Urban Witcher

Chapter 345 Fear

"Go, where are you going?" Xie Yuqing said in a daze.

At this moment, a gust of cold wind came in from the windows and door openings on both sides, it was very cold.

"It's such a strong wind," Taoist Wuyue said in horror.

Ye Shaoyang's heart sank suddenly, he knew that no one present would be able to leave, so he took advantage of the last time to take out three big coins from his belt, bit his fingertips, and sprayed a mouthful of blood on the coins, yes Throw it out at the northeast corner of the room.

The three big coins fell on different places in the corner of the wall, forming an angle, and a space of several square meters was circled in the middle. Ye Shaoyang shouted loudly: "Go in!"

Everyone ran in quickly and stood against the wall. Wuyue Daoist held the fly whisk in his hand, and his expression was tense. Out of the Taoist's intuition, he knew that something big was going to happen.

Ye Shaoyang turned his head and looked towards the crystal coffin, and found that many little ghosts had already come out, attracted by the formation of Yin-Yang Road, but due to the lack of guidance, they probed their brains one by one, unwilling to move forward. curse:

The way of heaven exists forever, the two spheres gather together, yin and yang are uncertain, the universe is always bright, the heavens are clear, pity my creatures, parting with grievances and grievances, lingering in my heart, once life and death, two times are distinct, night roads are difficult, Huangquan Road is near, forget the river water , dizzy and desolate, in front of the Three Lives Stone, fate is destined to die, and on the platform of looking at the hometown, it is far away and lost, Meng Po has soup, and the remnant feelings are eliminated, six reincarnations, the cycle is endless, the avenue of heaven and earth, to rectify my heart, now there are grievances, Returning to the original place, the ghost messenger will pass the sentence, and lead immediately."

Those little ghosts who were hesitant to move forward, their eyes immediately lit up when they heard the mantra of rebirth, and they walked slowly in the direction of Yinyang Road.

At this moment, the sky outside suddenly became dark, like dusk. The wind kept blowing, getting more and more urgent.

Zhuang Yuning hid in her father's arms and said tremblingly, "It's clearly broad daylight, how could this happen?"

"Ghost, you can use ghost energy to seal off the sky in a small area, cut off the sunlight, and make it easier to come and go." Taoist Wuyue looked at the gray sky outside the window and said worriedly.

Suddenly came back to his senses, took out several sheets of talisman paper from his Taoist robe, quickly drew a few strokes, and pasted them on the door openings leading to the two bedrooms, then walked over to close the door tightly, and pasted it on the door. One, and then returned to the enchantment set by Zhumu Daqian.

A few minutes later, the sky was already dark to the point of night, all the candles in the room were extinguished, only Xie Yuqing's flashlight illuminated it.

Ye Shaoyang was still concentrating on saving the little ghosts, all he wanted to do was to finish saving them and end this matter so that he could deal with Hu Wei, otherwise the barrier that he hastily set up wouldn't be able to stop him for long.

The whistling wind suddenly stopped, and the room fell into a dead silence.

The village party secretary also realized that the danger was approaching, and sighed: "If I knew it earlier, I would have listened to Mr. Ye, and I would have left at that time, but now, it is too late to leave."

Xie Yuqing immediately reprimanded: "Don't talk, listen carefully"

The village party secretary immediately shut up.

In the yard outside the window, there was a rustling sound, as if something was passing through the weeds in the yard, everyone looked at each other, and their hearts were raised in their throats.

The sound was getting closer and closer, and came to the position under the bedroom window. There was a pause, and then there was the sound of opening the window, and then, it was walking barefoot on the ground, and walked over step by step.

something came over

Everyone's emotions were about to collapse. If it wasn't for the crowd, they might have passed out on the spot.

The footsteps came to the bedroom door, stopped, and then "squeaked", the door was pushed open. Xie Yuqing raised the flashlight and shone it

A pale face, on a thin and small body, with a big head, especially a very wide forehead, two big and slender eyes, hanging upwards on both sides, the eyes are red, with a layer of blood, and a small nose Below, is a complete piece of skin, without a mouth.

"Ghost!" The first person to scream was the village party secretary, who squeezed back hard and hid behind the two nephews. The two boys were quite frightened, and each held a shovel in his hand in self-defense. The posture made his legs tremble with fear.

Zhuang Yuning almost fainted on the spot, not just out of fear, but this little ghost, she was so familiar with it, she had seen it more than once, it was her own little ghost

After being repelled by Ye Shaoyang last time and missing for so many days, it finally reappeared

The little ghost bent its eyes at her. Although it had no mouth, everyone could feel that it was smiling, and it was a sinister smile.

On Yinyang Road, the first group of little ghosts were about to finish their journey. As they approached the exit, their figures became fainter and fainter, and finally disappeared into a puff of smoke.

The little ghost tried to enter the house, but the magic talisman pasted on the door by Taoist Wuyue suddenly lit up a blue light similar in color to the magic talisman, forming an enchantment to block the little ghost.

"Quak quack quack" Although it has no mouth, a series of contemptuous laughter still sounded from the little ghost. It seemed to shake open an invisible door with its arms, and it took a step towards the main room, and the magic talisman flew down. .

The little ghost hopped and jumped into the room, glanced at Ye Shaoyang, hesitated for a moment, did not go over, but walked towards the corner of the wall.

When he came in front of everyone, he tilted his head, and looked at everyone with his red eyes without pupils. Finally, his eyes fell on Zhuang Yuning's face, his eyes narrowed, and he said softly: "Mom"

"Ah, I'm not your mother, go away!" Zhuang Yuning screamed, hiding in her father's arms, crying in fear.

Although Zhuang Cai was terrified in his heart, he still pulled his daughter behind him and hid her.

Anger immediately appeared in the little ghost's eyes, and he stretched out a pair of chubby little snow-white hands towards her. As a result, a purple light rose from the money eyes on the ground, shocking the little ghost back a few steps.

"Aw..." The little ghost raised his head, a strange roar came out of his body, he stretched out his hands, tore up the purple light forcefully, grabbed a bundle, and threw it out like throwing something, as a result, purple light kept shooting out of Qian's eyes.

In a fit of rage, the kid bit the barrier formed by the purple light, tore out a space, squeezed his head in, and stretched his arms in.

"Heaven and earth are boundless, the universe borrows the law" Daoist Wuyue yelled, and with the fly whisk in his hand, he rushed towards the little ghost.

The little ghost was stunned for a moment, then raised his hand, facing Fuchen, and slapped it.

The two forces collided, nothing happened to the little ghost, but Taoist Wuyue was sent flying, hit the wall and fell down again.

At this moment, the three cast mother big coins lit up together.

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