was very surprised by this abnormal phenomenon. If he wasn't a prisoner, he really wanted to find out.

"This is my retreat below. I like cold water, so I found a large piece of extreme arctic ice and put it underneath." Jiaotu glanced at him and said, "You can just find a place to stay, there is nothing here. No, you can go wherever you want, and you can’t leave anyway.”

After Jiaotu finished speaking, she jumped into the pool and her whole body floated on the surface of the water. Ye Xiaomu glanced at her. Under the wet water, her figure looked exquisite and attractive...

Ye Xiaomu walked to a corner of the cave and sat against the rock wall. Like most caves, this cave is warm in winter and cool in summer. As long as you stay away from the pool, the temperature is still acceptable.

"Why didn't you talk all the way? Are you scared?" Jiaotu lay on the rock wall by the water, looking at Ye Xiaomu from a distance with his big eyes.

Ye Xiaomu shook his head.

"Then why are you acting like a dead father? I'm afraid I'll kill you."

"There's nothing to be afraid of. If you kill me, you won't take the trouble to bring me here." Ye Xiaomu let out a strong breath and said, "I was wondering why I was caught by you before."

"Why? Hahaha!" Jiaotu laughed loudly, "You are very interesting, you are caught by me, naturally you are not strong enough, what is there to think about, but you are in the realm of the earth fairy, and your strength is not bad , but now the world is full of aura, and the earth immortal is at most equal to the celestial master back then."

She talked a lot, probably because she stayed here alone for too long. Ye Xiaomu thought to himself, and said, "I can't beat you. It's easy for you to kill me, but you released those ice picks before... I've been thinking about how to break them."

Jiaotu tilted his head and stared at him, and said, "You're fine."


"If you can't beat it, you can't beat it. Why do you have to ask?"

"If you can't fight, there are reasons why you can't fight. Even if your strength is weak, you must at least know where the department is. Otherwise, the next time you encounter a similar situation, won't you still be vulnerable?"

"Of course you have to ask, otherwise, won't you still be helpless next time you encounter a similar situation?"

Jiaotu pursed his lips and said with a smile: "How can there be a next time, do you still want to get out alive?"

After speaking, he looked at Ye Xiaomu, but he didn't respond for a long time. Jiaotu became more curious, went up and pushed his head, and said, "Hey, are you really not afraid of death?"

After a long time, Ye Xiaomu looked up at her and said, "I figured out how to break your trick."

Jiaotu was speechless.

Ye Xiaomu explained the solution on his own, and Jiaotu heard it with contempt at first.

(The computer has been returned to the factory... After a day of tossing, I am not used to using a new computer. I will try to write more when I get used to it tomorrow.)

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